Anyone else using bots to trade crypto? I've been getting around 2-3% gains daily

Anyone else using bots to trade crypto? I've been getting around 2-3% gains daily

Other urls found in this thread:

>Anyone else using bots to trade crypto
>This guy is cute with his 2-3%
I don't need a bot when I make 25% or more a day

~500 a day doing literally nothing is still pretty nice

Yeah me too bro! Made 8% gains weekly in the bear market

plz teach. am gay

agree, teach us

I sell my bot if you guys want. Kinda expensive tho, 2-3btc per bot depending on how much I like u. Msg me on Telegram @FuzzyM

ooh that sounds so mysterious. please tell me more.
gtfo faggot

Lmao kys

Whatever you are selling your bot for it defeats the purpose if it'll cost 30-40k

Don't be jealous pussy boy

Got reports detailing trades the bot makes weekly if u guys want proof of profit

Paid shills out in force tonight fuck off pajeet

Haters gonna hate. Don't be mad just because u don't have enough money to buy a money printing machine

Guys, here

Ok, biz has helped me to get rich so im giving something back
Heres my bot

fuck off idiot

Do you guys want a free bot.
Gets 3% to 5% a day..No scam or shit it's safe..

Heres the one I've been using

Scam link, real one here

Kek now this is a pajeet boys

Same bot half price fag

great grandmother was from Poland and my name ends with ski cunt fart

Can someone confirm this is real?

Here you go boys free bot or pay this asshat 40G

lel kys pajeet

Are you kidding me with that pajeet tier shit. This is the one from that other thread

Ok? But mine is half price

bitch lasagna

Pictures of cheese, buy the bot on the other thread

Just an FYI if you're a newfag, this is Pajeet trying to sell you a keylogger.