How do I make matzo taste good?

How do I make matzo taste good?

Use them as breadcrumbs?

For some reason my parents always bought matzo, even though we weren't Jewish.

I always put peanut butter on one and jelly on another and put them together to make a giant peanut butter cracker sandwich.

Make some 'go 'za you fucking kike.

Put it in soup

add bacon

you dont
matzo is fucking shit
unless you make matzo balls or something

Around Passover in my area, they're literally giving away boxes and boxes of matzot if you spend X-amount of money in the 30 days leading up to it. I forget how much. During those 30 days, I bought so much pork and shit like that, but still got 5lbs of matzot free.
I'm down to my last pound now. I usually just use it as a soup cracker.

>matzo balls
You mean semmelknödel.

theyre similar
but not the same thing

The only difference is the lack or presence of leavening in the thing from which the crumbs were originally made and the silly religious beliefs behind one v the other.

Make matzah brei. good shit right there bruh bruh.

common is to jus dip in sour cream but my favorite is to top with some smoked whitefish salad and cucumbers. so good bruh.

btw: i'm black (ashkenazi parents)



have you considered not being jewish?

1. throw it in the garbage
2. pour a hot cup of 'go'za instead

A nice spreadable soft cheese.


Maybe OP isn't Jewish. Supermarkets in non-shit parts of the US literally give this stuff away.
Sorry to hear you live in one of the shit parts, though. Condolences.

throw them in the incinerator

order up a zesty 'go style 'za

You gotta garnish it with foreskins.

stop eating matzo u fucking dirty kike

You wander around without eating for 40 years

6000000 keks. Here in israel we only eat it on pessah religious holiday. Shit is tastless thats like the point.

>Israelis slithering and hissing all over my Veeky Forums
Have you ever considered not causing terrorist groups to target and attack the west, or is that part of your plan for causing misery everywhere you touch in even the most indirect way

Bake twice at 6000000 degrees.



Peanut butter smothered on it!

And I'm not even a Jew. [spoiler]thank G-d[/spoiler\

You don't; it's penance for being jewish.

/pol/ here, I'll fill you in on our recipe.

>Ingredients: matzo crumbs, ground pork, cheese, tit, and one egg
>Holocaust the pork and matzo crumbs at 1400 deg F for 45min (use a GAS cooktop, electric won't get hitler enough)
>Drain off the jewish tears and top with your favorite grated cheese (I prefer a cheddar) and once the cheese is emaciated enough top everything with a fried egg
>Secret Ingredient: zest a jewish womans tit to give it that little something extra


idk this isnt funny even trying to be edgy like this is making me cringe harder than brony bs

this may have been the worst attempt at being funny i've ever seen in my entire life

consider suicide


It's a thinly veiled jew thread what the fuck did you actually expect?

Make matzo toffee. Just Google it.

fuckin trolled


got eem bitches

its just a joke

Put chopped liver on it.

Or do this.

>i was just pretending

pretending to be an autist or actually being one... it all blends together into the meaningless shitposting that is Veeky Forums

To be retarded

How new are you?

old enough to see

>lol hitler

from at least 100,000 16 year old virgins.

I'll have you know I'm a 20 year old virgin

eat them until the natural glucose in your saliva makes them slightly sweeter

put a thin layer of strawberry jam on it

thin slices of aged english white chedder goes surpringsly well with them. and a glass of tomato juice

put a layer of butter on it, throw it in the toaster oven and then coat it with garlic salt and powder, the butter seeps into the top layer.

matzo and salmon paste or slices

i grew up in a mostly jewish neighborhood so this shit was always cheaper than the cardboard it was shipped in. its basically like tofu where its only as good as whats on it or how its prepared.

i would rather eat any of those things by themselves than eat them on matzo

yes, i would rather eat a spoon full of butter than butter matzo

>would rather eat a spoon full of butter

Veeky Forums

This - the Blood Matzo is delicious and goy children are readily available.

I rinse them a bit under the tap to get them wet. Then I cut it in half and make a sandwich with cheese in the middle. Deep the sandwich in egg batter.
I heat a pan with oil and once hot put it inside, Squeezing it with a spathula so it'll absorb the heat. Turn it the other side when it browns enough.
tl;dr matza grilled sandwich?

>I rinse them a bit under the tap to get them wet
Don't do this.

Add lox and cream cheese

Use them to eat various cheeses like a cheese platter

>various cheeses
Can you elaborate on this?