Holy fuck this is the most extreme coping I've ever seen

Holy fuck this is the most extreme coping I've ever seen.

> Not all of us are obsessed with get rich quick schemes. And as far as "wage-cucking" goes I'm sure they would find it impossible to believe that some of us actually enjoy going to work every day and find it is a valuable part of our lives.

This shit is so sad and painful to read.

If you don't like Bitcoin because 'muh some pedos used it back before monero existed' or whatever reason then cool, but don't regularly post about how much you hate Bitcoin then sit around trying to just how you're not actually bitter.


Other urls found in this thread:


*justify how you're not actually bitter

who gives a shit about the writtings of some random nocoiner on reddit.
kys op

It's not just one there are literally thousands of them participating in this no-coiner circlejerk.

It's a movement.

boring, no one cares


>some of us actually enjoy going to work every day and find it is a valuable part of our lives.
but this is true. Most self employed people work because they like it

>enables pedos and criminals
eh, can't be helped. The downside of new and groundbreaking security tech

>electricity consumptioin
this is a legit downside. It's so inefficient when it really shouldn't have to be, and it will therefore improve eventually

>gpus are too expensive
true :(

Overall it seems like a fair set of complaints with shit wording to me

You're taking them too seriously. We've already won the normies, the graphics card industry and soon the big banks. They're just sucking thumbs (or cocks).

is that a biz lad downvoted at the bottom? lmao

Visa, PayPal, Gold Mansacks and the Federal reserve don't provide anything of value.

You need to go back

you know... as somebody who was raised to be a wagecucking quasi-slave, being on the other side now,:

i finally understand the disdain wealthy people have for self-victimizing normans who demand

it starts hitting you when you actively try to get rid of you culturally ingrained victim complex and start working towards makind yourself a better version of yourself...

>the losers will always whine, they need to cope and you can't have them all killing themselves because they suck, oh so much
>identifying with them and feeling pity just drags you down
>having no mercy on them is the kindest, while being effective, way to provide evolutionary pressure for the few individuals who want to break out (the ones who are worth it) while maintaining a status quo to keep yourself in your elevated position

and every time, since i realized all this, i've been getting up with a smile in the morning, feeling how i'm developing into something magnificent
the propaganda starts having an effect on you
you chose conciously what you eat
you learn to distinguish silly conspiracy theories from actual shady stuff going on in the world... (protip: lizzard people are a psyop, but even retardet people get that)

nowadays, every time i hear the wailing of subhumans, i just let them steam in their ignorance and walk on with the subliest of smiles on my face, knowing:
every minute of the day is used for my own sake, for my own refinement and if i don't start stagnating, no matter what...

(btw. if this post makes you angry, gues what kind of "human" that makes you)

i love myself, all people on here, actively working on themselves and i love my life

>some of us actually enjoy going to work every day and find it is a valuable part of our lives
>i'll probably even let you fuck my wife while i watch! i'm definitely not a cuck, though

>the propaganda starts having an effect on you
stop having an effect on you, obviously...
freudian slip, i guess

>muh criminal money
>muh global warming
>muh gaming

How much soy do you need to consumer in order to be such a drone?


>tfw you're getting rich out of the frustration and impotent rage of poor soyboys
Feels amazing man

checkin those dubble sneks

As I've gotten older (and more into financial pursuits), I've gained such a loathing for gamers and other people who define themselves by entertainment.

Nocoiners are super amusing to me but also they make me a bit angry

>First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

"muh electricity" is going to be their wedge to get mad at us

That's good and I'm happy there are people who enjoy wagecucking. Without them neets couldn't sit in their boxers getting rich on crypto. The world needs ditch diggers and stemfags who enjoy their servitude. I for one salute the wagecucks.

imagine how mad they're going to be when their decades of virtue signaling and posturing go right out the window in the face of economic incentive

commies btfo once again

>Most self employed people work because they like it
Wage cucking is by default not self employment. They aren't discussing business owners.

I agree with you. As I've begun improving my self with career goals, crypto goals and health goals I've realized how much power the weak have in this current society. I saw that thread about people sending tether to usd wallet. Crypto punishes the weak and stupid and there isn t a lawyer or regulator you can go complain to and demand your share back. Equality and fairness are memes. Life isn t fair in allocating potential and crypto will bring the strong back on top.

The sad truth as you interact with more people, is that by far the most toxic people are what I like to call 105s, they're the people with that slightly above average IQ that makes them think they're geniuses because they've read Atlas shrugged. They're the type who smugly start sentences with 'studies show' and are basically the most cancerous subset of reddit culture, they enjoy 'nerd' hobbies that are really just dressed up versions of the same shitty mainstream hobbies they disdain. They epitomise Dunning Kruger, see a dumb person might just buy BTC or ETH or whatever because it's 'new tech' and they want free money, and a genius might understand how disruptive the tech is, but the 105, he reads one wiki article and thinks he's figured everything out.

Basically these people are cancerous and capable of such feats of mental gymnastics I have no doubt in my mind they go to sleep calmly justifying how it's all luck, even though these people will admit to envying the better looking (which is also luck) they act like they don't envy 'gamblers', but the truth is it's because they can't change their looks so they project their resentment outward, but they could have bought BTC and to protect their fragile egos they dismiss it.

Finance is also a game.

is that sub reddit a Veeky Forums parody? please tell me it is

>As a gamer

fucking lel
what an empty-headed virtue signalling faggot

I find it’s good practice to pretty much disregard anyone who starts a statement with “As a “blank”...
I find that most of the time those people tend to talk in a very selfish manner, and are quick to paint themselves as the victims of some perceived injustice. They are usually quite resistant to opinions that differ from their own, as they are emotionally immature, and prefer to take the path of mental least resistance whenever possible, which is why they spend so much time being offended, and congregate in “safe spaces” where everyone shares the exact same opinions.

>baby's first discovery of /r/buttcoin

This, fucking kek. If 500$ is a big fucking deal for a multi-year "investment", you should REALLY consider what you're doing with your life.


This guy knows whats up. I sound like I'm fanning my own balls here, but I have a 140 IQ and I find "105ers" to be fucking insufferable.

>get a load of this guy bragging about his IQ on Veeky Forums

Yeah I mean sure, whatever, but to be honest? I don't FEEL that smart. I honestly couldn't believe it when I got the results. Much how your mother couldn't believe it when my enormous benis penetrated her vagoo

Life is full of surprises

I actually heard nocoiners give those arguments in real life back when I worked in software dev. Laughted right in their faces.

I know exactly what you mean. I myself have an IQ of 160 and really cannot stand these 105ers.

I am glad to find similarly intelligent people here

Really extrovert 105s are the worst. The type in a group discussion that will dominate but provide no useful insight whatsoever.

Normie offices are filled with these types.

>As a gayman
>muh footing the bill

nintendo switch is quite fun, actually


Holy fuck. If you're serious that's ridiculously high. Congrats.

Imagine being a slug and entering that forum...

The funny thing is that crypto will allow for the 'uberization' of lots of industries which will make resource allocation orders of magnitude more efficient than it is today resulting in astronomically higher productivity with lower pollution than today.

>Their gambling vice is directly enabling pedos & criminals
this is a myth and is still being perpetued by dumb msm. You are safer using fiat for ilicit activities rather than using cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency enables PRIVACY and not ANONYMITY. There is a reason why the FBI could arrest silkroad merchants that where using bitcoin.

>The electricity consumption of 'miners' is destroying our environment
so what? everything in this planet has its carbon footprint. We are still a type 0 civilization, we need to burn resources in order reach type 1. Cattle is probably one of the biggest causes of global warning and yet nobody gives a shit. Also people don't realize that mining does arbitrage between expensive/inefficient and cheap/efficient energy

I don't get how people can have so much hate in their hearts over something as relatively insignificant as crypto they waste their time on a circle jerk subreddit whining about it. The mind boggles.

"I'm a gaymer and I can't afford a $500 GPU"
"Cryptocurrencies aren't currencies at all!"
"But what about all those poor third worlders who aren't helped by crypto?!?"
"M-muh electricity"

And somehow there are still people who don't understand why you should NEVER take reddit seriously. If you want some entertainment, look at it like you're observing monkeys in a zoo fellating each other, but don't ever form an opinion based on what you hear on reddit.

I noticed similar stuff.

It started when I got fit. As I moved into the top 1% of athletes in my lifts/class I noticed the same thing from both causal gym-goers and regular people that didn't even pursue health.

It's been the same with money as well. I noticed that people making the same or more money than me were saving less and wondering where it went. Constantly eating out, buying little gifts for themselves, buying new clothes and shoes, etc.

Life has a way of sorting the unfit from the fit.

Self aware 105ers who know how retarded they are can be fine, but you definitely hit the nail on the head

t. Self aware retarded (probably) sub 105er

I know EXACTLY what you mean. 180 iq reporting in and I find these 105ers to be just god awfully insufferable

>life has a way of sorting the unsorted from sorted

Welcome to the club bro. 185 reporting in. Yea I mean sure, whatever, but to be honest? I don't FEEL that smart. I also couldn't believe it when I got the results.

What the fuck is their problem with butter, it's delicious

When will crypto 'uberize' Uber with an actually decentralized anarchocapitalistic liberal protocol that uses the blockchain to coordinate drivers and passengers, skipping the Uber middle-man?

lol biz pedophiles BTFO
get a real job manbaby losers

IQ 122 brainlet here. What are you guys invested in?

introverted 105 reporting in

if I keep my mouth shut nobody will realize that I'm 105 while I hang with 130+ people

That's already doable if I recall correctly Swarmcity has been working on that, the only problem is mass adoption but once it gets rolling it will be quick.

>Actually enjoy going to work

But being a rich Buttcoiner doesn't prevent you from going to work. You can be rich and work. Do they think once your bank account hits a certain number the government mails you a Cease-And-Desist-Working letter?


Since I'm posting on my phone (having a shit) and my ID is different, for clarification I'm the 140 guy.

Interested to see if the 160 guy replies and what he's holding.

All they need to do is fomo in right now honestly. Bitcoin isn't going anywhere and if the marketcap hits 20 trillion+ like predicted, they can still easily 10x, or 1000x+ if they pick the right altcoin.

We're still laughing at you.

Why don't they like crypto, man. I don't get it
I mean, not caring at all is one thing, but actively complaining on reddit of all places is another

I can't wait to look at this subreddit when Crypto has a multi trillion market cap

I'm stealing that "105s" insult. Absolutely spot on.


I feel you bro. I have an IQ of, like, 220 and I don't FEEL smart but I just can't stand all these stupid niggers around me.

I'm kind of scared. Some of this describes me.

>DIrectly enabling pedos

Explain to me how that's a negative?

>I couldn't care less that Tether is scamming their shirts off.
>the tether fudders are all butthurt nocoiners
it all makes sense now

Fed can't print BTC for their gibs. It's a threat to anyone in academia, the govt work force, or on welfare.

Weird, a had a similar theory throughout my late adolesence. People who were kinda above average intelligence, but not by much, who develop a spurious superiority complex. I thought it led to them being left wing on certain issues too - They thought they were so smart to be able to notice "racism" in 2014.

I know any reasonable comment calling them out on their coping mechanism will just get downvoted to oblivion

Should I just tell one of them to kys instead?

Pretty sure someone from Veeky Forums just made this thread, so if you wanna shitpost at them, this is a prime target: reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/7yp46k/buttcoin_in_2018/

Soy enema level

Fucking spot on mate

t. 147, just smart enough to have some idea how fucking dumb I am

>over 500 people browsing this subreddit

what the actual fuck

Why even bother larping on a Scandinavian bass fishing board? People like you fascinate me.

inb4 "I was trolling yo"

Sent ;)

"Racism" has never been subtle around these parts so I sincerely doubt it overlaps with who you are talking about.

Speculating on bitcoin - a currency which almost uses a mWh per transaction, takes 10 minutes, is expensive to transact, is super volatile and has falling merchant adoption - IS a bubble and if you've made money, it's because you're lucky.

Bitcoin has no social utility and even if it did, you speculating on it has no social utility either (negative, it's worse as a currency if you speculate on it).

I would be fine with all this if it didn't destroy the environment and bring us all down with you.

You guys *knowingly* invested in three ponzi schemes - ponzicoin, powhcoin and powhcoin shadow with unaudited, untested code.

That is the most brainless things I've ever witness. Crypto has made me lose faith in the free market.

Also a fraction of you understand the tech - I reckon less than 5% understand what a merkle tree is, what a hash is or what asymmetric encryption is.

>actually caring about the environment
I'll have died or killed myself by the time this shit becomes a problem. And if I'd have to choose between my personal wealth and some shitty land like Florida or Hawaii getting flooded, I know what choice I'll make.

Dude, you're not as smart as you think you are for understanding RSA and Merkle Trees. This is undergrad CS stuff. Fucking pseud.

>if this post makes you angry, gues what kind of "human" that makes you

I agree with everything you said but your prose still annoyed me


Fuck you

t. Dutch

Agreed, except for the IQ part. Never took a test (it's not that common in my country), but I truly believe there's no mapping between one's intelligence and a single number.

What a bunch of faggots,

I never said I was smart.

r/buttcoin is right you know

Clearly a 105'er

Powhcoin was actually a great investment if you got in early - and if you didn't, but still bought in, you're a moron who deserved all their losses. All the clones looks like trash though.

>merkle tree
>assymetric encryption
There are only three things I need to know about a coin to invest in it: the logo, the memes/hype, and the market cap.

Don't worry bruh, Merkel will take you all in, if only to expand her Fourth Reich.

It's not an actual ponzi scheme. It was just a window of opportunity that lasted for a little while. And yes, most people here don't even understand how the bitcoin blockchain works nor have read the whitepaper. But they don't have to.


That is completely retarded since the banking system does considerably more than do transactions. The transactions it does do is far more than the 3 tx/s bitcoin does.

Settlements, currency hedging, loans, fraud prevention, balance sheet valuations.

Also VISA is pretty inefficient as well. The point is a new currency system should be using fractions of watt hours to transact, not 700 kwh.

Also it doesn't matter how efficient mining hardware is, that just means more miners mine till the difficult adjusts such that cost of mining = reward for mining.

If I have to argue why investing in ponzi scheme is a bad idea, then I've already lost this battle.

Don't flatter yourself too much m8, any argument you're a part of isn't worthy of being called a "battle". And no, investing in ponzi schemes isn't a bad idea, if you're one of the first and can guarantee further people will join. The only reason people and the guberment hate ponzis is because we as a society need to protect the retards still investing in them after the opportunity windows has already closed.

>user, we see you have made thicc gains on crypto
>there's milions of dollars on your bank accounts
>you have paid your taxes
>dept, house, lambo, all in your name
>and yet you haven't stopped working
>dont you think you're being a little bit retarded?
>nope I enjoy working lol
>nobody does, we have seized your assets for suspected criminal behaviour, you have the rights to remain silent
>reeeeeeeeeee you will never take my linkies alive
>stop right there criminal scum
>never I will never stop working like a slave NEVER

and thats how grandpa died during the crypto wars

I love self righteous fags. Whens the last time this guy went out and personally hunted pedos and stood in front of bulldozers to save a tree or something? Probably never. How much has this guy donated to charity? Probably $0. Now hes "got a problem" with bitcoin.

As an omniscient God almighty, I too dislike 105s
My hand slipped when I was filling in their character sheets, they were meant to be in 80-90 IQ range.

how cum you love people like that then? those all seem like bad things