What is the best canned seafood, Veeky Forums?

What is the best canned seafood, Veeky Forums?

Anchovies, obviously

Tuna, obviously

sardines, obviously

Smoked Mussels, obviously

There was this can of grilled eel I got that was so good I wanted to die

ansjovis up at nr 1 sardines a bit below it way way more below tuna and lowest of low salmon

Tuna in green coconut curry, duh. It's, like, totes obvs.

This octopus stuff I got from a mate who runs a Portuguese deli. It was pretty delicious.

Oysters, obviously

The dollar store by my house sells cans of sardines for a buck each that somehow taste better than the twice as expensive grocery store brands and they've got like 50% of your daily calcium per can because of all the fish bones

I'm probably slowly poisoning myself with plastic contaminants and industrial waste but they just taste so good

enjoy your mercury poisoning


>price, health


>honourable mentions
Herring, Mackerel

Anchovies is where its at

the amount of canned fish you'd have to eat to get mercury poisoning is stupidly high

I worry that the fish has some radioactive particles from fukushima.

More like BPA and aluminum

mackeral, obviously

these things are GOAT with mustard or hot sauce

Does canned salmon actually taste good? I'm terrified of it.

I think it's the tastiest canned seafood by far, all are good though really (apart from oysters)

Better question, where the hell do i get tuna or fish in general that is
a. Not from the pacific
b. not shipped to china to be processed
c. no soy in it
d. wild caught
I can usually get 2/4 sometimes 3/4 but never all three.

derp all four. I dont want anything near or from china, no soy and wild caught. No fukishima radiation fish either.

Its fine
My grandma used to make 'salmon patties' out of canned salmon, combining the salmon with flour and lightly frying it
Its pretty good for poor people food

A few cans a week is gonna start fucking with you

how about Trader Joe's they have pretty good selection

If you absolutely have to eat canned seafood, pic related is tolerable. If served with a curry-white sauce with boiled potatoes and carrots.

albacore white tuna, it's almost twice as expensive as regular cheap canned tuna but way better

none for 300 miles.

I take trips to my closest TJ every few weeks I'm 150 miles from one
and since it's canned maybe you can have a relative mail it to you lol

>in water

Get it in oil.

My local supermarket. I bought it only once when it was on manager's special at 75% off because otherwise, it costs 4-6× more than the regular stuff. At 75% off, it's still nearly a buck more expensive.
The brand is Agostino Recca. It's sold in jars. It is caught and processed in Italy. The tuna is packaged raw with olive oil and salt and is poached during the sealing process, cooking it through.
There is no soy, it's nowhere near China, it's Atlantic tuna and wild caught (though I don't think tuna is farmed anyway; if it is, I'd be surprised), so that ticks all four of your preferences.

You can get these off Amazon. They're almost as good as King Oscar two layer (red or yellow label) for half the price.

Sardines are at the bottom of the food chain, so no mercury issues.

Most sardines are from the Atlantic and processed in Canada or Spain or somewhere like that.

skinless & boneless sardines with olive oil & sea salt. found at walmart.