If ChainLink is so good then why is it an Eth token and not a crypto currency in its own right?

If ChainLink is so good then why is it an Eth token and not a crypto currency in its own right?

Cheque matte, stinky linkies.

ure on the wrong board.


LINK is so good it doesn't matter
and no one cares about the tech anyway

If Chainlink is so good. Why is there no Chainlink Cash/Classic??

Checkey matey stinky linkys.

If Chainlink is so good, why is there no LinkPets?

Czech M8 stinky linkies

b-but i just wanna be rich


If chainlink is so good, why hasn't it been marketed?
M8 you have just been checked

If ChainLink is so good, why is there no Shadowlink Gold Private?

Shaq mated, stinkey linkys

I cant stop fantasying about telling my bosses im leaving because I became independently wealthy from investing in the infrastructure that feeds smartcontracts with real world data and just seeing the look on their stupid fucking boomer faces

Do super hot chicks go around telling people how hot they are? No they just show up places and people gawk at them.

I wouldn't even give them the satisfaction. I'd just send an email and get on a plane to somewhere that has exotic hot sluts.

Jigs up!! He's on to use guy

> chainlink
> super hot chick

more like its socially autistic fag whos gonna shoot the school one day

Chain Link is the hottest babe in school. No hype necessary.

Have you ever seen a super hot chick shoot up a school? Cuz you're about to.

Idiot..,the FBI will now be keeping you under surveillance

No dude she's gonna fuck all the Chads (i.e. linkies)

I thought about that, but I figure they would get my joke if they read the context.

They might not seeing as how fucking inept they have proven to be lately.

I'm noticing a trend here where every time someone comes up with reasonable chainlink FUD Linkies turn it into a meme because they don't know how to counter it.

Dude I just know for sure there is at least one FBI agent assigned to each board and that person knows us and understands us and can tell when there is serious shit going on here. I don't know if being assigned to biz would be the best or worst job ever

It's actually because it's so fundamentally stupid that it's great meme material

Reported and deported

Anyone who unironically posts "$$$" has to be a pajeet.


God damn you user look what you did

If Chainlink is so good, why don't I have any in my portfolio?
Checkmate stinky linkies.


>If the US economy is so great, then why is the Dollar a piece of cotton paper?

>I don't know if being assigned to biz would be the best or worst job ever
kek, he's either rich or poor as fuck now.

fu nigger