Hey Veeky Forums

Hey Veeky Forums,

how do you like your authentic 'xas 'li

with or without beans?

Pour it into bread and you will have a nice 'go' za

beans make it edible

can we change this to a 'go' za thread, or no?

It became a 'go 'za thread the moment OP used the words 'xas 'li

>discussing beans in 'li
>not CORN in 'li

So what, corn or no corn?

What the fuck is 'go 'za?

Asiago pizza?

>'xas 'li

You're an awful fucking example of a human being. Rehashing the eternal beans/no beans argument with your pathetic fucking forced meme doesn't make you funny, it makes you a cunt.

I hope you die a fiery death when the ambulance taking you to oncology palliative care gets hit by an exploding bus filled with everyone you ever cared about, you fucking shitbag.

Where have you been?

A tasty Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizza.



Calm down and have some artisan 'go 'za

(Mexi)go (Tortiz)za
Basically, chicagoan dialect for "mexican tortilla"


my aunt taught a quick and easy one
1lb turkey or beef
cook it
4-6 cans of various beans
1 packet mild chili seasoning
1 can Rotel

it tastes pretty good considering it takes maybe 10 minutes to cook

how do you guys do it

Now that's some mighty fine 'li, but it doesn't hold a candle to a good old-fashioned ' ' .

The memes were too supreme for this buttblasted user

Nice 'it 'ost you 'um 'got

Veeky Forums used to be good before the Americans came.

So it was never good since its an american weebo invention?

I prefer extra saucy 'lo 'ngs.

Without, I don't like the gas and beans are for poor people to cut the meat.