Roast me faggots

Am i gonna make it or should i go an hero?

i mean i'm jelly

You should definitively kill yourself.

Put all bitcoin related trash into neo you faggot

what would you change though in my top 7?

Why NEO though?

put the LTC into coins with future

You need small caps. BTC/ETH growth potential is limited.

nearly 150k

such as?

You will be here in a few months dude. we will all make it if we help eachother take money from normies.

As evidenced by my portfolio, I like RLC and SKY. JNT also has massive potential at its sub100M cap; every dollar tokenized translates to an extra dollar on the marketcap. Researching Genesis Vision right now

holding 4k each of OMG, HST, ELA and MOD.

What exchange is JNT on?

sell all bcash and move it into JNT. get it on Bibox.

fucks sake. hope I can join you one day brother.

why is jnt good? i see it shilled all the time and i steer clear of shit like link and tron.

Bro, it is still early. wallstreet money hasnt even sniffed us out yet.

Liquidate everything into OMG now.

Holding 322. Why should i get more?


too safe