What went right? I drink about 2 of these a night and have been for the last 8 years

What went right? I drink about 2 of these a night and have been for the last 8 years.

Are you by any chance a nigger?

lol no im white

For most patients, alcoholic FLD seems to "come out of nowhere" because it's asymptomatic until severe damage is already done

End stage alcoholic fatty liver disease can be reversed if you stop drinking completely and permanently before cirrhosis sets in (there is a very small time window between detection and permanent irreversible damage. If you miss that window, you might as well just drink yourself to death because you're fucked and you are not eligible for a liver transplant

Have fun with that.

my parents both split a bottle of vodka a night and are 70 and had no issues.....

St ides is better

that's great.... maybe your parents lied.... or maybe.... there is no other maybe...

Sideshow Bob?

Ya dude youre probably magic and immune to the effects of chronic heavy alcohol consumption

why are you trying to justify your alcoholism to us? I like drinking, but I don't drink that much. Why do you think anyone here needs to discuss your drinking habits... unless you actually feel insecure about them?

that shit is way too thick, if i'm that hell bent on getting drunk i'll just drink liquor. steel reserve is strictly for people who are drinking to get drunk but can't stomach shots

why does everybody on the internet have to exaggerate their alcoholism?

They aren't lying I live with them

You haven't lived with any alcoholics have you?

That is the worst of the worst. Why drink that crap? I know you get a Big Bang for your buck but it's a shitty buzz

Their body would have shut down a long time ago if they actually drank a fifth of vodka a day split every day. unless they started at age 50.
I mean if you split a 0.04 litre bottle everyday, you could live to 70 if you started at 21.

They drunk a 750ml bottle a night they split it

It's fewer than 20 beers a day, and the use of past tense suggests they stopped doing it at some point.

My girlfriend would drink rubbing alcohol mixed with water if I didn't let her get booze. Alcoholics don't give a single fuck about how or what they use to get drunk, just that they're drunk. She's fucking 29 and suffering from liver failure.

How much did she drink

Sounds bad bro. I'm a drinker myself but I only drink 2-3 times a week but the times I do drink I get smashed.

Highest she's been hospitalized for is .40 BAC. Not .04, I mean .40, 5x the legal limit. I love her, she's amazing, beautiful and one of the most intelligent women I have ever known when she's sober. It's just that she drinks, and I fear I don't have a future with her because she might not have a future. I get so scared...

is she violent when drunk?

You can always try to have a daughter with her before she dies.

No, never been violent with me before. I'm scared because I want her to live a happy healthy life and she might night make it there.
I would, but she still drinks, and I'm afraid of what will happen if she drinks while pregnant. I told her she needs to go a year sober if she wants to bare my child, and she talks about wanting to, but can never go more than a couple weeks without relapsing.

What is it?

If she's intelligent while sober and drinks a lot, she's probably super depressed or emotionally bothered by something. Talk to her about her problems in a non-man way. Don't try to fix them, try to get her to talk about them and empathize with them. She's your girlfriend, if you care about her enough to worry, you care about her enough to try to be a counselor for her.

Man I've been with her for years, she no longer has the problems she used to have. She drank years before she met me, maybe for depression, but she no longer suffers from any form of depression. She just has an addiction to the feeling of being drunk. She has gone to a psychiatrist for the past couple years and she'll get counseling, talk with him, and then go drink some hand sanitizer an hour later. Alcoholic's anonymous doesn't do shit either. She has dual STEM degrees and has the potential doing far more than I ever will. Yet, even so, she can't get off the juice.

Rachel Dolezal more like trolled us all, amirite??

I like to drink cobras. For a while I got into 211 tall cans but I always come back to my cobra

what are the symptoms of FLD?

give her xanax
same feeling of being drunk just no liver failure
you could get grand mal seizures if you take it along time and dont ween off it though
but hey no liver disease

Sounds like I used to be. I binge drink. I'll usually go through half a handle or maybe a little less if I just chill and drink by myself. Was bad about 2 months ago, just kept drinking every other day. Drunk, hangover, drunk, hangover... and ate like shit during it all too. Just moved to a new city and stuff though and am tryin to right the ship. Been here 5 days and have only drank once in the last 8 days which is fuckin impressive for me. Might drink tomorrow, but not sure... Try and cut back a bit. The other good thing is even after just 8 days or so and drinking once, my tolerance is lower and I feel healthier by far. So much more productive as well.

Booze can take a pretty solid hold on you, but just keep fightin the good fight and hopefully we'll all figure it out.

Rough dude, she sounds beautifully flawed. Gotta get her sorted out somehow or you're right, there will be no future. Can't expect anything long term to work out with someone like that.


I was drinking two a night plus a sixer of whatever didn't seem too bad at the corner store. I don't like doing that so much right now though. Think I'll take it easy for a while. Definitely couldn't imagine eight years of it though.

how old are u? how did u stop? did it negatively affect ur life

I turned twenty-one a few months ago. Was doing that nightly unless I had liquor on hand until this week. So. Not long. I'm young. Naive. I think I was letting it get out of hand, It had an adverse impact on my happiness for sure. Maybe it's just not for me.

You're an idiot. There are loads of old alcoholics who drink this much and worse.

I just drank one.
Completely repulsive.
I drink it every day though because who the fuck wants to sell 12 packs for $8.50 any more? Why not sell them for $14?
Well steel still sells them for $8.36 which is the only reason it gets drank.

Where the hell do you get 40's from? I live in Florida and have been to liquor stores and convenience stores a plenty but have seen at max 32oz.

In fucked up hell hole states, they have to limit their deranged populace's access to alcohol. I can buy 40s at a 7 11 a few thousand feet from where I live

It might be about price jacking too.
Beer companies are fucking assholes. Less beer costing more is extremely commonplace.

For the first 95% of the disease, no symptoms. Right at the end, when you're basically teetering at point of no return, fatigue, fluid buildup in the abdomen or lower extremities, changes to complexion, and bruising. This rapidly progresses to dementia, loss of coordination, bizarre behavior, and an unpleasant body odor. Finally, you die.

This is weak sauce dude. You obviously have never met a true boozer. That's a cakewalk compared to some people I know. Hell, if you have 3 or 4 well poured martinis you're almost at 1/2 of a fifth. That's a simple, regular weeknight for a lot of businessmen/women who go out for drinks after work.

Da fuck, how about Milk Thistle pills

It's all right. I drink two Mickeys a night.
Cheers to your good taste.

Niggerdom transcends race, user.

You are indeed, a nigger.

Dump that drunk bitch.

There's a million others just like her that don't allow booze to dictate their lives.

>a couple weeks

That's a lot you faggot. Stop being a baby.

>girlfriend drinks rubbing alcohol and gets hospitalized with .4 blood alcohol levels
>a couple weeks is a lot not to relapse
Sure, and when she has user's baby she's going to drink it to death. Don't be a dipshit.

I can't, I put a lot of effort and time into our relationship and she's lived with me for a very long time.

>muh sunk cost

You can keep repairing a shit old car for a lot of money or buy a shiny new one and stop sinking money into the old one

More like repairing a nice old car or getting a new Civic.

You should probably take your bad advice to /adv/, it's where shitty people tell other, less shitty people how to be as shitty as they are. You'd fit right in.

Knocking her up will make her stop. Trust me.

You don't know alcoholics. If she drank normal shit I'd be inclined to agree, but if she's already dipping into running alcohol she's too far gone.

Florida doesn't sell 40zs

That's interesting. Any idea why that is?

Florida man

Fair enough. I'll look into it sometime, just figured I'd ask since it came up.

If you google it some stuff comes up, when bored just look it up and read it.

That's the only thing that went right, count your lucky stars user!

Death juice...one of those and my system starts shutting down.

Kek never met an alky eh?

>supporting staying with an alcoholic
>tells others their advice is shitty

I'm with you

>steel reserve is strictly for people who are drinking to get drunk but can't stomach shots

Shots suck anyway, strictly for people looking to get "white girl wasted". Cocktails are the way to go for anyone who wants to properly get drunk and enjoys the ritual of sipping, not over a two hour period. Either that or straight drinks but that's only for rich people who can afford nightly hard liquor that is WORTH drinking without mixers.

In any case, I drink Steel Reserve because my parent's don't allow liquor in the house.

I hate the plastic 40zs so much

You've literally written the opposite from the truth. It's normally females who can't stomach shots, so they resort to drinking cocktails.

I don't know what kinda weak ass fems you kick it with brah, all the girls I know INSIST on taking like tons of shots over a small period, get fucked up, puke or pass out....and the rest of us are just left drinking the rest of the night.

No raping.

Me too, the only good thong about them is that they have a wide mouth to pee in lol.

Lmao I've used them to piss in many nights my friend

disgusting degenerate

I did the same thing for almost a year until I realized how much weight I was gaining. There's a shit ton of calories in those bitches

It took you a year to realize how much weight can be gained from those things? Of course they're high calorie, after a week of drinking two a day I could tell I gained weight and felt fucking disgusting. A year would have done irreparable harm to my body.

around 740 a bottle.

>tfw been drinking like a fish for ten years, and my liver fucking hurts.

isopropyl alcohol will not get you drunk

itll just wreck u insides