
Going to try making mead soon, i want to make a few batches at once.

What fruit and honey combinations should i try?

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Juniper berries are pretty standard

before i threw my fedora collection away i flavored my mead with citrus and pear

After a nice Sunday afternoon of LARPing, my fellow paladins retire to our Lord's castle to quaff several hearty flagons of the golden saccharine elixir that is Mead.

Pure Mead made only from the divine honey originating from a local noble apiary is my sole delight on this planet (aside for chivalrous deeds and quests for my Lord).

Our sole female comrade, the Cyber Paladin Sinclair de la Derriere, has made Quince Mead. We would never bring shame upon such a strong and dare-I-say handsomely bequeathed female, but I am afraid it was rather poor quality. Perhaps aging it for longer and racking more frequently would have made this elixir more palatable to the discerning palate that is our Knighthood.

I knew a guy in Helgen who made mead with juniper berries mixed in.

just do apples, about 1-2 per gallon. be sure to sauce them thoroughly beforehand. or just use canned apple juice. don't try anything else the first time around--citrus comes out way too harsh if you ferment the mead properly.
anyway, no offense, but do you know what you're doing here at all?

i've been researching alcohol making four a couple years at least but never had the time space or money to do it so i have the method pretty much memorized, but i dont have experience making it.

Why not give it a go?
If some murderous negro in an American prison sell can make alcohol so can you.

*cell, even.

Making it is the easy part, but i want it to be good.

We're coming up on summer time. Get dem peaches.
He da best

ew what the fuck? that sounds awful. juniper barely works in gin so what's the point of adding it to something thats already fairly distincly flavored and sweet but in a totally different direction? seems like something that i would actually enjoy if i didnt find it so conceptually cross. fine i'll stop talking shit. i guess it's worth a shot??
as someone who has assisted in a few brewing batches, but never owned any gear or done it myself, i would say sow your roll. even with flawless theoretical methodology, you're probably going to bungle lots of things. It's probably wiser to do them sequentially, rather than in parallel, because if someone goes wrong, you wont know what.
what the fuck?
what the fuck here as well?
what's up with this mead = fedorasperg bullshit? how is it any more obnoxious than any craft beer artisinal food snobbery? I mean sure, it probably falls into those camps more than other niche hooch but c'mon...

Even just straight honey, what kind of honey should i get?

Apple blossom, orange blossom, clover, sunflower, ect?

I did my first batch with clover and no flavorings just to try it out. Although you could do a BOMM or a JOAM for your first try.

i was going to make some with just honey anyway, but i wanted to make other batches with other stuff because its 4 months before i can taste and decide my self.

oranges, raisins, cinnamon.

We made mead with Tasmanian honey and elderflower last year.
Was delicious.

I get that reference

You and who's son?

Don't get an infused honey. Buy from a local beekeeper.

I was going to buy from a brewing supply store, they have some honey from a local beekeeper.

Also i meant honey made from those flowers, not infused or anything.

Had a jolly chuckle

did you guys make sure to wear your Mjölnir necklaces and praise Loki in between cups?

How do I make mead with only two carboys, two airstops, honey, and Distiller's Yeast?
I also have a few apples and oranges lying around.

Recipe? What's the difference between brewer's and bread yeast?

>After a nice Sunday afternoon of LARPing, my fellow paladins retire to our Lord's castle to quaff several hearty flagons of the golden saccharine elixir that is Mead.

Oh god, several of my good friends are LARPers, this hits way too close to home. LARPs are basically tumblr: the activity. I went out to one of their events once, no joke, they had multiple "transgender" people, and one dude who's a transwoman AND a furry. He actually wears ears and a tail in his every day life. And yes, they're all "pagans". Surprising number of girls, though, and a few of them were actually pretty hot.

Man, I love my bros, I do, but holy fuck are they cringey.

>tumblr the activity

Tumblr: the metaphor

>tumblr: the activity

My brother-in-law, who is a pretty cool hyper-social guy, has some LARPer friends. I have never met them but heard his LARPing tales before, and I can definitely imagine transgender furries there.

I remember when being a D&D nerd didn't automatically make you a politically correct "cool person".

Like, I mean, I'm a pretty nerdy guy, I play D&D (though I started back in the 90s), I play the vidya, but that shit is a bridge too far for me. That one event was more than enough LARPing for a lifetime for me. I get tempted to go every now and then because my bros are always trying to get me to go, plus I hear the girls are super slutty (and as I said, some were actually lookers), but then I remember the transfurry and I'm like "nope".

He's not even remotely "passable" either. He's like 6'4 and must weigh at least 350 pounds. He's very possibly the most ridiculous human I have ever met.

Oh, also, apparently, they had a dude who married one of the girls there, then decided he was trans, got his dick-chopping surgery, then his wife left him because she likes the dick and he killed himself.

These people actually exist.

Don't make mead. Unless you've drunk a lot of mead and decided you like the taste you'll realise the vast majority of mead is just overly sweet wine. Also you can never take it round to a party or mates house because you'll be "that guy drinking mead"
>Distillers yeast
enjoy your esters
>bread yeast
enjoy your 3% unfermented mead

If you are going to make mead you have to use the right yeast. White wine, champagne, english cider, saison or english ale. Yes they all taste different, no you can't use bread yeast.

Or you could brew beer. Something that takes a third the time to ferment and mature, and your taste profile isn't limited to "sweet and tastes like a certain fruit".

all you need is a bottle of apple juice with no preservatives, yeast, a balloon and a rubber band. fermentation is a natural process. you can make 2L of cider for like $4 and it doesn't even take two weeks

>falling for the Mead meme

fucking LOL


Everyone does.

Bread yest can do mead but I would recommend ec-1118 for first timers. 1118 is fucking monster and will dry up in less than a month.

Not me.


this s a start

more ideas

What's mead supposed to taste like? Went to a "bar" which was actually just some guys house just with a custom kitchen to serve their own beer, wine, and mead.

It kind of tasted like wine. Didn't really taste the honey.

His wife's

One more for elderflower here
Fits really well with most types of honey imo and gives it a light, not too sweet taste

I used to be sweet on a girl from here.

>mfw it's spreading


it'll taste like shit though

All alcohol tastes like shit.

The phenomenon of it tasting good is a recent numale trend responsible for all the microbreweries.

this is fake, gay, and wrong.

Only if you have a child's palate.

Name 1 alcoholic drink that tastes nice that isn't a meme by my definition that I wont define until after you reply.

>a meme by my definition
try harder you absolute buffoon.

>by my definition
try not to trip on your over-tipped fedora

I've seen you use that particular image a lot.

Do you actually do anything but post on Veeky Forums all day with your manchild tastebuds?

>check mate, spunk trumpet.

>my definition
check this retard out.....

>Name 1 alcoholic drink that tastes nice that isn't a meme by my definition
>meme by my definition
Holy shit.

>He's desperately searching for Chambord on Google.
Well played.

It comes in an edgy looking bottle.

>Baroque is the new edgy.


>that guy drinking mead

fuck. that's me I guess

this has been on my mind, despite the fact I don't know what the fuck mead is.

I have a large glass container of apple juice, and I was thinking about adding champagne yeast and a balloon with a hole in it (or I could reuse the condom responsible for my daughter).

is there anything I should know? how much yeast to liquid, anything else to add, wait time, etc.

youre right, you dont know what mead is
I've always wanted to try something like the link above. Maybe you should try scaling it down to do a gallon batch?

I want to try to make a metheglin