Asic miners for Ethereum are coming

>asic miners for Ethereum are coming

what's going to happen?

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good thing ethereum is a centralized system where they can just change the difficulty at whim

ethereum phases to PoS

Supposedly that won't be until 2019 though

Fuck. 90% ethash floods to equihash. Prices soar.

nothing because eth is moving to PoS

>Prices soar
you mean difficulty soars? and profitability crashes?

Nah man, eth going pos would be pos pow hybrid, and continuing to phase out pow. Asic ethash fucks shit up.

miners never, EVER make prices soar. they put DOWNWARD price pressure on a coin. On average Miners don't mine becauise they believe in a coin, they mine for profit and sell. and this is 10x more true for ASIC miners

Not much. The efficiency, cost and supply of those asics won't be enough to make a big difference.

Miners start selling equuhash at higher process to offset increase in difficulty. Ethash prices plateau

eth will not move to pos. The miners will not allow it. Or we might see a hardfork like bcash

Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum has actual leadership. If push comes to shove, the move will happen and the PoW ETH chain will become as irrelevant as ETH classic.


it'll change to a pow-pos phase this year though, before going into full pos in 2019

i hate this site but moneyskeleton posts there

the fact that the founder himself is actively commenting on a thing that the community is concerned about is so fucking based, fuck btc

Do you think MoneySkele posts here too? I wonder if any of us have tried to FUD eth to him. Maybe HE has FUDed eth

Ethereum classic (etc), ellaism both become miners eth.


But maybe it's not that bad for zilliqa or even good.

Check his last tweets lmao. I'm pretty sure he posted here at least once.

>new more efficient GPU are coming

what's the difference?

almost certianly


So you mean eth is centralized?

But it's not itself.
Meaning, the blockchain is not. If Vitalik makes fork and the community chooses this fork to be used it's not a centralisation of the system. You always can use the old blockchain but it will be without Vitalik and without majority of the community.

OK when new hardware comes out what is going to happen is current rigs are going to become obsolete / noncompetitive. It doesn't matter if its called an 1180 or an ASIC, miners just plug in whichever machine is more efficient

The difference is that nvidia won't have been mining for 6 months before offering the tech to the whales and then to the general public


The efficiency difference between an ASIC and a GPU is much bigger than the difference between an old GPU and a new GPU.

Then old rigs go obsolete more quickly

They could become obsolete almost overnight depending on how fast the ASICs are and how many of them ship in the first batch.

Fortunately, GPUs have a good resale value.

eth isn't even the most profitable thing

Yeah so the gamers will be happy, might even see a good dip with miners dumping cards. The game doesn't really change though, get the most efficient machine the earliest and grab what there is while it remains profitable, whoever has the cheapest power remains profitable the longest

ETH is usually in top5, others just come to top, and go away in just a matter of day or two.

I think it will only affect ethereum classic. Not ethereum, POS is coming.

point is nobody has ever had to sell GPUs just because one coin gets ASICED

Some people probably did back when BTC ASICs first came out. I might have sold mine if it weren't for the fact that I also wanted my GPU for gaming.

Your point is still correct though. People will just switch to some other coin.

200mh for 3k is shit, no one is going to buy those

pic related, a 2k rig making 200mh
