I'm trying to make some pork loin

I'm trying to make some pork loin.
How should I do it?

With some sort of heat source.

Season it, sear for like 2 minutes it from all sides, put it in oven at 150°C for about 45minutes or if you have a meat thermometer until the core reaches 60-64°C

1.5 lb pork tenderloin seared, baked, and served with a white wine, butter and pear sauce.

How should I season it?
With salt and pepper only or with something else?

You get a mommy piggy and a daddy piggy together in a pen and if they love each other very much, they fuck and the mommy piggy gets pregnant. Then, about four months later, a bunch of baby piggies drop out of the mommy piggy's cunt.
You just made, by proxy, several pork loins.

How are you gonna cook them?

I was thinking of baking it in the oven.

finely minced garlic, salt, pepper, (sweet) paprika.

Honestly, every time I do a pork loin in the oven, I wind up with dry-as-fuck pork, so I've taken to just cooking it in a pan and finishing it up by its own residual heat as it rests in a container or tented in foil.
Takes less time, too. About 40 minutes or so, 8 minutes each of four sides in a hot pan and an 8 minute rest. Believe it or not, it cooks it all the way through to a juicy medium/medium-well.

Do you sear the sides for a long enough time? This really helps with keeping in the juices. Also, marinate the pork loin for several hours and don't forget about injections.

I get the pork loin.
I salt it. Just salt.
I sear it on four sides, 8 minutes per.
I put it in a plastic zip baggy with a homemade herb-and-spice paste (fresh-pasted garlic, fresh-powdered peppercorn, fresh-powdered dry red chili, fresh-powdered dry zest of lemon, fresh-powdered dry rosemary and a bit of olive oil).
I massage the spice paste into the meat and let it rest a final 8 minutes.
I take it out, slice and serve topped with what jus it expelled during its rest.
It's pretty good.

That's how I always do it, though the seasonings may change from time to time.
The only other ways I'll cook pork loin is as escalopes, either breaded and fried, rolled around something and roasted (or breaded and fried) or cooked with sautéed onions and served in a roll with cheese, like a pork-version of a cheesesteak. I've also cooked it with sautéed onion then topped with a little pork gravy/jus and served it like a pork version of Chicago Italian beef.

>injecting pork
Did that to ur mum last night.

>This really helps with keeping in the juices

No, it doesn't. It creates the mallard reaction which tastes good. But it certainly doesn't keep in any juices.

If you are experiencing dry pork then stop overcooking it. You don't need to fuck with needles or marinades or other silly tricks. Just don't overcook it.

Pork is only good shredded in a slow cooker

>shredded pork in a slow cooker
Clearly you've never had smoked pulled pork or your wouldn't be advocating the inferior method.

Season with salt and pepper.
Sear on all sides.
Toss in a pot with a good sauerkraut.
Slow and low cook until it reaches your desired internal temp.
Pull it and let it rest.
Slice and serve with the kraut and some kartoffelsalat.

I had one at the weekend, maybe about the size of bull's penus, pound and a half or so. Just heated an iron skillet in the oven, rolled it in some oil and zaatar, cooked at 450 for 15 mins, flipped it and cooked at 400 for 10 mins, let it rest while I made a sauce. No effort at all.

I can advocate for this.

The kraut's acidity tenderizes the shit out of the loin, and the flavor combination of pork and sauerkraut is a classic.

so fucking dumb

just like you cook any meat

blast the outside with head and then either just eat it then and there or heat it slowly to cook the inside as much as you desire


Take a half a cup of olive oil, a bunch of rosemary, thyme and oregano (like two tablespoons worth) with salt, pepper, minced garlic, and stir it into a paste-like mixture.

Slather that all over the entire pork loin and maybe punch some holes in the top (the part with the fat) and push some of the goop down in the holes.

Brown it in a dutch oven, on the stove about ten minutes, then put the whole thing in the oven for however long you need.

When it's done, remove the pork loin and put the dutch oven on the stove. You can start making gravy from the drippings.

I just made pork loin for the first time two days ago op, turned out pretty juicy. I just made a simple rub with salt, pepper, paprika and fresh thyme, heated up a heavy metal pan in the oven at 230C and when it was all very hot i put my pork loin in for 10' then turned it over, reduced the heat to 200C and cooked the other side for another 15' and let it rest for 20' after. Turned out quite good with some applesauce and roast vegetables.

Numbers speak for you mate