Which has more moon potential this month? NEO or OMG?

Which has more moon potential this month? NEO or OMG?

OMG for sure just based on the lower market cap

Neo is next month. Its been very resistant to change.

I really like the OMG project but you really start to look like the chainlink faggots.
You dont need to over shill a good project.
Calm your tits man.

If you want something with ACTUAL "moon" potential for the month, go buy POSW.

Rebrand to StakeNet, masternodes and TPOS released including their mainnet.

TPOS let's you stake your coins on your nano s ledger,

Offline staking will be HUGE

Im all in on omg. At the end of the month im putting half into neo. Then putting the neo into dep5 tokens in the summer and fall.

What if I’m 50/50 LINK OMG?


Forgot to add: it's all being released at the end of this month

No one is paid to shill omg faggot.



Difference is people are posting about OMG because they're excited about it and not paid like Linkfags

Omg Neo is getting delisted in summer

How fucking retarded can you be not to realize that posts and questions about omg are going to increase over time as more people find out about it. It had barely any news for 6 months but now it's time for everything to happen and it's only going to get more popular from here just wait for the conglomerate unveil but nope reeeeeeee shilling


idiot. you are about half year late for that

So not 500$ EOY?

>Fakehype coin NEO
>or the single most significant coin IN THE HISTORY OF FUCKING CRYPTO
Go with NEO OP

By the way, I am not shilling OMG. I legitimately, literally believe OMG has the chance to be the number one coin.

As in, above Ethereum, above Bitcoin. The king. OMG. I honestly think it's a strong possibility.


It's becoming increasingly easy to spot the paid shills here.

>So not 500$ EOY?
probaly higher, but /biz hates coins with longevity and solid long-term gains, for some reason.

How retarded


This applies to any good coin. News, upcoming events, awareness spreads as more people research and talk crypto and omg has a lot to talk about. Track the wallet count and social media mentions and see how fast it's going around now and it's not going to stop all year so might as well get used to it

>Neo gets mass delisted from exchanges after SEC lists it as a security
>h-heh nice f-fud SEC, not falling for it!

Omg is going to fill the board. Linkies need to be lynched.