At what age will you start to not give a fuck about your weight and just eat whatever you want and do all the drugs you...

At what age will you start to not give a fuck about your weight and just eat whatever you want and do all the drugs you want to do?

Age 0 for me

I don't have an age because I care about myself

High school and college is when your body can most easily bounce back from abuse, and you can still eat garbage without totally wrecking your health completely. Try that shit over age 40 and you'll be a mess in short order.

About 20. Turns out I eat a relatively balanced diet, though I could so with less sugar. Can't do manydrugs since I've got a (minor) heart condition and I'd rather not risk it.

Never, because I'm not a disgusting fucking slob.

I already do all the drugs I want, and it actually keeps me pretty thin because it makes the food I want much smaller.

11. Parents didn't confer to me the importance of nutrition until I became a disgusting lardass. 15 years later I woke up having heart palpitations and decided to give a fuck again, and got healthy in under 6 months.

I'm fairly jaded as it is but still care about my weight, in fact my appetite has been decreasing over the years. Had into pick an age though, it would be near retirement when all my worries start to become not what I need to get done in life but how I want to live out the rest of it is complete pleasure.

are you me?

>when will you lose your self-respect

You shouldn't ever lose your self-respect, OP.

At my age its more like....

At what age do you start to give a fuck about your weight and NOT just eat whatever you want

when you get older all those little things start to add up. Because of my work I am around a lot of abusers. Hell last night I watched a guy eat the cooked skin off of 30+ chicken thighs because as he says he loves chicken skin..
I'm usually the oldest person in the crowd.
Lately though I feel a strange satisfaction watching people much younger having to deal with the fast lane life catching up to them....

It's a common story, mate. Parents get lazy, then get pissed off and ashamed when their laziness results in their son or daughter getting fat. They sure as fuck aren't afraid to tell you when you got fat, but certainly won't listen when you tell them it was directly influenced by them and their eating habits.

Now I'm the healthiest person in the family, and still subject to ridicule. Toxic love is the worst.

True. You rarely see fat kids with skinny parents, the same way you don't see too many skinny kids with fat parents. And it has little to do with genetics and everything with the culture of food within that family.

Got fat in my middle teens, due to poor diet, lack of exercise and depression. Started losing weight around 19-20, got tired of being a slob, started exercising and eating better. Stayed fairly thin, in good health in my early 20s, though I started drinking on weekends/parties and smoking weed. Got into stims, got skeleton skinny, but not particularly healthy. Now, at 26, I drink a lot, and some of the poor diet choices are coming back. I still run/exercise almost as a way to balance myself out. I'll get fat as fuck again if I continue on where I'm at, though.

Get your body healthy first, then you can have your vices, always in moderation.

knees start giving up on you at around 35 if you're fat, possibly earlier
at 45 staying up all night doing coke is more a chore than a pleasure
pushing 55, you really need your afternoon nap and more than two glasses of wine per night constitutes punishable liver abuse...

btw you can eat whatever you want right now.

I'm 30 and I've kinda given up
I spent the last 5 years eating very light, then on Saturday or Sunday I'd serve myself a nice fatty meal
I don't eat like a complete slob. But I'm more willing to eat a good meal more often

>you can have your vices, always in moderation.
or if you can't do that get your vices out of the way when you're young enough to bounce back, because shit you can get away with in your teens and 20's will kill you in middle age.

I used to eat whatever I wanted, but since I quit smoking and haven't adjusted my diet, I'm getting quite the roll around my gut. meh.

turns out it was about 23 for drugs and i still try to not be fat but no willpower

Just turned 40. My whole life, I've never exercised regularly or tried to eat healthy. It is definitely starting to catch up with me.

I partied hard and ate all manner of rich things throughout my 20s and 30s. Caught up with me right around 40, and I had to start eating right and working out. And I was fine with that. Now I'm coming up on 50 in as good shape as I was in my early 20's.

I always ate well and was active, but from 16-26 I smoked weed daily. I did mushrooms a lot while I was 18-19, but that is it.

I am 30 now and watch what I eat because I am more sedentary and more concerned with my health.

If you stop caring about your health as you get older, something is obviously wrong with you. You shouldn't "mature" into a hedonistic/don't give a fuck attitude, that is for your teens/early 20s when you think you will live forever.

About 6 months after you both say "I do" if my wife and I are any indication.

Probably about 80. Anything after that I'll be too far gone from alzheimer's to give a fuck by the time any serious health concerns from it arise. Pound enough wine every night to make sure my liver kills me before my mind rots away.

>You shouldn't "mature" into a hedonistic/don't give a fuck attitude, that is for your teens/early 20s when you think you will live forever.
This. (Also checked)

When you stop giving a fuck about trying to attract stupid whores

About 30 is a good starting point. They're all used up by that age and the younger ones are braindead as fuck so not worth chatting to

I have never once in my life stopped myself from eating what I wanted to eat.
Still auschwitz mode. 50kg/177cm.

Other way around for me. Spent my teenage years eating 400g bags of nuts/seeds, 12 packs of space raiders, and shit like fried bread. Turned it around before I became obese. Now I eat 0 added sugars, refined grains/vegetable oils etc

I'm not there yet. 36, 1.93 meters and 75kg.
I love being trim, fit and healthy too much to change my ways.

It was like that until I hit 20

I got tired if being fat and tired, so I got fit. I moderate everything until Saturday, which is the day I pig out

Just imagine the kind of shape you would have been in ahd you been working out all that time.

I have been eating like shit for most of my life so I think I should try to do the other half in a healthier way.

I'm trim, strong, and flexible so I'm happy. Don't have the right frame for bodybuilding anyways, and was never interested in it. Besides, I had some epic travels and partying in my 20's and 30's - made it to Greece, Italy, France and Japan and ate ate and drunk all kinds of delicious stuff. It was worth it. I will admit the year it took to get me from fat fuck back to trim did suck, though.

3 years ago
then after two years i realised taking moderate care of myself while still enjoying life leads to a much happier lifestyle

This guy knows it - balance
not too much coke - not too many carbs - not too much exercise

Eating what you want is easy when you train yourself to want foods that are healthy and not filled with fats, sugars, and processed garbage.

Worrying about your weight is moot due to the fact that body composition is more important.