What's the most exotic meat you've ever eaten Veeky Forums? I had camel burgers tonight

What's the most exotic meat you've ever eaten Veeky Forums? I had camel burgers tonight.

As an australian i find this image rather amusing. Was this really on that reality tv show?

Most exotic is fugu i guess, horse too i guess.

>exotic meat feast
>they're all burgers
If you've only had it in a grilled ground patty, you have no idea what that meat actually tastes like.

Not really meat, but I had horse cheese once. It was actually the best cheese I've ever had.

I suppose horse? I mean I don't really think of it as an exotic meat but I guess for the anglosphere?

I had something at a Yumcha restaurant with some Chinese people before I worked for them. Despite deliberating among themselves after my question none of them could figure out how to translate to me in English what it was.

Tasted like shit and was chewy as fuck. Figured it was stomach lining or something from something.

i had bear, moose, and reindeer when i was in sweden, rattlesnake in arizona, and bullfrog in china

t. floridian who thinks gator is somewhat normal

I grilled up some alien meat out in Roswell, NM.

Investigators from the Border Patrol came around asking questions about some missing Mexicans afterward.

ayy lmao


>inb4 not really a meat

Oi, cultmoo?

I guess alligator sausage? There's a truck in the tristate area that sells exotic meats called the Dark side of the moo. Pretty good, actually.

Alligator or conch. Both were good.


Does uni count?

Wallaby, crocodile, shark, whale. Don't know what's the weirdest.

Its all horse anyways


Quokka. Still feel bad for it. We accidentally killed one so we cooked up part of it just to say we had eaten quokka. Wasn't that good and it didn't have that much meat on it

Why do you feel bad about eating it if you accidentally killed it? Also why do you live in Australia when there are other countries?

I had slow roasted whale when I visited Norway. Shit was awesome.

was meh

Whale sashimi in Tokyo. I've yet to try cooked whale, hope to have some soon.

That "chopped up but wriggling around" octopus thing the Koreans do.

Fried scorpions in Beijing. It's so deep fried it just tastes, well, deep fried, so in my view it barely counts.

Had horse in Paris. Sadly, horse butcheries are on the decline there. Horse is fucking delicious.

Hmm, well, I guess Kangaroo, since it's not from here and is imported. But, I've also had alligator, frogs, and rattlesnake, all local.

Had some Texas Ibex recently. Was actually not as gamey as I expected, and pretty tender too. Would recommend it.

I drank reindeer blood once

Did you "hunt" it?

You should try Pronghorn.

I don't understand how gator is exotic? I guess it's a southern thing?

My weirdest other than bugs is probably iguana, bear, and armadillo.

No, I didn't hunt it, I got it at a restaurant that sources their meat locally though. I saw it on the menu alongside local beef, deer, and wild boar and thought I would give it a try.
Pronghorn sounds interesting, I imagine it is similar to reindeer.

What was armadillo like? I always figured they wouldn't be edible due to parasites.

>horse cheese

Horse meat at a place called Hot Horse in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Was delicious - sweet and very tender, kind of like a subtle beef.

Had raw baby octopus once.

Was chewy and unpleasant

"Cave chicken" IE bat. Stir-fried in green curry paste and broken coconut cream.
The wings were rubbery and unpleasant. What meat was actually there was rather awful, too, tasting of kidney, which I strongly dislike.

All in all, quite an unappetising experience.

Bear tasted bilious to me.

Whale tastes of fishy beef.

Not really meat, but human breast milk cheese.

Had kangaroo, it was a little...


Don't bats carry a plethora of deadly diseases?

I don't think I'd risk eating one and hell by the sound of it it's not worth it anyway.

Maybe. I don't know. All I can tell you is that it didn't make me sick, it just tasted of how piss smells.

horse, reindeer, moose, bear in Sweden
had ostrich (i think?) in australia and fugu in japan too

Crocodile burger
Moose & deer sausage

Mountain lion.

My uncle killed it earlier that year and being a curious type he took some of the meat to cook. Wasn't bad, but it tasted kind of like organ meat and I couldn't shake off the idea that the mountain lion - whose head was staring at me from the other room as I ate - was going to get me in my sleep.

Why all these people saying Horse as an exotic meat?

It's still fairly common in the north of France and in Belgium.

And camel is fairly common in Saudi Arabia and the north of France too, but it doesn't mean that it's not exotic for the rest of the world.

People never ate horse in great quantities anyways. They're so useful as work animals that we let them live way too long to taste very good in the end.

Tiger snake

I ate a fried rat in China. Not intentionally, of course; it was sold as a piece of fried chicken. After a couple of odd-tasting bites, I saw it had four legs and threw it away.

Probably because most of us do not live in northern france or belgium

yeah dick cheese is pretty good. a delicacy, really.

I'm not very adventurous, so the least-common animal I've tried is snail. I did not enjoy it. :(

Whoa. Does jellyfish qualify as meat? Does it even have a flavor on its own??

>Also why do you live in Australia when there are other countries?

I've had kangaroo, buffalo and zebra


piranha in brazil or raw fish livers

Probably tripe. Did it have a honeycomb pattern on it? Alternatively if it was spongy then you probably had calf lungs.


You monster........how could you. Look at it!

Yeah, bats are known as disease caches. Bubonic plague to fucking rabies. Although sometimes bats are only partial carriers of rabies protip, don't fucking eat bats.

But you're eating it. You're uncle fucked it up. That's how you know it isn't coming back. Unless it gave you parasites that are slowly killing you.


Not if you live in the UK.

I ate a forest pigeon once. It does taste a lot like chicken, but the meat is drier, firmer and rather dark.

Shouldn't be dry but then again is also shouldn't be prepared like chicken. Its best a little pink. If cooked well squab is delicious.

Unlike most of the developed world, Australia is a low priority target for nuclear strikes and doesn't share a border with high priority targets.

Alligator or Yak. Maybe elk. It's normal in Wyoming.