Are there any bakeries that market themselves on not selling gluten free...

Are there any bakeries that market themselves on not selling gluten free? I feel like in the current climate this would draw a larger crowd than gluten-free.

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I'm sorry you don't like your neighborhood and are too stupid to travel

all of them that sell regular bread.

Huh? I don't understand senpai

Incorrect. My clisest bakery sells regular bread, but it also sells gluten free, and it doesn't at all market itself as not selling gluten free.
Maybe I wasn't being clear. Are there any bakeries that adverties itself as refusing to sell gluten free with the intention of appealing to the gluten free counterculture?

when they sell regular bread theyre advertising themselves as not selling gluten free. the same way five guys advertises itself as not being peanut free.

Why does it matter? It is implied that a bakery will sell bread with gluten in it since bread is made with wheat flour and wheat flour contains gluten. They advertise that they sell gluten free bread to attract the dipshits who think gluten is the devil and pretend that they have gluten allergies.

If you don't want to eat gluten free bread, don't buy it. If it bothers you that much that a bakery advertises that they carry gluten free products in order to attract a wider customer base and make more money, then stop buying bread there and buy it somewhere else. Or just fucking make it yourself and put up posters and signs all over your house advertising your gluten bread to make yourself feel better about a non-issue.

>when they sell regular bread theyre advertising themselves as not selling gluten free.
no, they don't. Since they can sell regular bread and at the same time sell gluten-free.
Also, doing something, and marketing the act of doing that, is not the same.

you should know that regular bread will not be gluten free. any bread place that doesn't advertise gluten free bread is advertising not gluten free bread.

it's not a matter of what I care about, it just seems like it would be a potentially very strong salespoint. kinda like how chickfila sell themselves as not catering to homosexuals, you could sell yourselves as someone that doesn't cater to to gluten-free dieters.

Like as a reactionary thing against people with dietary restrictions?

Obviously that kind of angry reactionary thing is big in politics right now, which is what happens when economic pressure is put on the middle class. But the kind of people who are angry about that are shopping at Walmart and Costco. They don't buy their bread from dedicated bakeries. Chances are they don't hit any specialty food shops. The people with the money to shop at specialty stores are the ones who aren't feeling as much economic pressure, so they're less likely to be angry or reactionary.

So I think your idea won't work because the kind of people who would like it don't really have the disposable income to support it.

the people that don't advertise gluten free products are effectively doing that.

Would probably work in flyover country because everyone there hates pussy liberal fads like gluten free. In California or Seattle you'd be out of business in a week.

People would picket you and thought police you until a dissenting opinion didn't exist in their safe space anymore.

wouldn't actively marketing it steal that customer pool though?

>People would picket you and thought police you until a dissenting opinion didn't exist in their safe space anymore.
and the irony would be in the number of signs calling you a bigot.

You know there is actually people with coeliac disease that have autoimmune responses that fuck up their intestines when they eat gluten right?

You may as well shove your hands in peanut butter and finger up everything to fight the peanut allergy culture

>Like as a reactionary thing against people with dietary restrictions?

90% of people that order gluten free are just faggots jumping on the latest health trend. It is counter to that, not the people that have genuine problems eating it.

>angry alt-right outlet covers the story
>all the alt-right in the nearest 500 mile radius come to buy shit at your store

gotta make the scary guy with different opinions into an easily understandable boogeyman with some label. Bigot would probably be used in this case. work in Hitler whenever possible too, that's always a winner. Anything that lets you completely write them off as a person without having to get into difficult things like debate or open discussion.

a lot of the alt-right believe in the gluten conspiracy

I think you're missing something. People who go to the trouble to buy their bread at a bakery instead of the supermarket are looking for good bread. That's what they care about. They might be annoyed by food faddishness, but that's not what determines their purchasing choices. They're looking for quality. If that weren't the case they'd just buy their bread at the supermarket.

who says the bread would be bad? lure in customers with a special pitch, make them stay with a good product.
Most angry purists tend to take their crafts quite seriously.

There's a bakery a few blocks from my house that exclusively sells gluten-free products.

no user, gluten-free free, not gluten-free.
We all know those exist.

So what? Why does it make you so mad? Life is full of annoyances. Eery time I see fat people eating fast food and drinking soda I'm annoyed. But I wouldn't think to set up a fast food chain that didn't allow fat people in the door. I'm annoyed everytime I hear the Eagles on the radio, but I wouldn't start a radio station with a "no Eagles" policy.

Being against something works in politics, where you can define yourself as what you're against. But in business that shit doesn't work. People make their purchasing choices based on price and quality, rarely out of spite.

My point is that the angry purist is probably making their own bread, partially out of economic necessity. Thw purist with enough dough to patronize specialty shops is far less likely to be all that angry.

all bakers have plenty dough.
Also I'm talking about purists that are actually bakers.
Gordon Ramsay hates vegetarians, doesn't mean he's poor.

>People make their purchasing choices based on price and quality, rarely out of spite.

I can't wait until school starts again

Many chefs hate vegetarians because they are a hassle to them professionally. Yet more and more places, particularly on the high end are offering options that are no only vegetarian, but in many cases vegan friendly. Because that's proving to be good business.

I'm sure bakers are annoyed by folks demanding gluten free options. Gluten free baking sucks as hard as most vegan desserts. But there's a market for it, and those willing to cater to that market will cash in.

I doubt there's much of a market for people looking to buy products with gluten in them just to spite those who ask for gluten free. There's no reason to do that out of spite - these products are widely available already. Just like there's no reason to go to an anti-vegan restaurant, because so many places already inadvertently qualify as such.

many high end chefs hate vegans because they are offensive to them on a lifestyle level, someone that rejects a huge part of the culinary world is a slap in the face to someone invested in the culinary world on a high level.
That's why someone that rejects gluten-free trends aggressively would be likely to be a very competent baker if he's so passionate about it. If he could combine that with a strong marketing strategy, why wouldn't he?
There's no market in rejecting vegans because, relative to the field of restuaranteurs, they are a much smaller talking point than anti-gluten is relative to the field of bakery.

>People make their purchasing choices based on price and quality, rarely out of spite.
>There's no reason to do that out of spite

Out of genuine curiosity, where do you guys live? Do you understand how perpetually angry and out to get someone the general fox news watching, Kentucky, Louisiana, Indiana, etc. resident is. There is a huge market for anything that can be seen as anti liberal in these markets.

People WILL go to these places out of spite. Spite is all these people have. They sit in front of their tvs in front of Glen Beck and just build up hate all fucking day. They have nothing else in their lives besides their guns and their trucks.

In the right market this thing could absolutely work. You're looking for the lowest IQ, poorest, most anti liberal (not republican, these are different things) area you can find. Most preferably in a high population area that is not a big a city. Out in fucking nowhere Indiana around a bunch of trailer parks and run down housing I know one of these would kill. Maybe not a bakery though because these retards wouldn't go to one. It would have to be like an openly anti liberal general store with baked goods.

Dude, I'm 48. I have never bought something out of spite. But I certainly have NOT bought products out of spite. I have not gone to the vegetarian restaurant, because fuck that. But that didn't drive me to eat at McDonald's, because fuck that, too.

Some of the women in my social circle are convinced they have to eat a gluten free diet. Does that make me want to run out and eat more gluten? Nope. It just makes me less likely to go out to eat with them in a group unless we're doing Mexican or Asian.

I find it hard to really give a fuck about what other people choose not to eat. That's hardly annoying at all compared to shit like religion and politics. Or the general stupidity I see everyfuckingday. To me being vegan or gluten free is on the level of an eyeroll. Sincerely bringing up Jesus or Donald Trump is a dealbreaker.

That's dumb. Everyone has personal taste, and the culinary world is no different. Do you listen to music? Are you offended by people who listen to music that you dislike? Are you offended by people that dislike YOUR music?

>Sincerely bringing up Jesus or Donald Trump is a dealbreaker.

You are 15. Nothing will convince me otherwise

Hang out on /v/ until the summer ends please

>Spite is all these people have.
>the lowest IQ, poorest, most anti liberal
That's my issue with this as a business model. You're talking poor, spiteful people, here. One could make the case their anger is completely justified because they (probably correctly) feel like they've been pushed out of the middle class. Which is why politically that anger is easy to harness.

But the problem with your model for a business is that artisan bread is not something poor people buy. Artisan bread is something they associate with Chardonnay and latte drinkers. Even if you could convince them it was better than the sliced bread they use to make their pb+j sandwiches they don't really have to money to buy it. That part of their food budget is allotted to soda, snack foods and heat and eat frozen meals. They don't want to pay a penny more for bread than they have to.

Voting out of spite costs them nothing. Buying artisan bread out of spite probably costs much more than they're willing to spend, even if the idea appeals to them.

No, I'm not very touchy, I'm not offended about people that dislike gluten either
Someone COULD be offended by people that entirely disregard acoustics or entirely disregarded syntesizers. and perceive them as regressives towards the entire medium. And people that had strong feelings about that WOULD be more likely to be passionate about music because they took the time to be invested in this in the first place.

>Proposes a business idea worthy of a stoned, angry college kid
>accuses others of being teens
Sounds about right...

he's not OP

>Maybe not a bakery though because these retards wouldn't go to one. It would have to be like an openly anti liberal general store with baked goods.

That is why I put this part on the end. Yeah an artisan bread shop probably wouldn't work, I am more arguing at this point that a store based purely on spite COULD work if applied to the right market and you use items that appeal to them.

My spite general store would be a hit in bumfuck Kentucky. No liberals allowed sign on the door would GUARANTEE repeat customers. Fox news playing in the corner on a shitty tube television. Tell every customer that walks in that wal-mart is trying to put me out of business. Repeal Obamacare sign out in the front yard. God I would fucking rake in the cash, you would never see customers so loyal.

I'm not Op, I'm just calling you on your thinly veiled Bernie supporting teenage ways.

OP here, maybe it's because I'm European and bakeries aren't particularly reserved for the upper echelons of society.

I'm talking about a SPECIAL kind of low class. These people would never go into a bakery because its too "queer" for them to buy baked goods. They just want the shitty wonderbread from Walmart.

These are the people that drive trucks and then complain about gas prices, live in trailers, hate monger all day, etc. I don't know how relate able this is for someone not from America, but there are sizable chunks of these retards in some of the less civilized states in the middle of the country. They basically intentionally avoid higher quality and higher class goods because they are part of the queer agenda. My general store would fucking kill with this demographic.

I'm specifically marketing toward bumfuck nowhere America btw, culturally I have no idea how other countries would respond to these ideas. Poor, anti liberal Americans will go out of their way to go to any place perceived as non liberal.

You're right about my political leaning, but you're making me out to be one third my age. I saw Star Wars in the theater when it came out. While I was a little too young to completely follow the plot I sure as fuck played with the toys after.

Maybe they dislike the sound of synthesizers. I'm sure a lot of vegans just don't like the taste or texture of meat either. Being "invested" in something doesn't make your opinions any more important.

If you're in the culinary arts for yourself, you shouldn't be in the service industry. If you're serving people, don't get all bent out of shape when they order things you don't particularly enjoy preparing.

Silly newfag, anyone who isn't an illiterate bigot must be a child. Do you even know what website you're on?

Then don't sell them artisan bread. Sell them boxed mac and cheese, frozen pizza, hamburger and hot dog buns and breakfast cereal. Because that's what these people buy.

I am this person
I think we have too many conversation points going for this to make sense

I don't want fucking artisan bread, op isn't even really talking anymore. I am doing most of the posts and I am just arguing that a spite store could work in America.

>You're right about my political leaning

No shit

>I saw Star Wars in the theater when it came out

Episode 3 or 7?

The one with the trash compactor scene where they blew up the Death Star.

Oh, episode 7

Age range reduced to 11-13

Probably the one that was just called Star Wars.

I was 9 when it came out.

Jesus so you're 10 now? I overestimated

Never overestimate berniefags I guess

