>Horrible problems with reflux this week
>Haven't eaten since Friday
>I've been getting these horrible attacks of a squeezing feeling in my chest even when not eating

I'm going to the doctor Monday, but what the hell do I do in the meantime Veeky Forums?

Buy an H2 antagonist like ranitidiness and stop being fat.

I have to take a proton pump inhibitor every day because of my GERD. I have a hiatal hernia. Trying to avoid throat cancer here.

I suggest you try the same OP. Take one in the morning 30 minutes before you eat. Of course, since tomorrow you see the doctor I'm sure he will have a solution.

If your stomach is going to hurt anyways you might as well get a Pizza Hut Big Box Dinner.

You better learn to love this shit.

Is this a serious thing? I get reflux once in a while but just take a tums.

>tfw have had GERD since I was a teenager
Mine has been way worse lately as well. Maybe it's the heat

satan is this true? does vinegar really nuetralize stomach acid?

>I've been getting these horrible attacks of a squeezing feeling in my chest even when not eating

Uh... Are you sure it's not a heart condition? Like the kind where you need to go to the ER?

Yeah it's a thing. I only ever got occasional heart burn, but the last...idk two years ago or so (I'm 26) it gets really bad, at times...feels like something is constantly caught in your neck choking you, makes me vomit sometimes from trying to clear my throat so hard....sometimes I'll just vomit if I eat too much and feel the stomach acid rise up

The fact that I smoke and drink surely make things way worse

It's an acid, so probably not

Pretty sure it's not because antacids start reducing the feeling almost immediately.

Drink multiple glasses of water per day on a regular basis. Cutting out soda and greasy and spicy food pretty much cured my heartburn and indigestion


technically the stomach acid production is just a symptom, the cause is an infection of a specific germ in the stomach lining. Not sure if Vinegar would help fight the infection or not but that specific brand is known to have live bacteria cultures in it that may have some effect on it. GERD and similar digestive disease are not well understood because of the complex interaction of gut bacteria is difficult to test and map.

The nice thing about macrophage biology is that it's mostly a secretive and proprietary technology owned by big food companies. You get to see their latest technology in all the fun "probiotic" products that make it to be tested in the market through FDA loop hole "this is not intended to prevent or cure any disease."

Boy does the food industry hate this kind of thing being discussed!


gerd can be caused by several things besides a bacterial infection.

Take some raniditine

What about omeprazole, Nexium, Prilosec, Aciphex, Prevacid, Kapidex, Protonix, Dexilant and of course Pepsid?

what country do you live in where you can get dexilant otc? or are you one of those people that tells their doctor what to prescribe them?

anticholinergics are toxic and are out.

I had one of them. It was awful. I managed to get surgery to fix it last year.

OP, one of the problems with GERD is that everybody has different triggers for it, so there's not a whole lot of advice you can get. What I did to manage it was
>Prop up the head of your bed. I used books under the legs, and as many pillows as I could get my hands on piled up in a wedge.
>Look for antacids that neutralise acid. Some of them just form a layer over your stomach contents, which works until you lie down.
>I don't know if you've been getting nausea as well, but if your doctor gives you domperidone, be careful. That stuff started to give me gynocomastia. Luckily, I caught it before I got manboobs.

Yes, mine feels like a heart attack. Intense chest pain that I can almost feel in my teeth, after I eat a substantial amount of acidic food. My blood pressure is slightly below average and my resting heart rate is 50. I'm in decent shape so I know it's not actually a heart attack

I don't know about acid reflux, but holy shit does this help me with gas. For whatever reason the shape of my inside doesn't let me belch properly, and occasionally gas will build up and become extremely painful.

For years, YEARS, I took anti-acids like tums. Then I discovered that this was the incorrect thing to do. Calcium carbonate reacts with stomach acid to neutralize it, and releases carbon dioxide gas. I was making the fucking thing worse.

But vinegar? My god vinegar. Apple cider vinegar. A good swig of the stuff diluted in water and it's like flipping a switch. All the gas comes out, all the discomfort gone.

>smoke and drink

You'll want to cut back at least.

I got diagnosed with a similar set of symptoms at the start of the year, at 29. I quit smoking, have been trying (and frequently failing) to cut back on drink, and generally trying not to eat like a slob.

Been prescribed, at various points, omeprazole, famotidine, and dexilant, but it's really the lifestyle changes which seem to have an effect.

What about them?

Nexium doesn't do shit for me