Weekly bulk cooking meal prep: Coq au vin

I had only had coq au vin once so last night when I saw it on the menu I gave it a shot. I liked it so much that I've decided to make it for my weekly meal prep as the main protein. I'll be doing a cookalong for it, please discuss coq au vin and suggest ways to make it either better or easier

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This one of my favorite dishes. It's actually quite time consuming for such a simple meal. Julia Child has a great method/recipe: wgbh.org/articles/Julia-Childs-Coq-au-Vin-Recipe-6971
Use a decent zin for the wine.

And use thighs!

>tfw you're not having dinner with your gt3.14 trap gf

And take your time browning them, don't crowd the pan. The fond is what makes it sing

what veggie and carb should I cook to accompany this with?

a nice slice of delicious zesty 'go style 'za

got stuff. progress incoming

trying not to crowd the pot

I love wine, and I love chicken, but I strongly dislike coq au vin

I feel strongly enough about this that I am sure that everyone else is wrong and I'm right

Brown them first

doing that now. slow but correct

Be careful not to burn the bits in the pan, deglaze the pan with the wine, simmer the wine for 5 mins to cook out the alcohol

noted thanks

dicing stuff up in the mean time

ghetto blinis out of pie crust dough for unrelated matters

here's what that pie crust was about. trying salmon caviar for the first time

not gonna lie I went hard at some vodka for a bit. the rest of this is going to be very lazy.

here's everything mixed up, simmering to reduction now

I'm drunk off vodka now so this will probably end very lazily

cooking some carrots and parsnips in the toaster oven to have a side veg. the toaster oven is a strategic choice as it's summer right now and the real oven raises the temperature of my tv room when on

still simmering down. simmering like the hooch in my belly

pulled the chicken

deboned and weighed it, averages at 4oz meat per thigh 279 kcal

here's the goop. I had a slip of the wrist and accidentally added too much flour slurry, resulting in a thicker reduction. It tastes extremely good at least

each cup gets 6oz of goop. I haven't done the math yet but I'm assuming that the 6oz is 500 kcal at least, based on the amount of chicken fat, soppressata lardon rendered fat, chicken skins, and flour added

Thanks for your pictures!