Anyone know if there's any knockoff brands of Trix that still have the old colors and flavors?

Anyone know if there's any knockoff brands of Trix that still have the old colors and flavors?

I'm not gonna get out of bed on a saturday morning to eat this lumpy bowl of vomit colored carrot juice junk.

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On top of this, does anyone live in USA and can confirm if they have or haven't ruined Captain Crunch's "Oops all berries" yet?

Don't wanna buy that shit and be sent some brown cardboard rocks. Cereal is important in my life and I'm not in USA atm -.-

why don't you just dye some sugar and pour it into a bowl?

They changed again? I remember when the cereal actually looked like fruit.

Now we are gonna have Vermont's ridiculously misguided GMO law to ruin everything once again

Fuck dude, that looks so tasty. Why the hell would they remove that?

Cause mah 'natural' (yet worse for you) colors

Because they're retarded

They took the food coloring down because it's literally poison.

I regularly use bright food coloring in several baking recipes, cereal isn't so easy to make though thanks.


You know just because something's natural doesn't make it good for you, and vice versa with unnatural things.

Like I'm p sure people don't boycott toothpaste because it doesn't grow on trees.

Not that guy, and I don't give a shit about shitty cereal for trailer trash, but "food coloring" is a catch-all for literally anything that gives color to food

There is nothing inherent to the concept of food coloring that says it's safe, and many chemicals* in the past have been deemed unsafe and replaced with other, more safe chemicals*

*Yes, I said chemicals, now have an autistic tantrum you fucking neckbeard sperg

What stupidity you're displaying.

I'd heavily call into question the validity of this source, but props for actually bothering to quote one.

It has all the hallmarks of "we want to make this seem bad but couldn't find much"
>X happens IN ANIMALS
>can cause a reaction (yeah people are allergic to peanuts and milk too dipshit)
>can be toxic in high doses (so is fucking everything, they fail to state quantifiably what a "high dose" is)

At one point they even say
>The inadequacy of much of the testing

tl;dr anyone can publish a paper nowadays.

>"food coloring" is a catch-all for literally anything that gives color to food
>Yes, I said chemicals

Why do adults in America eat cereal?
In my country noone below the age of like maximum 15 years eats it. And even then it's in limited degree due to the high sugar count. How can you give that to your children? For BREAKFAST never the less?

Müsil and such however is eaten, but not this sugary colorful shit ID even K what it's supposed to be.

Marketing. Kids really REALLY REALLY love eating the cereal from the mascot on the commercials between their show.

It's disgusting, but a big part of their advertisement happened over the television. Maybe interest in youth fitness along with concerns about rising childhood obesity, combined again with the cord-cutting trend, can set people back onto proper breakfast eating.

You know, like eating a poptart.

Advertising isn't going away when cord cutting happens. The ads will invade what you watch on the internet, and I doubt whoever scripts adblock plus will beat out google when it comes down to it.

>Kids really REALLY REALLY love eating the cereal from the mascot on the commercials between their show.
I think commercials directed towards children are illegal in the EU.

>Skip in 5... 4... 3... 2... SKIP AD NOW

I understand that there's targeted advertisements on youtube, but I've had plenty of misdirected ads hit me for shit I'd never need or want, and none of them are children's cereal commercials.

Do people in Europe really give this to kids for breakfast? Doesn't sound very healthy to me.

Is this a meme? LePage's a glue.

I'm colorblind and this image is really pissing me off.

Oops! All Berries remains dope as fuck. Their food dyes turns your poop a purplish-green color - it is awesome.

dunno what channels you're watching because this definitely isn't true.

Froot Loops comes in spheres now. Trix and Froot Loops have always been just one flavor. The different colors taste the same if you don't see them. Or you could eat actual fruit and whole grains and such?

>and none of them are childrens cereal commercials

Probably because your search history isn't full of minecraft and adventure time

adults in america eat cereal because we have fond memories of our youth. we didn't grow up underneath the boots of communism, poverty, pestilence, and disease.

Also Oops All Berries. And probably some Malt-o-Meal stuff. And Fruity Pebbles. There's lots of options.

You're awesome, thanks for the info.

Yeah, Europeans instead spread palm oil and refined sugar on white bread for breakfast.

>advertising to children is restricted
>Advertising shall not cause moral or physical detriment to minors

It doesn't say you can't do it there's just rules that they can't say shit like "SO GO BEG YOUR PARENTS FOR THIS RIGHT NOW!"

Ahh I was just looking up fruity pebbles as well, it seems like the MVP atm, gonna order me a box.

So your fond memories of your youth consist of sugary brightly chemically colored cereal your mom bought in a box from the supermarket and then told you to eat because she didn't have enough love to make your something from scratch?
That's so very sad.

>he had parents who loved him and had their shit together
Uh oh. Brace for extreme butthurt.

>Or you could eat actual fruit and whole grains and such?

>So your fond memories of being a child involve eating energy-laden colorful food, your mom paid good money for, and then you ate it while she did important things like getting ready for work, making sure you had all your PE kit etc.

Seriously, using a load of negative adjectives to make cereal sound like the devil and make fun of someone's mom is not cool man.

My mom loved me enough to give me what I wanted, and what I wanted was cereal

Only faggot kids didn't want cereal, cereal often came with prizes and tasted like sugar. Sorry you were a faggot kid and probably had no designer clothes and ugly glasses, bitch faggot. No wonder you'r so bitter, you got bullied every day because of how your parents raised you.

wait trix doesn't look like anymore? Childhood ruined

Would she have injected corn syrup directly in your veins too?
My mom loved me enough to give me what was good for me which was a home-made healthy and filling proper breakfast. We used to bake the weekly morning bread together on Sundays. The smell of freshly baked bread still reminds me of her.

Pic related, me and my mum

If your mother didn't abuse you by forcing you to eat steak-ums drenched in cool whip non-dairy dessert topping while chain smoking menthols before passing out from cheap booze in front of the 50 inch TV she blew all the food money on so she could watch the real housewives of LA, you're an anti- vaxxer moonbat who hates science

The difference has always been the texture rather than the flavor. Trix are crisper.

Still looks like this in my retrograde, third world shithole (Chile).

>they're all flavored the same

the food at sodexo is really bad and im fat idc what i eat. but when you cant even fry french fries right, theres something seriously wrong with you. So cereal and sandwiches are my only option.

How are they worse for you?

I would eat the red watermelon parts and throw the green "rinds" away

So poorly informed mothers will think it's healthy.

>Froot Loops comes in spheres now
>Froot Loops
>come in spheres

The Trix color change left a void for them to fill.

It only looked like that when you were a kid.
It looks boring and unapatizing because you're a jaded adult.

>every type of cereal comes in the shape of little colorless balls
>chex, life, pebbles, even lucky charms are just little circles with circular marshmallows
>no flavoring, just oil, sugar, and flour with synthetic vitamin D
>literally Charlie Kelly's energy balls

Looks like Berry Berry Kix after they changed shapes, with some orange ones thrown in.

Are all cereals just fucking spheres now? What happened to the cool shapes?

Looks like I'll be importing trix from chile from now on.

Don't kid yourself, all the cancer sugar cereals are dirt cheap, especially at Walmart where you can get the giant bulk sizes. Healthy cereal is retardly expensive.

Which ones have changed? I only know of Trix really. Pops still look like retarded ovals, Lucky charms still have its shapes and stars, Cookie Crisp still has the mini cookies, Apple Jacks still the same, Fruity pebbles still look like pebbles.

are you a manchild?

cereal has never been healthy. it is by nature reconstitited grains, flavoured and enhanced with vitamins.

Even the "healthy" cereal is far worse for you than just getting real food, like a banana or something.

I'm more interested if there's any knockoff brand of 'go 'za

I thought this was a joke but lol nope.

I imagine Kellogs will stay true overall though. They appear to be cashing in hard on General Mills' decision to make their cereal as unappetizing as possible.

trix were round for decades before they changed to the fruit shape.

they also instantly tasted shittier and more chemical when they went to the fruit shape.

still looking like this in argentina

where is the company from? why they allow to bring a shittier version on murica , and not on a 3er world country?

Well, the less colorful Trix is kind of a drag, but I do like the cute bunny.

They fucked up Honey Nut Cheerios years ago.
The darn things used to have so much sweetness added that the honey O's used to glisten.

Now they look like dried pieces of oats with half the flavor it used to have.

Apple Jacks used to have so much sugar on it that it used to have frosted whiteness to it. Now it's no longer frosted in sugar .

The part the pisses me off is when I google "why doe cereal have less sugar now to see if other people have noticed I find ZERO results on it. Than as I type google asks me if I meant "Why do cereals have SO MUCH SUGAR and a bunch of health conscious mom blog web pages pop up.

They fucked up Honey Nut Cheerios years ago.
The darn things used to have so much sweetness added that the honey O's used to glisten.

Now they look like dried pieces of oats with half the flavor it used to have.

Apple Jacks used to have so much sugar on it that it used to have frosted whiteness to it. Now it's no longer frosted in sugar .

The part the pisses me off is when I google "why do cereal have less sugar now" to see if other people have noticed I find ZERO results on it. Than as I type google asks me if I meant "Why do cereals have SO MUCH SUGAR" and a bunch of health conscious mom blog web pages pop up.

>Soccer Mom detected.

> I don't give a shit about shitty cereal for trailer trash

>now have an autistic tantrum you fucking neckbeard sperg

This guy knows whats up.

I dunno about these guys, but I eat Raisin Bran once a day, every day, because my ass bleeds when I poop if I don't.

The fruit shapes never even went nationwide, it was only test markets

>because my ass bleeds when I poop
You too?

Why not just take a fiber pill and then eat what you want

Thanks for the tip! My husband just had surgery on his pooper for this.
I don't know why, but it doesn't really work that way. Change in diet shows the most results.

your economy is further left then most of europe (due to MIC), your government can kill you legally unlike most of europe

> poverty
most of the US is third world poor

>pestilence and disease
US literally bursting at seems with morbid obesity, diabetes and cancer