How do I activate my almonds properly? I've tried but they dont do anything

How do I activate my almonds properly? I've tried but they dont do anything

You need water from a homemade coconut

you need to eat other nuts within view of the almonds

Do you know why almond farmers call almonds "amonds"?

Push the button

Emu meat ball fat is required.

I thought that was only for walnuts

you've gotta punch the serial number into the DRM client.

soak them in water for a day


Because they shake the "L" out of them

Make sure you activate them in a container with a lid, I'm still finding the stupid things around my house

Ayyyyy :) Where do you live?


soak them in water for 12 hours. this will deactivate the enzyme inhibitors and bring your almonds to life!

So you do know it was a homemade muffin, right?

Put them up your ass for four days

nah it will just make it less bitter

that's not what I read on the health food websites. you just don't know about being healthy and need to take a basic healthy nutrition class and educate yourself!

Have you tried restarting them?

those are triggered almonds

Put them in your pussy slits. The highly acidic condition and Candida glabrata enzymes will activate the almonds.

you mean refrying them right? this is Veeky Forums

That's a beautiful post number user, congratulations.