Vegans: +1

Vegans: +1

Flesh and blood eaters: -0

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Who cares, anyway?



Based Ray Mears stated in one of his episodes that while it is possible to live as a vegan, you will be weak, and nothing gives the easy and bountiful nutrition that you get from meat

>ignores biology
>cites "facts"

Wouldn't expect anything different from a woman, a vegan, or NPR.

>nothing gives the easy and bountiful nutrition that you get from meat

Humans actually evolved to eat cooked foods in bite-size portions, transported to the mouth with tools and hands. Human teeth are perfectly capable of chewing cooked meat, which is what humans eat. The uniquely human retracted mandible and especially maxilla evolved to facilitate speech at the cost of chewing and biting prowess. Non-human animals, such as niggers, retain a protruding maxilla to this day, indicating their tendency towards consuming difficult to chew raw foods as well as a general lack of intelligence and advanced vocalization.

you know what humans aren't "made for"? talkin, learning, driving, writting, singing, swimming, using the internet, bathing, shitting in water, living outside of warm climates and so on.

You know what really boils my noodle? I like a lot of the nature/science/stories on NPR/BBC, but those niggers can't be unbiased to save their lives.

Biologically we are tremendously herbivorous

Biologically we're unique because we've been eating cooked foods for a long fucking time. Biologically we require a bunch more calories a day due to our brains, and meat is intensely calorie dense. Historically we have been eating meat for millions of years, long before our modern lifestyle made things like veganism even too much of a choice.

Can we live without meat? Sure. Can we digest, process, and live by including meat in our diets? Yes. So what's your fucking point?

also, swimming in the ocean.

No, dumb ass, we are not.

Herbivores, like cows, have teeth and digestive systems that are designed to extract as much nutrition as possible from their shitty herbivore diets.

We don't. Our system doesn't need to be as complex because it evolved to gain nutrients that are more easily available from meat.

We are omnivores, and that won't change no matter how awful you, and your pussy vegan comrades, feel about killing and eating other animals.

If we aren't meant to eat meat then why do we digest it just fine and extract nutrients from it? If we weren't meant to eat it I doubt we would crave it.

There's nothing wrong with eating meat as long as you do it like a sane human being but modern consumption and production is on a scale that's way too detrimental to the environment to be viable today.

It is biologically impossible to evolve a large human brain without high protein/high energy food, a.k.a. MEAT

eating meat proteins is necessary for brain growth.
therefore vegans are fucking stupid...

Pizzaburger for your pleasure.


There's that word again.

One of my physics professors at university was a vegetarian from childhood. He knew several languages, as well. To be fair, though, he was like 5'2"

>your post

There's that stupidity again.

So are you implying that you do believe humans were "designed"?

was he breasfeed by his mother?

That seems to be the implication

Carnists don't usually have a very good grasp of science, they learned everything they need to know from reading Maddox

The best is when they "refute" the antibiotics problem by suggesting that you cook everything well done

I guess God designed his antibiotic resistant super bugs to spare those who pray

Designed is just being used as shorthand for "adapted to". Don't get your autistic panties in a bunch, everyone else got the meaning fine.

How about "developed" or "evolved" instead, autist.

>Humans actually evolved to eat cooked foods
Humanity evolved while _eating_ cooked foods, It's past continuous tense- its kinda the point of evolution and adaptation, we ate cooked food, and because its good we continued eating cooked food and figured out a way to deal with it over countless generations. Just as we continue to evolve as a species to deal with your stale memes.

>we've been eating cooked foods for a long fucking time
If you're talking about humanity, then sure, but it really hasn't been that long. We only have evidence dating back 200k years (when homo sapiens became a thing), but we'll probably need another 200-600k to see all the cool significant changes resulting from it.
>so what's your fucking point
pretty sure he/she was talking about primates in general a long ass-time ago
Take some classes in zoo and anth, dipshit. That's not how the distinction between a herbavore and omnivore works. Humans sometimes need to do other shit that isn't grazing. It's about food quality. Gorillas have comparable energy requirements to humans and do not eat any meat. They're frugavores. We're frugavores. (might have something to do with the fact that food is high quality)
>If we weren't mean to eat it i doubt we would crave it
I crave cigarettes, and since he got the taste for it, my dog will try to eat any chocolate I leave out for more than 5 minutes
Oh? How much meat do you have to eat before you have enough protein to get a life?

It's not "just semantics" though, it's a critical distinction when discussing physiology because if an organism is designed as opposed to having traits due to gradual adaptation, it means traits left over from earlier generations (such as being able to extract nutritional needs from plants) wouldn't have been passed down, because they were never there to begin with.

To use an analogy, being disposed to forcibly impregnate strange women against their will was a trait that would have had a very high chance of propagating in ancient times, but a disadvantage in a modern sedentary population with rules against doing so.

If people were "designed" then one would conclude modern civilization is the problem. But we weren't, so the lack of self control is the problem.

>If we weren't meant to eat it I doubt we would crave it
That's not how it works.
Dogs will happily eat chocolate even though they aren't meant to eat any.

>If you're talking about humanity, then sure, but it really hasn't been that long.
>you are absloutely right BUT for the sake of winning, you are WRONG
ok /thread no recovery from that fanaticism.

>Take some classes in zoo and anth, dipshit.

Ask for a refund for your "zoo" and "anth" classes, dip shit, because they obviously taught you a bunch of bullshit.

Listen up here vegfags.
The human body has adapted to an omnivoric lifestyle, which is evident by the presence of both straight-edged teeth (good for cutting/tearing meat) and molars (good for grinding plants). An actual carnivore would only have teeh good for meat-cutting, an actual herbivore would only have teeth for plant-grinding. There's also the difference in intestine-length, which I'll explain if you're still too dense to grasp this.

TL;DR Humans are omnivores, you should both eat plants and meat. It's healthy

>Based Ray Mears

Amen. He is so competent that I am embarrassed to live on the same planet.


Human's weren't made to post libshit tumblrette opinions on the internet either.

I'm not a vegetarian. I eat a moderate amount of meat and a fair amount of dairy.

I'm just trying to help you understand that if you want to argue about nutrition, it would give your argument more weight if it wasn't based on fake cartoon science loosely based on Christian fundamentalist fantasies about human history. Let alone ridiculous tim ferris tier paleo logic.

You don't NEED meat, it happens to be really delicious and it's easier to have a balanced diet in a modern Western country if you eat it sometimes. But that's a historical accident, not the will of Jesus.

Pic related: Of the great apes, only one regularly eats cooked meat.

And yet vegans believe meat is somehow "unhealthy"....

>niggas arguing about what you should eat
>I'm just sitting here eating what I like the taste of

Food and Cooking board is not for your lifestyle choices. Fuck off while the actual people try and discuss food and cooking.

lmao, please.. 200000 years isn't enough to make it a reason for us to be biologically unique. There's a reason our ancestors evolved to a point where they would start cooking meat, and not enough has changed since then to say we're "really" different. For fuck's sake, the gut is still long enough to deal with raw meat, wheres the real morphological change?
I'm sowwy Daddy, I'll go wight back and get awl $10 fwom the univwethisty of lemonade stand. chill the fuck out dude. Fruit is high quality, and any primarily frugavorous animal would have a digestive system closer to ours than a primary foliovore. This is a simple because there are actually differences between types of herbivores. A lot of our ancestory has been herbivorous, doesn't mean you can't have your meat

Reminder that meat is what allows humans to fuel their big brains.

Your mum is quite smart.

>made for

christian propaganda

still wont bother me a bit, because I dont really care what you think

some article in the internet wont change my mind either

Americans. No developed nation has a strong following for this nonsense, except America. I feel sorry for the reasonable and intelligent Americans.

>in the internet

I hope that was a typo and it is just your fingers that are illiterate.

vegetarian can eat eggs, ANIMAL PROTEIN AND CHOLESTEROL, at least his brain is not fucked

Fellow vegan here. Fuck off OP, stop forcing your beliefs down other people's troats. We made the choice of not eating animal produce, we're the minority and you sure as hell ain't gonna make us look better by acting like a pretentious asshole. I hate being associated with the likes of you.

>Europe isn't filled with Christian faggotry

Sure, user.


That's because semen is high in protein.


OP is clearly bait, about 50% likely to be a meat eater, stop being retarded and get off your "not like other vegans" high horse

It really isn't.

You think the 'vegan' you're replying to isn't bait? Good job Inspector.

Humans are omnivores but anyone who believes omnivores are supposed to eat meat is as idiotic as someone who believes humans are herbivores. An omnivore is just an animal that can digest both plants and meat. It doesn't mean meat is necessary or healthy. If you really believe meat is healthy, try going on an all beef diet and see how healthy you feel.

Try going on an all anything diet. That was a fucking retarded point. Are you actually so stupid you thought that was a good point?

Don't limit yourself to beef then. Go on an all meat diet. I'm already on an all plant diet. Let's see who has a heart attack first.

Do eggs count? I

What did you say?
You'll have to speak up, faggot.

the sheer retardation in the second half of this post...

just fuck my ass famalamadingdong

just fucking tickle my colon with your porkstaff

grind that piece of filth right inside my mineshaft

I wanna feel like I'm riding a jetski bro, just fucking wreck my poopshooter

It's mostly Muslims now I think

The dogs aren't attracted to the part that hurts them, they are attracted to the fat they smell in the chocolate.

Are you stupid? Like really stupid?

This whole argument is being interpreted incorrectly. Nobody is saying an all meat diet is smart.

We just have to eat what's in front of us and is digestible.
These days we have a lot of shit available as opposed to just a few choices.

Surely if humans "weren't meant to" eat meat then surely either our species wouldn't have survived or we wouldn't be eating meat.
But we're alive, and the majority of us eat meat.

We aren't meant to anything really, it's either survive, mutate or die off.

A vegan diet ofcourse has the problem that without B12 supplements or without B12 fortified food there's going to be a problem.
And unlike elephants we don't eat dirt, and unlike rabbits we don't eat our own shit so we need animal products for it. (or supplements)

So I'd say that our body is adapted to the fact that we eat animal products for our B12.
Maybe saying that our bodies have to rely on the fact that we eat animals products for our B12 is better worded.
Ofcourse B12 supplements factored out.

>If you really believe meat is healthy
>try going on an all beef diet and see how healthy you feel.
Replace meat with x, replace beef with x.
That's some retard shit.

Also meat is not neccesarily beef

We aren't really designed for anything (assumptions since there's no evidence for it) but we do need B12 for our bodies to properly function.
And before those supplements got invented we required animal products for it.

But maybe there's a mutation that grants some people the ability to produce sufficient amount of B12 on their own, those hypothetical people would be completely fine of course.

>I have never heard of the Inuit, gauchos, Masai, or any other group of people that sustain themselves primarily on animal proteins and little to no vegetative materials

The article doesn't contain any names or other identifying details that could be used to verify the story, but it does link to another article that gives the parents' names as Joel and Sergine Le Moaligou. A Google search turned up this article in the Guardian about them:

>State attorney, Anne-Laure Sandretto, had called for a 10-year sentence against the couple who were convinced they could cure their daughter's pneumonia with traditional remedies. She also suggested the mother's vegan diet could have contributed to the death of the child, though this was argued over by experts giving evidence in the case.
>Dr Stéphane Bernard told the court at Amiens in northern France how the couple had refused to take Louise immediately to hospital after seeing him in January 2008, two months before she died.
>"I suspected she was suffering from pneumonia and told them to go straight to casualty for an x-ray and blood test. I told them quite clearly it was pneumonia, which is more serious than bronchitis because the lungs were infected," he said.
>"I didn't prescribe any drugs because in my mind it was obvious they'd go to casualty. I didn't even weigh the child as I was convinced they'd do it at hospital."
>Afterwards, however, the Moaligou returned home and consulted their books on natural medicine. They continued to treat Louise with mustard, garlic and clay, the jury was told.

Not really a good argument seeing as all those people have the lowest life expectancies in the world (even compared to similar countries and areas).
Eating exclusively meat or exclusively plants you would live longer on exclusively plants.

Meat was never the primary source of B12 for humans. It abundant in unfiltered and on the surface of vegetables but we don't get it from water or vegetables anymore because our water is always purified and we peel and wash our vegetables now. The majority of B12 consumed by humans today is from comes from supplements even if you get your B12 from meat. The only reason the meat in supermarkets has B12 is because factory farmed animals are not eating the food they would be eating in nature and need to be given supplements.

Life expectancy for Inuit people is 72.8 years.

The lowest in the world would be sub Saharan Africa which is around 49.

A majority of the adult population is deficient in something so harking on about B12 is dumb considering no one gives a shit about the deficiencies people have from not eating enough fruit or veg

The Inuit and Masai are not healthy

The Inuits even have a gene that allows them to more efficiently digest and extract nutrients from meat

How is that an argument?
>people are also deficient in x
>therefore yolo stop caring about y

>no one gives a shit
Enough people give a shit about vitamin deficiencies and at least here it's on the news all the time.

This is a thread about veganism so ofcourse B12 is going to get mentioned.

Fucking moron.

The B12 point is shitty anyway and only relevant when talking about religion tier veganism, rather than the more nuanced view of plant foods vs. animal foods.

What most people don't know is that the human body can store 5 (in words: five) years worth of B12 supply, so anybody on a typical Western diet would not have deficiency for half a decade on a vegan diet. Furthermore, one serving of animal liver supplies enough B12 for an entire month, and fish for a week.

So B12 actually stops being a concern on a properly designed 95-99% vegan diet (which is the human ancestral diet)

>95-99% vegan diet
>one serving of animal liver
Then it's not vegan by the very definition.

It's either veganism or it's not.
Even if you eat one liver every half a decade, it's not a vegan diet anymore.

Or I can take a supplement like a normal person. Our ancestors weren't killing animals for their liver in order to get B12 because B12 was already in everything they ate. B12 is absent in our modern diet because of our cleanliness.

They are healthy, just as hunter gatherers in harsh environments and not in the context of civilization which was built on agriculture (carbs)


It's completely asinine to bitch about B12 supplements when we live in modern civilization and we take heaps of pills, go to the doctor, play videogames, drive cars and do a bunch of other 'unnatural' shit anyway. So what?

>The Inuit and Masai are not healthy

And yet they've survived for as long as anybody else on the planet, despite the harsh environment they choose to live in...

>"Stop saying words I don't like! Reeeeeeeeeeee!"

They have twice the likelihood of stroke as anyone in the world. In fact introducing them to a Standard American Diet actually lowered this rate in some studies. They have higher rates of cancer than Canada and live 10 years younger than the average Canadian

>survived for as long as anybody

As a people? Yes. You do this by breeding. Lifespan? No.

>written by a woman
didn't even read.

>They have twice the likelihood of stroke as anyone in the world.

Surely deadly cold weather for half the year doesn't impact their ability to adopt a healthy exercise regimen.

Perhaps we can send them treadmills to use inside when it's -60 outside...

Surely eating nothing large quantities of meat despite even being genetically encoded to process it better can't have anything to do with it.....

You can keep fit without a treadmill. It wouldn't shock me if they still did

Inuit lifespan isn't that much different to ours. And after 80, most of us are some medication fueled freak.

If there are disposed by blood to process their diet better could they stroke tendency not also be in the blood? I'm not saying no but all the variables need control.

If you don't eat 400% your RDI of fat a day, you're a coward and a nerd.

>continues to ignore the role exercise has in health and longevity

It loks so disgusting,but something inside me wants to taste and try it

It's because you're American.

Probably your British genetics...

Gonna eat my flesh and blood anyway.

(along with my bacon)

Enjoy your life.

and alcohol is pretty much just poison, you think i give a fuck? i wanna die before my alzheimers kicks in

>10 years isn't a difference


>continues to ignore the role diet has in health and longevity

>the average thickness of endurance runners’ carotid arteries is between that of sedentary vegans and omnivores. It appears that if we run an average of about a thousand miles every year we can rival some couch potato vegans

Nope, we are most definitely made for talking and learning. Learning being the most fundamental.