ITT: Things people with shit taste say:

ITT: Things people with shit taste say:

>sauce goes under the cheese on pizza
>it's supposed to be thin and crispy, not thick
>old style is just a crappy PBR

le dank go'za maymay


people with shit taste:

Don't use fresh ricotta in their zanya

Buy pre-made guac

Don't buy organic 'ggies

Buy frozen 'za rather then making it like their Nonna did back in the old country

Don't serve slaw at their ques

Oh goddamnit I dropped my 'za

almost got stabbed four times bringing it home too

Nothing wrong with frozen za as long as you aren't addicted to the same shitty brand forever.

>I'm not vegan

>I'm American

>you taste it first
>and can i have a side of ranch
>yeah..lemme me getta
>uhh i'll have a pbr
>what does entre mean?
>this taco bell is pretty good
>shrimp cocktail, no sauce.
>I'd like it medium well
>I'll have a coors
>duh, as if aging makes it taste better
>cilantro tastes like soap
>extra mayo

is that a 'go style 'cean

chipotle is bad.

>eating poison

kraft mac and cheese with tyson chicken nuggets is my idea of a good dinner

KD with 'son tendies?

that's a big sofa

for you

>I'm vegan

>sauce goes under the cheese on pizza
What? Where else? Sauce is literally the first thing you put onto the dough

I agree with all except the cilantro soap thing.

Apparently that's got something to do with some people's taste buds just working differently. I've never actually experienced someone with this problem in real life though.

Hi, I'm OP and I love cocks.


Post food with feet, and feet with food.

It's a white people thing to not like cilantro. Trust me

I'm white and I like cilantro. Also it's a proven fact that the taste bud thing is real.

Is that a Chicago-style sofa?

"Pizza is my favorite food"

"my favorite vegetable is (anything that isn't pepperoni)"

Damn I hate those classless savages too user, this is what I do

>order pizza
>tell them to replace tomato sauce with barbeque sauce

civilized like

'Ganic 'ggies are for turds, other than that you're on point.

I assume cilantro is what americans call coriander leaves? I get that problem and it ruins lots of curries for me when out.

Now for the topic:

>Saying anything negative about duck other than arguably how fatty it is
>pineapple on pizza
>saying any tinned curry/pasta sauce is good
>liking chicken sushi

'go 'za

"don't put beef on your 'zonya"

>Not knowing 'bout 'cago 'tyle 'go 'za

baka desu senpai

Chicago style pizza is like Chicago itself... Shitty and over rated and only a local might like it

Yes they are the leaves of a coriander plant.

Also do you have any curry recipes maybe? I've never had it but I've tried making it twice.

Second time came out alright. I just bought some Chief curry powder at my local asian mart it says formulated for hotels and restaurants. So Idk how it is. I'm dying to make it right.

I don't have any on hand because I'm at uni, and it depends what kind of curry you want. Best bet is to make thai/indian friends and learn from their parents.

If that fails I guess you could find some decent people on youtube I've seen a lot of Manjulas Kitchen's stuff and it seems ok.

"You can just go ahead and substitute jalapeno for bell peppers in gumbo."

you probably also saw that shit the other day on here, right? That was idiotic, though it may have tasted fine.

>this pepper is too spicy
>i don't eat bloody meat
>fish tastes fishy
>cooking with jack is a good show