
What do you guys think about veganism?

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>Oh it's this thread again

Wasn't here for it.

So you never been on Veeky Forums before? Sure thing.

I have but not for this thread...

Is it so hard to believe more than one person could want to talk about veganism on a food and cooking board?


>What do you guys think about veganism?

I think there are better methods to kill yourself.

>I have but not for this thread...

Given there's at least one shitposter starting a vegan thread knowing full well it'll turn into a shitfest, either:

a) you haven't been on Veeky Forums before.
b) you have started a vegan thread knowing full well it'll turn into a shitfest.

As you claim you're not new to Veeky Forums I conclude it must be option 'b' and therefore you can fuck off post-haste.

Yeah, tell that to this guy:

I've been here but I very, very rarely come here. It's 3:20 am and I can't sleep and that's the only reason I posted this today. Must have missed what you're talking about.

>I've been here but I very, very rarely come here

Please make your visits even more rare.

Why are you so butthurt about this? It's cracking me up.

>hes vegan and eats honey


>Why are you annoyed by someone who admits they don't visit the board often posting yet ANOTHER veganism thread on a board that sees eleven vegan threads each and every day, all of which just turn into a shitfest

Gee I wonder.

Yet all his contemporaries eat meat and lift equivalent amounts of weight.

Everything else is vegan and some vegans do eat honey. But okay, this lady then:

>supporting human cruelty
I am pretty sure being butchered is better than living on a vegan diet.

Maybe you should leave the forum a little bit more and you wouldn't know what happens here every hour....
Anyway your bitching would be comparable to me bitching about threads with animal products in them being posted non-stop. Suck it up buttercup.

Except he holds multiple world records, so no.

Pick one.


We've already established that you have a mental illness (insomnia and eating disorders are often associated with mental health issues) so now I guess it's just working out how sick you are.

And you have to factor in how few vegans there are and how few of them are weightlifters. It's like 1 vegan weightlifter to 4000 meat eating, steroid injecting ones. But the vegan still came out on top.

>Except he holds multiple world records, so no.
he doesn't hold them all then, so yes.
also pretty sure the copious amounts of steroids did more than the kale

>the vegan one didn't use steroids
top KEK, that's not how human physiology works. also, when it comes to fitness obsessed athletes, vegans are way WAY more than 1 in 4000. Which doesn't even apply in the general population.

>Source: my ass

See above for more information: You really think the meat eaters aren't using steroids? And let me introduce you to Mr. Natural Universe, Billy Simmonds. (No steroids allowed in their competitions.)

Not all vegans are weightlifters you dumbfuck. Most aren't.

>No steroids allowed in their competitions.

Unlike all those competitive sports & competitions that do allow steroids?

>You really think the meat eaters aren't using steroids?
no, they're ALL using steroids. you can't lift that kind of weight without steroids or a severe growth defect. that's a reality of the human body.
Also you can hide steroid use, as if that means anything.

never said that, retard. I'm saying their population is significantly denser in weight lifting communities.

Holy shit I don't care. You're still comparing apples to apples because the meat eaters would be using steroids too.


Look at this weak little meat eater desperately trying to convince himself that vegans aren't superior. Even if it was 1/100 it'd be impressive. Quit your crying.

>I'm saying [veganism] is significantly denser in weight lifting communities.

>Source: Rectal Journal of Made Up Stuff

>Holy shit I don't care. You're still comparing apples to apples because the meat eaters would be using steroids too.
and my point isn't that meat eaters are stronger. My point is that vegans are completely at the same plateau, and in a natural scenario they'd probably be worse off.

I'll eat your meat, faggot.

Every vegan athlete I know of (and I know of a fucking lot) has had improved performance after going vegan though lol. And the science is there to back it up. A vegan diet is just more efficient in every way.

My meatflaps?

ew, no, I only eat sausage.

I think this post is going underappreciated.

Serious question to vegans.
How do you deal with your saliva?

Let's get this thread back on track.

Creative remake of the semen question.

>He has a different diet but is still an insufferable body builder


Isn't the ant the strongest animal? Because it can lift a multitude of it's own bodyweiight? And i'm pretty sure they eat everything.

This has to be bait. Both of them werent 100% vegan. They had to eat meat when they were younger.

An ant can't lift as much as Patrik Baboumian, so no.

Bernando Lapallo was vegan as a kid if I'm remembering correctly. And can we just appreciate how extremely rare it was back then for someone to be vegan, and yet there are multiple centenarians who are vegans? Like, less than .01 percent of people back then were vegan but they make up a much larger percentage of centenarians.

No, smaller things can just lift bigger things proportional to their size, that's why we can't have a godzilla, they wouldn't be able to lift themselves.
The strongest living thing by that logic is gonorrhea, so living off humans is clearly the best way to be strong
the animal that can dispense the most energy/move the most mass is the blue whale, a meat eater

But who needs anecdotal evidence when you have the science to prove the methods of their achievement:

>the animal that can dispense the most energy/move the most mass is the blue whale

Not out of the water it can't.

uh, good point? likewise, an elephant can't do much in space.

Yet there are a shitload of Japanese in Okinawa who eat pork and fish every day and drink like a fish who are over 100 years old. Fuck off, faggot.

>good point?

It is if you're not stupid: the blue whale can only move it's own mass because, you know, it's IN WATER and thus it has natural buoyancy. Buoyancy is a force that acts upward.

You, too, can move heavier items if you and the item are both fully submerged and buoyant.

No shit retard, but regardless of the weight of creature it takes far less energy to move your mass under water. That was the point, stupid fuckface.

Okinawans are the closet to being vegan you fucking genius, and they historically eat minimal amounts of fish and pork. So thanks for helping prove my point?

>the blue whale can only move it's own mass because, you know, it's IN WATER and thus it has natural buoyancy. Buoyancy is a force that acts upward.
what? how does that relate to mass and energy at all? The blue whale has the highest energy output and can move the largest amounts of KG, high amount of force. It's the strongest animal by all accounts. again, if we are talking pound for pound, the strongest living thing is gonorrhea BY FAR, hundreds of times stronger than any ant.
Yes but the blue whale still can dispense more ENERGY than any other animal, how efficiently that energy is used isn't really relevant when judging strength

meat eating animals are way cooler tho
like cheetahs

>how does that relate to mass and energy at all?



I have noting against veganism in of itself, I just get tired of vegans shoving their lifestyle in my face.

No it doesn't. the force excerted is still the largest, the medium which this is expressed in is the same, be it water or concrete. That water is a very efficient medium for the whale to obtain forward propulsion in is totally irrelevant to the power exerted by the whale.

Awww, you poor little baby. It's not like vegans have to deal with that all the fucking time and it's not like the animal agriculture industry advertises and glorifies the product of tortured animals in every public space, right?

Meat eaters are such fucking babies holy shit.

Wahhhh, people are trying to educate me and I hate that!

you could avoid this by not broadcasting your diet like a weirdo.

No actually because I was sadly once an apologist vegan who avoided talking about it. Didn't matter. People were shitheads about me being vegan regardless. Half of my workplace made retarded jokes about it with shit eating grins on their faces as if I was expected to laugh with them. And don't even ask about my family. Alright fuck okay I'll tell you a little story. My sister always criticized me for being an outspoken vegan (she was vegan for her health only) and now that her husband's family is non-stop harassing her about it she's coming to me for advice.

Check your fucking privilege. Meat eaters rub their diet in the face of vegans in an obnoxious way because they're fucking scum. Vegans try to inform you and you fucking cry about it like we're bullying you lol.

just wondering, why do bodybuilders exist?

Stupid thread is stupid.

That's not a bodybuilder.

>Check your fucking privilege

Back to tumblr with you

I'm sure the animals are more tired of you shoving them down your throat and paying for them to suffer.

I don't frequent tumblr but found the phrase fitting seeing as you're a little bitch.

the only good argument for vegan is reduction of co2 from raising barn animals...

also somehow there would be more food in the world... which we already do have a lot of but we are not giving to people who need it cus we are assholes who don't know how to force fat countries to feed poor nations...

You sound mad.

I should be mad, deep down I am, but yeah I'm laughing because you guys make it so fucking easy for me to feel superior and I guess I get a kick out of that.

Some vegans eat honey, especially ethical vegans consider buying honey supports bee survival and generally is not a cruel process. Also bees actually have the freedom to leave the hive rather than confined

Well meat eaters could stop broadcasting their diet by posting pictures of steak and meat and making vegan jokes but they won't, so just stop throwing a tantrum when someone online is a vegan

stupid shitty ideology for stupid shitty people

>Well meat eaters could stop broadcasting their diet by posting pictures of steak
they're just being normal, they're not making a statement of their meat eating, just posting a pic of what they're eating, no one will judge you for posting a picture of a the doritos you're eating, you fat vegan fuck.

Are you kidding me, do you know how painful it can be to eat with a vegan. They have to vocalize how disgusted they are by what you're eating and how horrible of a person you are for not eating like they are, and how their appetites have been completely ruined.

I think many vegans just crave attention and unfortunately they act like jackasses to get it.

This is what it would be like if we meat eaters acted like you vegans.

By getting in my face? I know all about the the meat industry. I've even seen the slaughter of animals, and I still eat meat. I know the facts, the fact is though I just don't care. I like eating meat too much. Don't get me wrong, I'm for animals being as painlessly executed as possible in order for us to consume.

But I'm more concerned with the plight of humans than people eating meat.

You don't need to educate me, I know the facts, I'm just not bothered by them like you are. You're expecting me to experience the world the same as you, and assume if I don't then there must be something I don't know. I've seen ll the videos and "shock" videos and I'm still a meat eater, deal with it and get out of my face.

They're dead by the time they go down my throat so it's not like it matters?

"Meat eaters don't broadcast their food"
Broadcasts a picture of their food on a vegan thread
Keep me posted when a vegan posts tofu on a meat thread to trigger the meat eaters fag

>meat thread
that's the thing, that's not really a thing, and if it was, it wouldn't be a statement, it'd just be a discussion of meat preparation/appreciation.

"What are some good vegan recipes"
"Eat meat fag"
Like 4 actual recipes and a dozen triggered meat eaters on a thread that does not concern them, answer my question -is it common to see vegans go onto meat threads to start an argument, no.

You sound like the triggered one to me.

Vegetarian here. I made the exact opposite experience. Once meat-eaters know that you are living vegetarian they practically wave that shit in your face saying "Don't you want to taste it?", because they are trying to be funny. Guess what, it's not.
I don't enjoy the smell of meat, but I don't cry about it like a little bitch. I don't like any meat touching my food, but I don't mind sitting next to someone who eats meat. Neither do I have the urge to tell everyone that I am a superior vegetarian. I only ever bring that up when I am asked about it, or discussing it.

All the vegans I know go out of their way to let you know it, and try to shame you for eating meat in a passive aggressive manner.

>-is it common to see vegans go onto meat threads to start an argument


cf. every single "vegan" thread on Veeky Forums ever including this one.

Do you think meat eaters arent passive aggressive or judgemental towards vegans

I've heard vegans cry about it before, but generally what they mean by a meat eater being passive aggressive is if a meat eater eats meat in front of them. I've never seen any actual passive aggressive behavior only vegans looking for it so they can claim to be a victim.

eating little meat = eating no meat

"I've heard vegans cry about it" you mean you heard people on Veeky Forums talk about it
Well I've never seen any passive aggressive behavior from vegans I think meat eaters look for it to act like a victim.
Stop acting like vegans and meat eaters act any different both get defensive about their diet. Only one is ridiculed when they get defensive, and one is supported.

Can't really talk for vegans, because I don't know any, but me and the few friends of mine that are vegetarians as well don't do that kind of stuff, UNLESS it is provoked with "But look at it, oooh, it's so tasty, don't you want to try it?"
And even then it is a simple explanation of no, I don't want to eat dead animals, thank you very much.

I can imagine, though, that vegans are a lot more extreme about it. There are always radical vegans AND meat-eaters, but just because they shout the loudest doesn't mean that everyone is like that.

People should just eat what the fuck they want, while perhaps informing themselves about what it is they are shoving into their mouths and where it comes from. I won't give up on my beloved cheese any time soon, and there are probably enough vegans that would scold me for it. Who cares.

>My anecdotes and non-sourced claims support my argument

Lean meat contains protein, which is needed for muscle growth.
Plants contain amino-acids, which can be combined to make protein. This requires balancing your diet. Also, most plants contain less amino acids than meat contains protein.

Just because proffesional lifters are super focused on diet and exercise does not mean it's easier to become a vegan bodybuilder than a omnivorous one. In any case it is harder for casuals, since they mostly don't have a clue about what they need, and what foods contain that.

Omnivores (e.g. noral humans) can become buff more easily since they can eat superfood vegans eat, AND eat meat. Vegans compensate with more exercise

>I don't want to eat dead animals, thank you very much

But why don't you mind eating dead plants then?

[spoiler] actual serious question [/spoiler]


Basically, plants don't have feelings, due to their lack of a central nervous system. That's the difference.
You can't live from air alone. You got to eat something. Better to not kill something with intelligence and emotions.
(And then there are the obvious environmental reasons, that eating plants themselves is causing a lot less plants to die than eating animals, blabla.)

is this the part where i link a bunch of videos of monkeys eating meat? they love the meat so much they will fight each other over it and only the strongest monkeys will get to eat the most of it and share very little with the others.

give a fuck what some faggot jamming needles in his ass thinks about his "natural gainz" as he inhales 20 scoops of whey isolate a day to meet his caloric needs

>this is what vegans actually believe

>Keep me posted when a vegan posts tofu on a meat thread to trigger the meat eaters fag
How fucking new are you? You retards are in every single god damn thread bringing up your retarded herbivore bullshit nobody wants to hear about.

That's not entirely true. Plants register pain, and their physical chemistry fluctuates in response to it.

Just because they don't express it the same way animals do doesn't mean they don't feel anything.
