Why do triangles taste better? It's like how orange juice tastes better from a mug

Why do triangles taste better? It's like how orange juice tastes better from a mug.

>Orange juice from a mug


And why do sandwiches always taste better when someone else makes them?

that's not a real phenomena, i hate it and i hate anybody who claims it exists.
I can't smell. My nose is broken. Sandwiches made by other people still taste better than ones I make myself.

1. the triangles can support each other vertically so if the sandwich has to sit upright for a period they will stay buoyant
2. if properly made the diagonals maximize tongue to filling contact (remember hypotenuses?)
3. the corners provide an obvious starting point

idk i'm sure there are other reasons

did you just have a stroke

because its more appealing to the human eye just like a hot slim girl compared to a fatty hamplanet grill.

Its pussy that yud be smashing, but obv youd prefer the fatty because you browse Veeky Forums.

>Why do triangles taste better?
They don't. There is too much crust

Because with means mommy made it!


there is literally the same amount of crust

because you can eat the shitty half first (top crust part) and save the best crust for last

I forgot are you the tripfag that names his knives?

no and not sure who that person even is

Are you alright user?

fuck off forever tripfaggot

Triangles have more mass.

Triangle and rectangular cuts taste the same to me

I don't understand.
Is this some samefaging that backfired or something like that?

Absolutely fucking lost it, this actually makes sense. Thanks for the comfy laugh

user is talking to himself... Is this really what people do for fun?