Telling someone who's financially and emotionally invested in Bitcoin that his coin is pretty much shit, is pointless

Telling someone who's financially and emotionally invested in Bitcoin that his coin is pretty much shit, is pointless.

I've had better arguments with flat earth believers than Bitcoin believers.

>but you just don't understand that the blockchain..
I'm not mocking the blockchain tech you stupid fucking idiot.

ok now fuck off and stay poor

cool sounds good oh hey look I'm up another 2k from last week

you're the stupid fucking idiot if you think bitcoin is shit. the normie attention is only just beginning

>I cant understand what gives a crypto value, so instead ill invest into an inherently worthless shitcoin that adds bells and whistles that excites retarded investors.

Normies will see the shitshow that is blockstreamcoin and go straight to ethereum/satoshis vision/ripple


ethereum is optimized for developers, not normie adoption, and it remains to be seen if ever a single useful application will be made to ethereum aside from "USE AS A CURRENCY" like every other fucking crypto

satoshis vision is bitcoin


Just realised that normans shit on bitcoin so much because they have never experienced a deflationary store of wealth before.

>h-h-h-how can it keep going up in price, it will go down eventually

Because they have lived there whole live in a system where the monetary system is rigged to keep decreasing the value of the currency you spend your hours slaving for, so they can keep printing free money and trick you into spending your entire life working.

This is why they get so angry when btc keeps going up, they are slowly realising how hard they are being shafted in life. The older people are the worst because they have to come to terms with the fact that they've spent most of their life, including their best years, slaving for something that loses value whenever gov feel like spending money.

Actually bitcoin is the only coin worth anything. You really don't understand what this game is about. You are the idiot.

Can you imagine being this invested in convincing someone else of this?
Can you imagine being this much a faggot?

I actually almost pulled the trigger at 7K but I need my money too much. Normans will always think Bitcoin is a joke that can hit 0 any minute. Its not for everybody.

>thread full of nothing but angry delusions and ad hominem

If your coin is so good, why are you angry?

Just out of curiosity, how often do you buy groceries and stuff with your superior currency?

Why is it shit? I have yet to see a reason why it will become worthless? It's deflationary, secure, and the demand for it goes up every day. Its just an all around better safer currency than any others in the world (except some altcoins). It's obvious at this point that bitcoin will recover from every crash, even if it does crash again on the way back to 19k. Next year every nocoiner will be fomoing in as inflationary debt ends the world economy

how often do you buy groceries with gold?

compare two options.
1) fiat currency - inflation of 3.5% annual on average.
2) btc - deflationary

fiat currency, unless invested into something that is making >3.5% post-tax is reducing in value. btc does not reduce in value, it has fixed supply and increasing demand.

when I need to spend money I convert btc-fiat and spend it. when I don't want to spend money it sits in btc & gains value against fiat (tax free).

It's really that simple, oh and if there's a banking crisis (see 08) and my money is in btc, I can still turn it into fiat. If my money is in a bank that goes under, hello atm withdrawal limits, hello bank shutting down and everyone realising they were never holding more than 10% of all the money people had stored there.

>the demand for it goes up every day

Less companies accept BTC today than they did last year.
Demand is falling hard.

>Why is it shit?

Volatility. Transfer fees. Greedy markets that sell my information to other companies. And as I mentioned before, nobody uses it to buy anything.

>how often do you buy groceries with gold?

Stop it with the digital gold shit. A year ago this was supposed to be a _usable currency_. You change the substance of BTC every time it fails to deliver.

>btc does not reduce in value, it has fixed supply and increasing demand.

-70% last month wasn't reduction in value? Also, it has fixed supply but I don't see the demand. Where the fuck is the demand? In Africa?

This. It's well known that the economic debt Armageddon is coming and has been since 2008 but the world keeps kicking the problem down the road a little farther, which of course leads to more debt and more time for big banks to leech all the buying power from us. There is more debt tham there is money. Don't come at me with "the world runs on debt" because that's literally what I'm saying is the problem. I just a sssumed after Trump gets elected out the richest of rich will pull the plug on the stock market and flood the economy with the dollars in their bank account trying to save their wealth, inlfating the economy with money and crashing the US dollar. Bitcoin is our only way out and is only speeding up the process as a competitor

kek, stay poor

Hurr durr chart went down it's worthless it's crashing

Bitcoin was at 19k. If you said that bitcoin would soon be 19k in 2015 everyone would laugh. The chart better crash because if not it's too good to be true. I held my coins for 3 fucking years to get to this point and in 3 more bitcoin will make me even more money

You're right in that the world economy is on the verge of a breakdown..
But it's wrong to then deduce that Bitcoin must be the answer.
I'm a student of physics and the first thing you learn is to NOT make assuptions based on what you want the outcome to be.
Everyone wanted the Sun to revolve around the Earth but that's not what really was going on.
You guys have your mortgages in BTC so it's natural that your emotions are running high so I will forgive your inability to think about BTC objectively. I feel sorry for you.

People make stupid assumptions in cryptos all the time.
>blockchain is good
>bitcoin is based on the blockchain
>so BTC must be good!

Does past performance guarantee future performance?

>it was once believed BTC wouldnt reach 20k but it did

>this must mean that everything we dont believe about BTC today will be true in the future

God, I'm too smart for this shit..

>I'm a student of physics

You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>thinks you go to uni under 18

yeah the way you wrote it makes you sound about 15. makes sense though that you're young as fuck and have no money, or you'd be making $$$ from crypto like the big boys

You will live poor and die poor.
Such is the life on nocoiner.

>You guys have your mortgages in BTC
Are you retarded? No one here has a mortgage. Most people here are NEETs who didn't work a day in their life and live off their crypto bags.

But seriously, by 2020 every one of us will be driving Lambos and fucking korean models. While never having to work. While you will stay poor and envious.

>inflation of 3.5% annual on average.

a tad overstated, no?

yeah, bitcoin is worthless but a little yellow rock pulled out of the earth is fucking awesome because what again? shelf life,limited supply and time and effort had to be put in mining them? guess what properties bitcoin has.

>deflationary store of wealth

This, if I lose all I have invested in bitcoin I'll be upset but it's a powerful economic concept that has been fantasized about for years, and I'm content to risk a losable amount of my money, that's how investing works.

It's now safe to say bitcoin will not hit 0 simply due to market forces. If it hits 0 it will be because of a massive exploit or EMP wave.

BTC is a bet on the lightning network. If it pays off, gains will be huge. If it doesn't, losses will be acceptable.

>you're the stupid fucking idiot if you think bitcoin is shit

Its market manipulated propped up artificially inflated shit. Sorry bro.

>Actually bitcoin is the only coin worth anything. You really don't understand what this game is about. You are the idiot.

Man I wish this shit was true. It would be awesome! I want to live in your world from now on user. Earth is too boring!

>mortgages in BTC

I feel bad for anyone with BTC and a mortgage. BTC is for your play around money.

Manipulated how? Is real money not going in to it? "The market is being manipulated by people buying it".

what he's saying is BTC is a bet on the entire crypto-economy because everything is priced predominately in BTC. you trade in BTC to support alts and their speculative projects, but the ultimate aim is to trade it back for more BTC.
the crypto OGs who set up this game did it to keep BTC anchored to something. BTC supports alts, alts support BTC. ETH and other fiat/crypto pairings are not going to replace it anytime soon.

We all know BTC will be around after cyrptogeddon but most coins won't.

Hes right. what gives a crypto real value?
1. nodes/miners generated
2. adoption

Why did google buy out youtube for billions of dollars? is it because of the amazing service they offer? incredible upload speeds? No, it was worth billions of dollars because of the amount of users the network had generated. Same is said for bitcoin. If you cannot wrap your head around that, you will not make it.

t. brainlets

Gold has a high trust. It's stable across societies. Bitcoin has a low trust, because it's volatile (and will always stay such).

Gold is unique in the world. Bitcoin is not unique because it can be easily forked and replaced with another coin. Its current dominance is purely psychological (legacy altcoin exchanges).

Educate yourselves.

>Bitcoin is not unique because it can be easily forked

Then it's not bitcoin

Then bitcoin turns into an altcoin. And you must know what happens to altcoins in the long run if you've been in crypto enough.

The forked coin is the altcoin. Bitcoin was the first and that makes it unique.

If anything altcoiners are learning how shit their coins are at the moment. Everything bleeds when bitcoin booms or hurts.

That's is purely a matter of psychological perception.

There is no risk of gold becoming an alt-metal anytime soon. There IS a risk of bitcoin becoming an altcoin, in which case it will follow the fate of those that were in the top marketcap charts in 2014. That's the difference between gold and bitcoin.

>There IS a risk of bitcoin becoming an altcoin

That's not how people define altcoin.

so you think there will never be a stable price for btc? there will be no regulations coming? At one point in the future there could be a stable price, this is dependant of adoption, regulation, mining price, price whales are willing to sale for and so on... there is a long way to go, that's why bitcoin is so volatile now but the potential is there. I doubt the first person that found gold knew what he had is his hands, what the price was. ..

What some fat nerds from /r/bitocin define is irrelevant. The mass perception is what really matters.

>The mass perception is what really matters.
Agreed. And the mass perception is currently as I described it. All you're doing is arguing that IT COULD CHANGE but giving no reason why.

>so you think there will never be a stable price for btc?
Yes, there will never be

>there will be no regulations coming?
There will not (other than KYC here and there) because it's impossible. It's decentralized, depersonalized and international by default.

>I doubt the first person that found gold knew what he had is his hands, what the price was. ..
Gold did not start as an asset. Gold started as an ornamental material and a currency.