I've never had cookie dough ice cream

I've never had cookie dough ice cream

Is it safe to eat?

you might accidentally leave humanity behind

why would it be unsafe?

Other than the dangerously high amounts of fat and sugar, you're good to go.

No raw egg to be found in conventional, mass-produced commercial products, if that's what you mean.

no it makes your head explode.

they don't put eggs in the cookie dough if thats what youre worried about.

No, it's extremely dangerous. Hundreds have died and thousands more have been hospitalized because of the very real danger of cookie dough ice cream. The FDA has tried and failed to put a stop to this. In fact, Ben and Jerry were recently arrested for these heinous crimes, but Bernie Sanders managed to break them out of prison, and they continue to sell deviant, disease-ridden flavors to this day.


You'll get Salmon Ella.

I actually use raw egg when I make ice cream at home. Don't like cooking my custard, don't like the flavor.

I've made hundreds of batches of ice cream, never had a problem. I just wash the eggs first, salmonella is on the outside of the egg anyway.

Id eat ella's salmon gladly

what's up with this cookie dough shit that people is obessed about? what's wrong about normal cookie flavor? what they want to eat raw cookies?


>projecting insecurity onto comment and cringing

No it's a massively popular flavor because people adore getting food poisoing.

But seriously yes, there is no raw egg in the versions of it in stores, and even if there were the odds would be almost zero of you getting salmonella anyway.

Had one of the worst diarrheas of my life after eating one of these. Not egg related, perhaps too much fat.

Everyone who's eaten cookie dough ice cream either has or will die.

Raw cookie dough's dangerous because of E. coli in the raw flour, not salmonella in the eggs you idiots.

> ordering your cookie dough well-done


Don't do it, OP, you'll get e coli, tapeworms, and AIDS.

>Is it safe to eat?

Depends on what you're worried about.

Snakes? It's fine.

This is undeniable fact.

E. coli lives naturally in your gut. it's extremely unlikely for you to get an infection from it by eating it.

of course not because it's not vegan. unless you want cancer and terrible digestive issues down the road don't fucking eat it. It contains eggs and milk, both of which are slaughtered thousands of times each day. you obviously don't care about the planet and you sound ignorant for even wanting to try that disgusting "treat"

ugh, I wish carnists would get put into cages like the cows they eat, that would teach them

>mass-produced commercial products
eggs are produced to be sold commercially as a product to the masses

Nice try

If it wasn't safe to eat, they wouldn't sell it as-is.

Because it's raw, uncooked dough.

Pathogenic E. coli isn't the same as gut E. coli, it's got the same name but it's like the difference between a pet poodle and a guard dog trained to rip your throat out

Which is only a problem because of the raw egg in it

Guess what isn't in the cookie dough in the ice cream?