Welcome to our next stop anons! Glad most of us made it out alive...

>Welcome to our next stop anons! Glad most of us made it out alive. This is a rest stop so we'll be here for about 20 minutes. Everyone is welcome to get some snacks and/or something to drink here. Again we will be leaving in 20 mins

Other urls found in this thread:


That last stop was pretty scary. Let's not do that again.

Im going to get some popcorn!

I really liked the last stop desu

Holy fuck, /b/ is gross. It's like the indian poo street of this website

Can these guys cook something for us? Maybe a ramen sundae!

>tfw I touched hands with a qt when she sipped my drink
this is the best day of my life

Veeky Forums anons, do ya'll niggas know how to make homemade tendies???

Those kids left a funny taste in my mouth.

I hope the local cuisine here isn't as salty

im going to jack off with my phone in the bathroom then get a bag of beef jerky and a strawberry milk

i got on at /b/! >:) i will destroy your stupid autist "tour"

Time to get a bag of wasabi-ginger chips and refill my Nalgene.

I want to go back to /b/ they had a lot of she cocks there

Going to go grab another diet soda, save my seat for me robros

Can we go /out/ afterwards?

Who /ramen/ here?

Must be our lunch break!

oh boy this is one big sandwich anyone want some

smuggled my self here from the last board, were can i start shit posting?

Guys help I lost my wife's son.

>there are people that use Veeky Forums as a main board
I want to know these people irl if you're not cooks



o-oh user, I forgot to say thank you for the drink! thank you so much...I was so thirsty!

He's probably with the /b/ tards getting dressed as a girl and receiving compliments for his feminine penis.

>he thinks he can shitpost
you are but a b a b b y

whats going on here

Hey! I did too but could you not destroy it? I paid good money for this ticket. Some of us are here to learn.

While we've stopped I'll get a good ol 'za from the 'go. Anyone else want one?

Can we go back to get him or else my wife will make me sleep in the cuck shed.

Wheres the next stop?

I recommend /x/ for a spooky tour of shitposting next

What's going on in this thread?

I once at a jar of speghtti sauce out the jar plain, being a poorfag is shit

pick one faggot


He's gone, user

tripfags arent allowed in the bus, sorry sir but we're going to have to escort you off before the next stop.

if that's what you're worried about, wait until we visit /pol/

its part of the meme

i think i s-saw a ghost... should... we go to /x/ and tell them?

I can't go back home looks like this bus is my home now.

On board. Get it. On board.

>user's wife's dead son is haunting this thread right now

OP where do we go? /mu/ or /x/

During our visit to /pol/ we should barricade the windows and doors, leaving only the top hatch open so we can protect that and engage full force sage weaponry.

where are we going next OP? Hopefully somewhere cute.
Or we could go to /trash/ and see what we pick up

>classic image.jpg

can some nigger give me some sweet recepies?

Gonna go back and take your wifes keeed as a fuck toy, hahaha

Hunger Games and ERP make their home there these days.

please dont do it he's just a boy.

maybe we can find some old friends

lets head to /pol/

here's a good one

anyone know how to cook some great mustard gas? i wanna cook some for us!

i'm not op but i'll make a thread on /x/ cause i know how autistic they are in 5 mins if nobody else makes a thread

>We have 5 more minutes here anons! Next stop will be the board Veeky Forums :^) I hope we all got snacks and were well hydrated at this stop

>Veeky Forums bus tour of America never

>we should barricade the windows and doors, leaving only the top hatch open
I think we're gonna need some oxygen masks then though.

It wouldn't be the first time.

wait, nvm. didn't see the 20min time limit.


Finishing my gas station marble cake now.

These preservatives keep it so FRESH!

Nice try, terrorist.
You're not taking this bus over!
*Ninja stars you in half*

Let's pick up some hipsters!

The fuck is this?

bruh finna be L I T fa m nigga truuuu 1000 100 100 100 100 10

Went iceland and got me a comy drink, 3 for 1.50 feels good

Alrighty, sorry mang it was just a prank

It's the Veeky Forums tour bus!

You can't be balls deep and call it a prank bro

can we post fag porn there, they seem pretty faggy at Veeky Forums

>ALL ABOARD!!! We are now headed to our next destination. It is a board known as Veeky Forums. We will be at that stop for 15 mins. Hold on to your snacks we're heading off

Of course! That is the gay fanfiction board, after all


It's too bad you guys are leaving for your next stop, I just pulled in with the Veeky Forums food truck!
