Chainlink link nodes

Is anyone on here planning on running a Chainlink node? I'm very inclined to run one because of my stack size and the potential profit from running it, but i am having trouble thinking of applicable data sources that will be used by smart contracts. I am not going to even bother with the big feeds that everyone is talking about, like for bank payments, bonds, insurance, geo tracking, etc etc. I feel like those feeds would be over saturated and with a smaller player like myself who is new to the scene I would try to run a node with very niche data feeds. Let me know what nodes you plan on running user

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How many do you need to run a node?

it doesn't work like that. you could conceivably run a node with 0 link, but good luck getting chosen for the lucrative contracts.

What this guy said

Take a look at this:

There's a couple examples on that page for what type of data sources you might want to look into.

self checked/ bump


so is it essentially get your node up and running and then someone randomly picks yours?

Im guessing node operators are going to be marketing their node with advertisments on the internet. The bigger players are most likely going to be doing their thing behind closed doors.

so essentially its linkpool or nothing?

Not exactly, it is definitely the easiest way to participate in a node but I would prefer to control my own node and link stack and try to make a legitimate business out of it.

same here but dont you have to have access to data? or am i not understanding how it all works

Ive done a tiny bit of digging for api's. You can pay for monthly usage of some api's and there are also alot of of open api's to feed data from through out the internet.

I hope you get your car, man. I'm holding Link and I don't even care how low it bottoms before it spikes again because the project is way too prestigious to fail. Sergey Nazarov as a protege of SWIFT is all I need to know to believe that Link is headed for top 5. Not IF, simply WHEN. After Wall Street big shots invest their bonus checks over the next week or two, those buy and sell walls should come down and we should see positive forward movement. Link will be $1000 dollars at the end of 2018, and I'm holding just enough to take care of my family and then hopefully enough left over for 2018 Miata 6-speed short-throw shifter with a turbo kit. Good luck to you, my friend.

Many paid data providers have such deals available that the ultimate data purchaser only needs to pay for it. Say Company A want data from Company B. A pays B for the data and the ten nodes that A pays to retrieve the data can fetch the data on A's license.

My understanding is that nodes need to stake LINK as collateral for successful contract execution. So wouldn't a node need at least some LINK to bid on contracts?

No, it is optional for somebody that looks to hire nodes to demand that the nodes stake a certain amount as insurance but they can also pick nodes that do not stake. Different use cases obviously influence this choice.

hmm thanks for the info and the responses. i just have so many questions about the whole node thing. I get what link is trying to do, ive read the whitepaper and all of that jazz but im just so tech illiterate i guess i just have to use linkpool. I do however know some tech people that it would be no problem to set one up. i just dont know how it all works.

>i just have so many questions about the whole node thing
We're simply so early in the game right now, that it's hard to say for sure.
These guys saying you "theoretically" don't need link to run a node are guessing.
No one knows how much you'll reasonably need. And the operation of a node is still unclear too. My intuition is telling me that node operation will be a very diverse marketplace in and of itself, and there will be many niche markets for node operators to fill that wont directly compete with one another.

Honestly, i am practically in the same boat. Im decent with tech though, im just tryng to see if anyone else plans on running one and what their idea for it would be so i can get a grasp on what theyre aiming at.

here's a list of open apis that i found. Anyone wanna help me dig through it to find something that will be good for smart contracts?

hopefully there will be some dumbed down guide how to do this stuff soon

id love to but i couldnt be much help. ill try though

thodges from the ChainLink team has made "just do as I do" tutorials on youtube and I imagine he will continue to do so

i have seen those. but i guess my concern is how do you get data. is it a plug and play operation or does the node have to have access whatever data or is it just automated. I also realize the code was just released so there isnt much out as people are digging (I have no ability to do so). are these questions that would be best answered upon mainnet release?

as much as i learned from them there were times i had to put it at half speed just to get what he was saying. theyre still really helpful though

I get you and as you point out, we're still only in alpha, things will become clearer.

cool appreciate the help

Veeky Forums congratulations on generating and sustaining an actually useful and positive discussion on chainlink

I thought these days were over

>over saturared
>trillion dollar industries.

Idk user. Gambling, financial markets, insurance, escrow data. blockchain related data (e.g: crypto transaction data which will become very on demand for decentralized exchanges). Seems like a very big market to me...

$1000 EOY confirmed?

if we dont acknowledge it, it wont stop

No, because I won't take the risk of losing LINK by pooling it in some shady shit or some buggy oracle.

The market value of LINK after mass adoption will already reflect the potential gains of staking in a node, as well as speculative value. No point in taking risks with sure money.


ive thought about this but i kind of like the challenge of getting into something unknown. but i may have bitten off more than i can chew currently

which cloud service are you looking into?


Well if you have a gigantic stack of LINK, you can probably afford to throw some scraps at into an oracle just for keks.

I will try to run my own node. I'm guessing in the future there will be plug and play style apis for use on these nodes, bundled with a set of useful apis. Then youd install the ones you want to service and run. I might make some of these myself.

I agree, what i meant to say was that im too small of a fish to go after something that large

Yea i dont trust putting my stack into other pools. I want to explore the options of running my own and do it successfully enough to make it into a small business.

I feel like this could very well be true. after this thing gets some traction the team would benefit from helping node operators figure out how to tailor their nodes. there will probably be so many different things that you can easily implement on your node that the problem may become which apis you want to narrow it down to. just get your foot in the door now. we will be babied along later.

Yea i expect its to be very streamline in the future, but like you said, i want to get my foot in the door and start one asap and try to make it successful.

plus you factor in the reputation aspect. getting in as soon as possible is probably best

Exactly, the traffic will grow by itself if you are reputable and have been in early.

How will it be determined if your data is bad?

my guess is if its an outlier from the consensus. but i dont think that there HAS to be an incorrect node. Just on the outside chance its bad data you get punished

My biggest problem with nodes so far is I have no idea what kind of data I would need for any kind of smart contract. Like if I wanna run a link node for esports and I have an appointment plugin to riot games for game data like what data would actually be useful from that and what fucking contract could I make for esports out of it?

prize distribution
just a wild guess here

Imagine if biz was functional enough to manage operating a community node staking pool. Too bad the collective autism self destructs itself

interesting also to think about which kinds of data feeds are going to be the most frequented/best paid because of bigger txs. i'm hoping for the accumulated intelligence of user to solve these questions in the future

I've got 45k LINK, so in the beginning I'm assuming the dividends from running a node will be minimal as the amount of tasks divided by oracles won't be optimal, which means I'll most likely keep them in a pool.

As the usage of the oracle network increases, I'll most likely set up a node myself.

Also reminder that if you're not a NEET, but in an industry that could utilize smart contracts, don't be a fag. Yesterday I stood in front of the entire management of my company (with some 15k employees) and shilled the fuck out of smart contracts because they'd quite literally save us tens of millions a year, and of course I namedropped LINK when explaining why no one has been able to utilize smart contracts until now.

Do your part, faggots. Smart contracts will revolutionize just about every industry. We just need to force the fuckers to take the leap.

was this a really subtle meme post

I just sent up my node today. I'll look through this tomorrow, thanks.
Btw when compiling, did you have to change the data type of GasLimit to uint64?

People like me (software dev, but never worked with coding blockchain) have only had access to the code for a little over 24 hours. I'm sure there are other link holders with the same background as me. This time next week, you'll have a lot more info.

appreciate it

what editor should I use for golang?

I was using vim. Depends on if your just making a few changes or writing brand new adapters.

Not him, but I was wondering about that. I just submitted an issue on their GitHub.

Where did you change the data type?

I thought about it, but realized I'd just get doxxed and publicly humiliated.

There were 3 files, I'm blanking on their names. When you compile, look at the file it tells you that has the bigint* that should be a uint64. Its line 33, i do remember that. Go into the source and change it. Then try to build again. It'll give you two more files where you'll need to change the data type of GasLimit.

Checked- Kek is in every keystroke

They checked in non-compiling code?
Come on, that's like rule #1, don't do that.

Can you give some info about how you set up your node?
What would you need to make sure your node runs 24/7 ?
Is there any coding?
What do you expect the rewards to be like at first?
Do you think there will be a big first-mover advantage?

I'm just a humble Corporal but this is something I'd be interesting in learning more about. More for the fun than for the money at first, but if it can make a few extra tokens in the future, all the better.

possible node marketplace with bids and ask for certain data that might run like fiver? desu i have no idea but that would be kinda cool.

Yea, it's worrying. I'd assumed it was just me until I heard the other user mention it.

so, first thing you wanna do is figure out where you wanna run your node. I have unfettered and unmonitored access to corp aws resources, so I spun up a RedHat aws ec2 instance. Also had to run an ethereum node (geth) from the same instance. as it's from aws, i'm comfy with their uptime SLAs.
honestly, if you just read the readme file on the chainlink github page, ellis does a pretty good job of laying stuff out. if you have any coding background it wont be hard.
But yes, there is coding. what i'll be working on next is writing an eth smart contract (coding in solidity), and with chainlink, i'll have to write an adapter to read data from an external API - right now i have my mind on the NYSE or CME, but i dont think those data feeds are free, so i might have to improvise.

note that im not just gonna stake. if all you wanna do is stake, you wont need to understand programming. just be able to follow instructions to get the node running.
im gonna actually test the product. I'm not doing this to make money (at this point). I'm doing this to test out the capabilities of the product they released. if this product does half of what sergey thinks its possible of, im gonna sell off about $60,000 of other assets to buy more link. then i'll worry about staking some of it.
I'll probably do a deep dive post next week of what i did, what problems i ran into, and what i see happening over the next few months. i'll put in on plebit so it doesnt get buried.

im this guy btw, changed computers.

Thanks, I'm going to look into it.

What ec2 instance are you running? I think amazon still gives out 1 year free trials for nano, and that might be enough to run a few tests at first.

I'm a decent programmer so I don't mind the coding part.
I've never dabbled with Solidity but I'm curious to try it out.

Will be looking forward to your post.

as simple as i can make it -
1) download chainlink
2) install chainlink
3) connect your CL node to the eth network
4) load up your node with tokens (right now it wants ETH, not Link, this is something I'll be investigating over the next couple of days)
5) stake your tokens in order to bid on on-chain requests for off chain data.
6) be rewarded for correct off-chain data delivery

at least in early alpha, this is how its working. lots of room for improvement. exciting time to be alive fellow marines.

Looking forward to your findings.

Thomas replied on github btw:
I believe this issue is due to go get and dep ensure installing different versions of packages. The fix would be to update the README to change all instances of go get -u to a git clone command followed by dep ensure. Using go get would be friendlier for people to come to the project and get started, but dep ensure gives us more control over which versions of packages to install.

@recursiev, in the mean time, go ahead and follow the instructions below to get the build going:

Install Dep with go get -u
Clone the repo into $GOPATH/src/
Run dep ensure in the chainlink directory
Build the binary with go build -o chainlink

So an environment issue. Makes more sense since there were multiple failures.

insightful stuff user. please keep a doc of your findings and stuff you find useful.

its like a t2 medium. probably overkill. but its a small fraction of the sandbox costs, so no one really cares.
i mean, if you have a linux box at home, theres nothing to stop you from just running it from your house. it prefers ubuntu, but i got it working fine on RH. but yea, a micro image should probably work for this, i didnt get the impression CL was doing any heavy lifting.

>Run dep ensure in the chainlink directory

this wasnt in any of ellis's notes (that i saw) - it just said to install dep. probably what the issue is. ill test this and include in my write up, thanks user.

Yea, he acknowledges that they need to update the readme. Glad to help, but it was mostly recursiev asking the question.

0, but it'd be like applying for a job without any credentials. you'd be lucky if you get hired as a feces extractor at a detroit KFC.

Solid stuff guys, thank you for contributing to the thread

5k link

I hope its one million dolllars in 3 years

>Miata 6-speed short-throw shifter with a turbo kit