I have some boneless chicken breasts and don't know what to make with them. Help a brother out

I have some boneless chicken breasts and don't know what to make with them. Help a brother out.

aside from that what cookbooks does Veeky Forums recommend?

1. heat olive oil chicken stock and a little bit of milk inside a nonstick sauce pan. this needs to be cooked quickly to leave the chicken as juicy as possible. so above medium heat. turn as needed. its usually done once the chicken stock evaporates. i wouldnt recommend covering the saucepan with a cap.
1.5) grate mozzarella and light cheddar ew i hate strong cheddar.
2. buy or make your own cream of mushroom. heat it up.
3. sautee some white onion strips or diced as u prefer with black olive rings and chives. add salt and pepper. use butter to sautee in.
4. plate the grilled chicken top it with the cheese. not too much i usually just grab a half handful and make a sweeping motion on the chicken and im done. and add just a drizzle of cream of mushroom to make it look fancy make a ring around the chicken if u want. top both pieces of chicken with the sautee garnish from above. positioning matters so get creative. finally sprinkle a pinch of parsley and serve with a lemon wedge. whalla


why do you mock when someone is genuinely into helping someone else? because fuck you for trying?

i forgot to say: the sautee also needs mushrooms

OP here. That actually does sound good. I'll try it. here's hoping I dont actually summon a portal to hell with my poor cooking skills instead.

its not that hard user :) thank you. it goes good with brown rice and red potatoes. veggies im not so sure i dont eat veggies if its not a garnish.

Stuff them with fresh mozzarella, garlic, basil, and sun dried tomatoes. Toss in egg and breadcrumbs if you want, then add more of whatever kind of cheese you want on top and bake in the oven. One of my favorite easy things to do with chicken. I like Alfredo or butter noodles on the side as well

that sounds like a cheese bake. anyways how the hell do you stuff a chicken breast? what kind of cut do you make? i always thought chicken breasts were too thin to stuff.

chicken bake*

I guess it depends on how thick they are, but it's usually easy to partially butterfly them, then I put a toothpick in to keep it closed while it cooks so the insides don't all fall out

Throw em out and get thighs

Dammit, the one time I dont have Cream of Mushroom in the cabinet. I have cream of chicken, will that work?

yea its a little chunky looking, but itll do fine

Good. Thank you for helping so much. I appreciate it.

It isnt pretty,,but it tastes good.. thank you

Why didn't you do curry?

nice ears dumbo and get some contacts because those coke bottle glasses make you look like a downy.

next time.

oh my sweet summer child, you didnt have all the ingredients did you?

dont listen to him, just grow your hair longer to balance out your ears.

I did have everything except the cream of broccoli. thats why I asked if I could use cream of chicken instead

I've tried. lol, my hair defies physics so it doesnt work. I know my ears are big. I've come to accept it

it was cream of mushroom, also theres no chives or is there even the garnish i told you about? here let me find a picture to show u what its supposed to look like

ok do you see this? i made this. Do you see how i didn't heavily put cheese? it was just a light amount? the buttered garnish on top? i know theres no chives, but i added some green to it with the parsley. if at any time you can add green to food, do it. it will make people think it looks good and is fancy.

you just have wavy hair, try straightening it.

I'll do that next time I try.

I will when it grows out again. Right now, you're right, its too short.