H-h-here I g-go

H-h-here I g-go.


You got this.

why wouldn't you cook the egg separate if you want an egg on your burger? seems like this way would lead to an overcooked egg...


I added some cheese while letting it sit.

I think my hole wasn't wide enough to cook the egg all the way through.

Why didn't you flip the patty? You could have cook the top of the egg that way.

yeah that' burger is raw, is that you jack?


Did your parents supervised you while you played with sharp objects and warm pots?

I like your pan, enameled cast iron? looks mcm

I have absolutely no idea what the fuck just happened

he stuck a fucking egg in the middle thinking he was a genius but he forgot to actually cook it after.

you've lost the plot, kid

The first picture is after I already flipped it.

Nah, it got cooked all the way through.

I wish mommy was here to notice me ;-;

The top quarter of the egg was still a bit runny, but otherwise the rest of it was cooked though

My dude I can see blood running into the bottom bun.

no it didn't show a pic of it cut open, you can clearly see that it's raw on the bottom. There is myoglobin even dripping on the plate.

There was blood stuck in part of the half-cooked egg white. The least done part of the burger was near the top, and it was only slightly pink anyway.

please stop associating blood with raw meat, meat does not contain blood. Red meat is red because of myoglobin.

It's running through the bun and onto your plate.

Either way, I enjoyed my cow and chicken. I figure I'll make the hole wider next time, and maybe make the patty slightly less.

I don't. But you can clearly tell this is, at the very least, a really rare as fuck burger.

I got le burger senpai to notice me


are you havin a laugh?

>Veeky Forums doesn't know about eggyburgs

Colour me surprised.


>preground pepper
this will be trash


oh lordy

Looks pretty good. I don't understand the hate from all the memers. Will definitely try this myself :)

oh hey jack

>Phlegm coated E-coli