Anyone else enjoy the humble potato, by itself? Some like french fries or potato chips...

Anyone else enjoy the humble potato, by itself? Some like french fries or potato chips. But I present to you this: a humble baked potato, without any toppings. I have found that it is better than french fries or potato chips.



Mom mum used to peel them and give them to use to eat when we were kids if that's what you mean

>boiled potato
>in pocket
>eaten raw w/peel
>salt optional

there is no more nostalgic flavor

How is winter treating you my Latvian friend?

>boiled potato
>eaten raw

I'm guessing your nostalgic memories of childhood involve very little time spent at school.

I steam potatoes in my pressure cooker. sliced lengthwise, it takes 15
minutes or so. They come out creamy and delicious.

Microwave a medium-suzed yukon gold potatoe until soft. Wait til that shits cool enough to eat, the BEST thing to eat for breakfast (and coffee and banana). The longer you microwave it the more crunch quality of a french fry it has.

You're not a true potato enthusiast until you've eaten one raw. One is permitted to sprinkle small amounts of salt as one chews through the starchy beast.

I ate a baked sweet potato last night. Does that count? I also mashed a couple with a chipotle cream sauce, but i did eat one plain.

Enjoy dying. Raw potatoes are literal poison

Nope, raw potatoes are just as poisonous as cooked potatoes, which is to say not at all. The toxins in potatoes are heat-stable far above the boiling point of water and less than 5% leech out when cooking in water. Raw potatoes are not poisonous, most of the starch is just resistant to digestion and will get eaten up by bacteria in the colon instead of yourself (so they're highly prebiotic)

it's summer in the northern hemisphere, you shitposting australian.

>most of the starch is just resistant to digestion and will get eaten up by bacteria in the colon instead of yourself

So you fart for days?

Dog I'd eat that shit raw

I used to microwave a whole potato and just eat it with some salt. No butter or anything.

I did this like three times a day for months in high school

Technically not true, but you're still right.

Potatoes are a member of the nightshade family, whose leaves are toxic of course. For potatoes, those toxins gather in the eyes; particularly big or deep eyes can carry enough to make a human sick. No idea how much it would take to kill someone, though.

This, a slice of raw potatoe while she was prepping

Slav gourmet

Thats not a potato m8

Is always winter in Latvia...

you're the real Martian