Counting calories

Counting calories.

What's the best way to bake boneless, skinless chicken thighs?

I'm tired of dry chicken breast, and I don't really care to pan fry them, as I cook about 3lbs at a time and I don't have a large pan.

i would start by buying them with bones and skins so they didn't taste like shit and it would be cheaper

>tired of dry chicken breast

Do you even meat thermometer, bro?

They'll never be as inherently juicy as dark meat but if you stop overcooking them they're much more palatable

I'm eating at a substantial caloric deficit, so I don't want to buy them with the skin on. I know the added fat makes them tastes better but that's not what I'm asking.

I buy frozen breasts in bulk, and they're saline injected, and I find they have a weird taste unless I cook them until they're dry. So they're either cooked to 155 , moist and gross tasting, or good, but dry. The thighs I buy are the same, but the extra fat content disguises the taste of the salt water injection.

Definitely over cooking it. Also you could get it with skin and simply take the skin off before eating it. It's really hard to not eat it, but it's really a better flavor. Also fat isn't usually the problem with your diet. For most people it's the empty calories.

salsa chicken. use one jar for 3lbs of breast, just bake, uncovered, at 325 until fork tender. comes reliably tasty and juicy and can be a topping or filling or just eaten like a salad, hot or cold

>ask how to cook a specific food item
>co/ck/s insists he shouldn't even be eating said food item

never change

Once you eliminate the born and skin from a chicken thigh, the taste becomes only slightly better than chicken breast. Keep the skin on and the bone-in, and then we'll talk. Otherwise, just make the same sort of shit you make with chicken breast but replace breast with your skinless boneless thigh.

I appreciate them trying to get me aboard the train to Flavortown™, but I'm just looking for ideas on baking boneless, skinless thighs.

Put them in a 9x13 (or whatever else sort of pan you have) and cover them in light italian dressing.
Or bbq sauce. Or whatever the fuck you want.
Cover in aluminum foil.
Cook at 400F for 20-30 minutes.
Wa la.

Just marinate them in whatever *flavor profile* you want and bake just until cooked.

The only reason your chicken is dry is that you're overcooking it.

If you're reheating your baked chicken throughout the week it's only going to become more dry.

I fucked up by even mentioning the words "breast" and "dry" in my original post.


just cover in herbs salt and pepper and wrap them tightly in foil, bake them low and slow and they'll be fine

Try slow cooking it in a crock pot instead. Or in the oven. Either way, slow cooked meat is damn tender. I'd take some pineapple, ginger, garlic, and optional honey for a damn good combo to put over rice or lentils!

steam them in a pressure cooker

Baking =/= pressure cooking, slow cooking

I think this board might have the highest concentration of retards in all of Veeky Forums. I'm off to google.

best way I have found to bake chicken is to put it in a pan, fill the pan with water up to about 1/2 the height of the chicken, season, and bake covered with foil. gets it nicely done and it's not nearly so dry.

People starting and replying to " how to cook skinless, boneless chicken" threads are typically Veeky Forums crossposters, who have no idea what they're talking about.

Thank you for confirming.

Do you have a grill? That's the best way for chicken, IMO.

ever tried not buying saline injected chicken breasts?

Why would I need a girl

are women inherently better at cooking chicken?

brine your chicken tits.

Ok op here's my go to quick easy chicken. Preheat the oven to 425
1/2 table spoon
Garlic powder
Onion powder

Olive oil the chicken and coat both sides with the spice mix. If you want and panko. Anyway put it in an oven safe thing and let it cook for 10 minutes on one side. Flip it and bake for 10 more minutes.
Juicy and perfectly cooked every time

I tried it once.. but i found that to get the best flavor and texture out of the meat, I had to make my own salt sugar solution and brine and inject the meat myself..

seems to sort of defeat the purpose...

I like to get a large casserole dish, put in some rice and water, some carrots, potatoes, a little butter and salt, brown some boneless skinless chicken thighs them set the browned chicken on top of the other stuff in the dish and cover with tin foil and bake at like 350 for a little over an hour.