Modum (MOD) is in trouble with Swiss FINMA - insiders dumping coins

the token is a security but without any rights of shares, basically making it a worthless shitcoin. Coin has no problem. Company on brink of closure. Insiders are already dumping coins. Garbage

Other urls found in this thread:

>offer a literal stock coin
>surprised when it gets in trouble
lmao these stupid fags

so happy i dodged this bullet

They've been working with the FINMA from the moment they created the ICO.

*coin has no purpose

if by working with FINMA you mean FINMA knocked on their door and told them they break the law, then yes they've been working with FINMA. Like Madoff was working with the Department of the Treasury

Fuck, I was holding this shit before the crash. I dropped it among other low cap shitcoins just to be safe.

yeah i know a guy who held a big bag of MOD. they fucked up big time with this security shit. probably thought switzerland would not regulate. most insiders pumped the coin and sold it to bagholders. shitcoin at its finest. they can get shut down. switzerland allows utility coins to operate freely but security coins with no rights is a no-go

Took my profits and initial investment when I saw it starting to dump, thank fuck I did

it was always sketchy. already out of top200. R.I.P.

so these dividends may never come true?
wheres my 100k??

You don't know jack shit. Post proof that you have any insight news.
There's already a new swiss ICO that's doing the same ICO model as Modum, because it worked so well with swiss regulations.

Thanks bought 100k

Always do the opposite of what biz says. OP wouldn't share this information out of kindness, he FUDs to keep the price low so he could profit. People here only post things that benefit them.

Holy fuck its dumping hard

importantly wallets of early backers are emptied out and coins transferred to binance to get dumped
lol are you a lawyer? looks like youre a fucking bagholder trying to hype up the price and reduce your losses. this model requires a financial license in switzerland and also clear audits and shit due to qualification of security. also this is a shitty penny stock at best, with fewer legal rights. might as well invest in MLM


holy shit so this is like private equity? I guess we should not expect it to grow at crypto pace?

Worst investment i've ever made, by far.

Are there any other coins similar as in, a security not utility token?

I just bought 5k for the dead cat bounce

i think rlx is one, but they're one of the only coins that have actually done all their US regulation shit properly so they're good to go, they talked about it on their bitcointalk forum. also being listed on the new york stock exchange

Any source on this? Couldn't find anything to support this.

All sell. Modum is FUCKED lol

ask the team on telegram although usually they ban you immediately for asking

>Coin has no problem
Was wondering what you were trying to say there

see ya later faggots lmao

fuckers talking about growth potential on reddit LOL. One poor sod bought at 7.50 got rekt

Already bouncing buy the dip

Whats the Telegram Swissbro?

every new bottom is lower than the previous one. way to go

Didn't you post yesterday telling everyone that "we were alright guys" and to "load up before midnight"?

What the fuck are on?

hes not the real swisbro

I would consider buying that but etherdelta's UI is so shitty I can't bring myself to use it