When will Veeky Forums create a way to live without food... I want to get off the eat-poop train - permanently...

when will Veeky Forums create a way to live without food... I want to get off the eat-poop train - permanently. Will be so happy if I can live my live without these dreadful inconveniences.

you want to live off electricity?

Veeky Forums can't create anything; all they can do is shitpost about Elon Musk. If they were actually competent scientists and engineers, they wouldn't be posting on Veeky Forums.

false. All scientists post here.

What about something like a biological 3D printer that could be implanted to generate the required vitamins and nutrients required to run a human? You just have to put a cartridge of raw materials up your ass like once a month or so. Would you be down?

I smell a GOfundMe!

I hope soon. I was thinking recently how much I hate peeing. I dislike having to get up in the morning to pee, I dislike having to stop reading something to pee, getting an erection when I have to pee, etc. It's inconvenient.

You don't want to live off electricity? Holy shit sign me up, fuck paying for survival literally all you need is solar panels. That's IT. The rat race fucking ends right there. Economies will be sundered, nations will collapse, and nobody will give a shit because they don't need to rely on anybody else to survive.

i suspect removing real food will fuck up your gut flora, which will fuck up everything.

human food is already dense as fuck with what the body needs, you can't condense it much more, sorry.
the switch from oral to anal sustenance is 100% cool with me though. bonus points if we can implant some tastebuds.

I did not say it would be a small cartridge.

>fuck paying for survival literally all you need is solar panels.
You'd still either need to switch to a cyborg body or take in nutrients to repair your body, if you got energy from the sun.
energy isn't the main issue here, maintenance is.

How much do you eat in a month? more than can fit in your stomach, and while it could probably fit in your ass, most people couldn't fit it in there

Fine, weekly cartridge changes. Still a time saver.

yep. i hate shitting. don't mind eating necessarily, but i can live without shitting.

my guess would be some form of concentrated and distilled version of soylent some years down the line that is almost by product free so you use everything and have little to no waste produced

Trust me, you don't want it.
Soylent right now keeps people from having to shit, but the cost is that people on soylent have constant farts.

you are always going to have waste. Shit is almost entirely dead digestive bacterial bodies... and corn.

And hemoglobin from our blood. That's what makes it brown actually. See red blood cells use hemoglobin to transport oxygen, and an essential part of that is an Iron molecule. When the blood cell dies, the body recycles the Iron and throws all the rest of the molecule into your shit. It's also why it all smells basically the same shit smell, even though we all eat different food and have different gut ecology.

desu you can just take a supplement for that tho

This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of human physiology.

This statement is a fundamental misunderstanding of the target audience of crowdfunding.

my grandmum had a delish recipe for creamed shit-corn.

Live intravenously, you just have to change your lure every 3 or 2 days