What's the purpose of a decanter? it seems redundant

what's the purpose of a decanter? it seems redundant.

So people can't tell how cheap your whiskey is by looking at a label on the bottle

> drinks shit that still has cants in it


Aesthetics man.

you're telling me you'd open up a bottle and put its contents into another bottle, all for just aesthetics?

Some people do it to aerate their whiskey. Eh.


makes it look fancy


>edgy dragon at the bottom

pig disgusting fat bottle

le eagle of freedom meme america xDDD

These are all shit, user.

post a better one faggot

Rate my decanter

If you ever drink wine or some other alcohol that has some sort of sediment, it is to separate that out, by decanting.

Looks like a glass dildo.

oh fuck, he's got the meme cube. please find a way to kill yourself with the decanter.

That is a German Eagle fucking clearly. Why is everyone so obsessed with bagging on murica?

It's to oxidise the tannins in red wine by exposing it to fresh air so that it becomes less bitter OP, the same reason people swirl their wine around in the glass before drinking it

Can/should you put gin in a decanter?

You're telling me you wouldn't?

I use it to make my own blends of single malt whisky and the decanter acts as a unique storage solution to compliment the whisky.

which is why I have always been confused by them, because in my experience they certainly arent ever air tight.
I see it as a long term storage solution but isn't it just ruining the contents by getting them over oxidized?

That's a sphere, you mong

why put an onion in your whiskey glass? that's what tequila drinkers do.

Success breeds jealousy.

Underrated post.


Kill yourself.

>Kill yourself


For wine: to aerate it faster. Many wines benefit greatly by having lots of air exposure before drinking.

For whiskey and spirits: partly aesthetics- a decanter looks nicer than a bottle usually imo- and also partly the same reason as wine. In my experience many whiskies and spirits, especially very old ones or high-proof/cask strength ones, benefit from a little more oxygen exposure than they'd get in the bottle. In a bottle they'd continue to improve over a few months as the level in the bottle goes down. Decanters just accelerate that process. Whiskies/spirits can get 'over oxidized', like wine can, but it tends to take quite a long time in my experience. Generally the kind of whiskies you'd want to decant will improve for a few weeks to two months, then just change/develop without getting really better or worse for another few weeks to maybe a month or two, and then start getting a little bit 'flat' in flavor. Even so it's a pretty gradual process.

I don't really care about the looks of it since my liquor is in a closed cabinet anyway, but I do find it interesting how oxygen exposure changes/improves a spirit over time, and a decanter does that faster.

As far as how worthwhile it is: for wine I'd say it's important, for whiskey it's more just interesting. The improvement can be marked but it's usually pretty mild.

Also in some reds you can filter out the sediment.

That's true, can't believe I forgot that.

Isn't good Bordeaux always decanted out of necessity? I mean unless you don't know what you are doing.


Get small sized ones to transfer your spirits over when the bottles are half empty. Too much air in the bottle degrades quality over time.

Don't you hate it when folks with no knowledge of a particular subject work on a manga that focuses on said subject?

So pretty much all manga?

I was waiting for this.



To look pretty

My girl got me this one, but I'm not using it right now. Going cold turkey on my addictions, but it still looks pretty.


Ugh I know, so much work.

It's like this is the fucking dark ages I swear.

Because it's garish to have big branded liquor bottles sitting out in your library/parlor. Decanter is an heirloom or matches the glasses and blends in better.

Beside senapi you are an user of taste there is no need to advertise. Also being known as such you wouldn't serve a guest anything but your best now would you?

If they are enjoying it and curious they can ask you what it is and you now have another topic of conversation to explore

I leave my bottles in the boxes to protect the contents from light. Displaying brands has nothing to do with it. I can't even remember the last time anybody saw inside my home.


Letting wine breathe does jack shit. It's one of the many myths in the world of wine

But that's bullshit. It's just a myth that's been passed down by "connesseurs." Look it up.

The shit you read on the internet is about as valuable as a study that affirms the health benefits of smoking. People love to try and discredit anything to do with wine because it's perceived as elitist.

I have the exact same shit/10

good post is good

I have a drinks trolley in a seperate room to my bar which i have a coulple standard pours in antique decanters, namely johnny black and wild turkey 101

Is decantering even a word?

Pretty sure it's "decanting"

That image would never have gone viral had it been in proper english
Also this

>thread about decanters
>no one has posted the meme decanter

I'm disappointed in you all

That's the bottle it came in though. A decanter is something that you pour a drink into, out of its original bottle.

Hang your skull in shame.

That art style is atrocious

They were more popular when the majority of your alcohol was in casks or barrels in your basement or storage shed.
You would go fill up the decanter for easy access.

Nowadays its just to look pretty.

What is the purpose of Google ?

It seems kind of redundant when i can just go on Veeky Forums and shitpost

In olden times it was considered gauche to leave branded products lying all over your home.
You hid labelled containers away in the pantry, taking the items out into the rest of the home inside of smaller, unbranded containers.

'Course these days it's acceptable to not only be a literal waking billboard, but you're also expected to pay for the privilege.

Probably covered in lead based paints.

Why would that matter if it's painted on the outside of the decanter. It's just paper glued on btw


I have gotten into collecting them. Can usually find them cheap in thrift and antique stores.

This one's my favorite. Kind of postmodern. Has a hole in the middle - pairs with bunt cake. Ha. Ha.

Hi, grandma

The real reason is because people used to get their alcohol delivered in barrels.

The rich would pour it into a decanter so they didn't have an actual barrel of whiskey in their sitting rooms or a barrel of wine at their dining tables.

The modern use of decanters is just an attempt to create the aesthetic of older times. Like using candles at your dinner table.

should i get a barrel of alcohol that is so strong it will ruin my life and family?

>edgy dragon at the bottom
That's a fucking lion you blind moron

This is the only true answer.

Well that and something about aeration or something, I think that only applies to decanting wine however.

Well, people usually buy it bottle per bottle at a more expensive price per volume, but that don't stop them from being alcoholics...

Not if it's 'keep behind the counter' quality.
Though that standard doesn't apply to Haji shops where everything over $18 bucks or small enough to fit in a pocket has to be behind the counter.

People actually collect these things and put ALL of their booze into them.

decanting wine is done by wine snobs, whether or not it impacts the experience i'll probably never know.

decanting liquor serves no practical purpose.

Does drinking alcohol serve a practical purpose?
Does entertaining others and serving them alcohol serve a practical purpose?
The aesthetics of doing so is just as practical as either of those.

When you build a house, you can build one many times stronger, longer lasting, having better utility and/or more spacious in the right ways if you ignore current aesthetic standards.
Yet almost no one does this.

>decanters look good

Should I decant my bottle-finished beer?