Where's your favorite place to dumpster dive?

Where's your favorite place to dumpster dive?

What do you usually get?

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Who the fuck dumpster dives for food, especially unsealed food, if they're not homeless?

I like pizza restaurants after they close for the night. Some times I get as several boxes of undelivered pizza. Most of the time it's just half eaten slices.

All the ones around here put padlocks on their dumpsters.

About to go right now, why wouldn't you?
Haven't had to buy any Bananas in months

I was the guy that kept posting that essay on Dumpster Diving. Did any of you niggas read it?

Haven't been here in some time, care to post it again?


Ur mums house

I am disgusted.

Even homeless people can eat fresh cooked meals, in USA. There's literally no reason to dumpster dive.

Also, my manager at Albertsons had a four-piece treatment for thrown out food.

First he doused it in bleach, then paint thinner, then gasoline, then sit it all on fire

He used to laugh and say "nobody is gonna eat free on my watch"

what a dick

I don't have to, but I like doing it. You save money, reduce waste and sometimes you meet nice people.

He sounds less like a dick and more like mentally unstable.

As someone who's worked in the food industry, our dumpsters are a fucking disgusting mess of hot food waste and grease-covered trash bags. How do you go about dumpster diving without feeling wildly disgusted by what you come across, much less go about eating it willingly.

I would think it would be less of an issue if you dumpster dived at a grocery store rather than a restaurant. Less grease and random assorted disgusting shit.

By being a poor piece of shit with no other viable options.

I don't know where you are from, but in Germany people seperate the trash. There is one for organic waste, one for packaging, one for paper and one for the rest.
I haven't tried to look for food in restaurant dumpsters, but the food stores usually have quite clean dumpers.

Care to explain what makes you dislike people who go dumpster diving?

Nice read. I used to have some problems with talking to strangers, imagining I'm being judged, or feeling uncomfortable when somebody was disagreeing with me. Dumpster Diving helped me quite a bit with that, it changes your view on things

>be poor
>dumpster dive to cut down the western obsession with waste and because I cant afford to feed myself
>people judge me
>shrug and manage to feed myself for the day for nothing

Panera Bread was good for bread. I never had much luck at grocery stores, so i turned to theft and burglary at produce stands. A set of tin snips makes short work of that chicken coup wire they put up at night.

Degenerate trash

There are missions all over town that serve food all day. How fucking retarded are you

because you are cheating the system and essentially stealing from grocery stores. you are a leach. you provide nothing and you suck away from society. You stealing from the dumpster doesnt help them pay employees, doesnt help them pay the farmers who actually grow the food, and doesnt help the economy.

basically what you are saying is i dont give a fuck about all the people who actually put in the blood sweat and tears to get this food here in the first place, all i care about is saving a few bucks because me me me.

kill yourself pleb

>implying we're from the same town

of course, nobody has anything to say when i make a decent point. i hope you all eat bleach and die you worthless faggots. you belong in r9k

>essentially stealing from grocery stores
By taking food they were literally throwing away? By the time that food is in the dumpster, it was considered unsellable thus it was already out of the economic system.


I mean unless you reside in Ethiopia there should be no problem eating free at multiple charities. You don't have to break into produce stands anymore you filthy animal

nobody replied because your point was retarded, they were trying to be nice.

except its not though, dumpster diving is strictly selfish, and you are implying that you are more important than all the epople who worked hard to grow, transport, and sell that food.

If its just about saving the food, then take it out of the dumpster then go inside to pay for it. You are cheating the system and you think its cheeky, but in reality if everybody thought like you thousands if not tens or hundreds of thousands of americans would be out of work. this is why fgrocery stores dump bleach in their dumpsters because of non contributing loser dumpster faggots like yourself. have fun being on the shit tier of society and never really succeeding because you eat out of the fucking dumpster like the piece of shit worthless scum waste of oxygen and matter filth you are

but hey, free bananas right?

trips dont lie

He is saying if the person didn't choose to wait until it hit the dumpster he would be contributing to the economy. Assuming the man didn't wait, the same amount of food would not be wasted, but money would be changing hands for it across the economy. Basically, he is a leach because he doesn't contribute on the front end by sucking off the back end.

I feel morally ambiguous about the whole thing. Food waste is a sad aspect of western civilization, but we need to address that by donating food which is hitting it's "sell by" date to food banks who can turn it into meals for the hungry. A person who can contribute to the economy by purchasing should do so.

No shillmo.

>hurr people who can afford food take it out of the dumpster
>hurr only people willing to buy into and support a broken system deserve to live

For the effort, time, and self degradation, what's the actual cost of dumpster diving? Because it's certainly not free.

its only broken because of non funtioning cogs like you user. you are the cog that is stopping the machine from working. Lazy do nothing welfare babies are the reason the machine doesnt work.

you could say, get a job. and at said job you could say, try hard and respect yourself and the work you put in to society. you could get raises, buy things, hell, you could maybe stop eating food out of places people put their babies diapers. but instead you choose to do nothing and eat out of dumpsters and try to figure out ways to "cheat the broken system we are anooniemouse we do not forget hurrrrrr" and in the end, actually end up cheating your full potential as a human being.

just face it, you try to circumvent society because you are a lesser being, and really dont even belong in society in the first place. human interaction is tough for you. i bet eye contact is the worst for you.

That was a great read.

I dumpster dive in Poland, which is harder, becase there are less huge dumpsters and many of them are closed. But there are some places in my area that throw out A LOT of fruit and veggies. Imma post some pictures in a moment.

It's hot now so I'm not DD so much now. The food spoils before evening. Boo.

i mean youre a piece of garbage so whats wrong with eating spoiled food? you deserve to die anyways so not really a big deal.

Whatever you say man.


you act like a picture of the food you got is prving me wrong, but with the absence of any text or reasoning you are exactly proving my point.

>dont care about any of the points you made
>look at all the free shit i got!

i sincerely hope you choke on it and nobody saves you because nobody would ever eat your shitty dumpster food you lazy worthless piece of shit

For some reason we kept finding shitloads of bell peppers. We made a lot of letchos with them. Mmmmm.

Also I discovered why isn't there any ripe avocados at these shops, like, ever. Whenever they go ripe they just throw them away.

also what kind of loser gets home and takes a picture ofall the food they just pulled out of a dumpster? get a life you waste of oxygen

I have a bunch of friends who are perfectly happy to eat my shitty dumpster food! Fed like 20 people one time with a ghoulash I made from it. Noone cared.

I don't really know what points you made, I'm just here to share the pictures of free shit, so yeah, I guess you're right - I don't care!


A person who is on a dumpster diving social group and wants to share the info on what you can find and where. Here's a bunch of croissaints with chocolate and fruit filling, kisses!

I'm not some dumpster-diving advocate but your manager was a bit of a freak.

then your friends are pieces of loser shit just like you

>dumpster dive to cut down the western obsession with waste and because I cant afford to feed myself

Let's be honest here, it was more of the latter than the former.

Sure, buddy.

I wish I had some more pictures to annoy you.

>we need to address that by donating food which is hitting it's "sell by" date to food banks who can turn it into meals for the hungry. A person who can contribute to the economy by purchasing should do so.

Fucking this. Two birds with one stone.

hurr durr i have nothing to say and know that i am a loser idiot so i just use passive aggressive responses like i do with my parents who hate me almost as much as i hate myself.

what would your parents say if you told them you get most of your food from the trash?

then again, the apple doesnt fall far from the tree so i assume your father is a worthless do nothing welfare faggot just like yourself. probably trained you to be so retarded. you cant just be this type of retarded., its a learned skill

why is every thread like this now

I'm not even going to open this to look at the rest of the posts

no offense man but a lot of those vegetables, esp. the peppers, look like shit. like only a fool would buy those from a grocery store. I seriously hope that you would never eat any of that stuff raw, like the apples, because they could very well be contaminated from sitting in, you know, a dumpster.

welcome to the new Veeky Forums, where shitposting reigns supreme, regardless of board or subject.

The peppers were just a bit wrinkly, they were still hard. Also they weren't in a dumpster, they were in a box beside the dumpster.

But I cooked everything anyway. I made cake from the apples and some preserves. Same with peppers.

>on duiscussion board
>doesnt understand opinions
>"why are we having a discussion on a discussion board?"



brb eating dinner that didnt come from an aids dumpster

today i saw a dirty nigger get out of the dumpster, he was completely in, and give a smile and the excuse i lost my keys, he reminded me of these threads, he looked so ashamed

probably was op

Do you enjoy depriving food from those who have no other means of getting by?

>do you enjoy depriving food from those who are too lazy to get a job and actually earn a living for themselves and the children they have created?


and yes, yes i do. there are SO many jobs available right now, yet the unemployment rate is incredibly high.

people just dont want to work. i hope they try to eat the bleach dumpster food and die in said dumpster. then maybe i can stop paying so much money in taxes for pieces of shit who dont deserve to live anyways

I just grow my own food in my backyard... what the fuck...

you're the only cancer here for being such a drain on society that you can't even feed yourself.

>yet the unemployment rate is incredibly high

Except that's not true, and the rest of your diatribe is stupid and pointless.

>He used to laugh and say "nobody is gonna eat free on my watch"
I like him

unemployment rate nationally is 5%. one in every 20 people. thats fucking ridiculous.

From CNSNews.com: But the 109,631,000 living in households taking federal welfare benefits as of the end of 2012, according to the Census Bureau, equaled 35.4 percent of all 309,467,000 people living in the United States at that time.

35% no wonder i pay so much in taxes


>welfarefag detected

Is shopping in walmart considered dumpster diving?

>you are implying that you are more important than all the epople who worked hard to grow, transport, and sell that food
No, you are implying you are more important than the microbes that will break down the food which will ultimately be its fate if not for human intervention.

The store wouldn't let you pay for it user because of liability issues. a lot of that food is reject food because it isn't as pretty as the rest, maybe some of it fell on the ground in the stockroom or something, or it's a day past the sell by date but still perfectly good. we're really wasteful like that because of fear of lawsuits, these dumpster bros help to mitigate that waste. I don't see a problem with it

saw a dude dumpster diving in a seedy motel dumpster. not sure what he was going to get, besides aids.

>this is why fgrocery stores dump bleach in their dumpsters because of non contributing loser dumpster faggots like yourself.

if any stores pour bleach in their dumpsters, it's to help cut down on the smell during summer. otherwise, they're not going to waste money pouring bleach just to keep people from eating trash. they know those people aren't going to buy it. the loss of bad items, unappealing items, etc. is already factored into their markup.

i managed a meat market. i couldn't give two shits about what people did with the meat we threw out. so long as they didn't make more work for us by digging shit out and not taking it or putting it back in the dumpster, they were fine.

its actually literally so people dont eat out of it

source: work at a grocery store for the last 6 years

clearly have no idea what you are talking about if you think food gets thrown away because it has touched the ground...

you understand thats where the food comes from, right?

You don't see a problem with it because you aren't thinking hard enough. If they weren't going through the dumpster, they would come inside and buy food, hypothetically.

We have an old family friend who goes around to all of the grocery stores and collects some of the food they are going to get rid of and takes it to food pantries.

Every once in a while he'll show up to bring us the stuff the food pantries wouldn't take. Shit like loafs of bread two weeks past the sell by, and produce that's barely on the side of edible. It's like a goddamn Goodwill Outlet that shows up at our front door. We always pretend like we appreciate it, and don't know how to tell him to stop.

Actually, reducing food waste removes methane from landfills. This is both good for the environment and lowers your taxes. Farmers throw away up to 50% of their crops because they are not perfect so it costs them more money to ship than let rot. Grocery stores throw away somewhat less for the same reason. Individual households throw away 30% of their edible food on average. The system is contrived to make you be a miserable wage slave hyper-consumer whilst vilifying scavengers who not only do not hurt you, but actually help you. Stealing is cheating the system. Making use of something that someone threw away is blessed. Obliterating, destroying, or denying something you throw away to someone is evil. You sound like "me me me".

wow, took you long enough to think of that back-asswards way of thinking shit post. quality bait user. 1/10 made me respond

How would buying the food help anybody? Famers aren't poor people because dumpster divers don't buy food, but because food is incredibly cheap and because they have to throw away insane amounts of it when it doesn't fit industry standards. This is not a problem of not enough people buying at walmart, but of the big companies pushing shitty conditions for the actual producers of food.
Don't you see a problem with how much food is thrown away?

Nice finds man. How is the police in Poland? Is it illegal to DD?
Met some nice people last time I went, they also organised some kind of food saving group, where the stores would actually just hand them the best before stuff and the veggies and fruits they would have to throw away otherwise.
Should have made some pictures of my stuff

T B H I started dumpsterdiving because I couldn't get a job back in the day. The supermarkeds I applied to would rather hire a spanish girl for a third of the price than hire me. I had no hard feelings 'stealing' their trash afterwards. I was literally starving at that point (living on 3500 calories pr week, one bag of oats eaten with water). I kept dumpsterdiving because I remember what it felt like to not have any money so I don't waste it.

They actually dump bleach in the garbage because then it smells exactly like your mom's snatch.

I used to dumpster dive a whole bunch back in the day. I used to get the fruit, preserve it and sell it down at the farmer's market, thereby producing untaxed value from free resources.
Living the capitalist dream.

It's sort of a greyzone. I've heard people calling the cops on people who were DD, but it was mainly because they jumped over the fence so it was tresspassing. People rarely do it though, I've only heard about this two times. Once the cops just laughed and tell the janitor that he has to be kidding for calling this "a robbery", and they just let them go. The other time they also thought it was ridiculous, but the janitor was being a pain in the ass so they gave the guys a ticket for like 20zl each, which is like...5-6$. And they let them go.

They came back 30 minutes later to pick up the stuff they already took from the trashcans and put into their boxes. Lol. And it was easily worth more than the 10$ of fine.

Imagine how many people you've killed through food poisoning :)

Probably none. Not that there are any regulations on this sort of sale. Most fruit borne food poisoning is from contamination anyway, and is prevented by washing and cooking, both of which were done.
It's pretty ridiculous how it can be illegal. If you don't want people to consume the 'waste' then you should make less waste in the first place.

Most fruit doesn't spend time in a dumpster
Most fruit doesn't get processed way past it's prime after receiving surface damage from decomposition, rough treatment and dumpster dumping
Most fruit doesn't get exposed to toxins from stores trying to prevent people stealing their trash

Yeah. Once when I needed some cardboard boxes and used foil for archery targets the people in the shop told me they can't give them to me because the store has an agreement with some company who picks them up for recycling, and they get money for it. But I don't think anyone picks up the fruit and other food that gets thrown away.

I mostly think the shop owners don't give a damn, it's just the janitors who are afraid that people will leave a mess or steal something valuable, like the wooden stillages that are used for transport or something, I don't know really.

Dumpster diving for yourself/cooking for friends whatever is fine, but selling it at the farmers market is pretty scummy.

The only thing you mentioned that could cause harm is toxins, but I don't know how common that is.

Working in grocery stores, I cannot understand why people take the risk of dumpster diving.

When I worked at Trader Joe's I was told to open all packaged waste and pour bleach onto it to make it inedible.

Another smaller store I worked at made me throw petrol on it.

Now I work for a Pizza Hut franchise and the manager gleefully puts glass or rat poison in pizzas and makes sure they look pristine so dumpster divers try to eat them. I don't know if anyone got sick but they do sometimes get taken from the trash.

It is really risky aside from all the bacteria.

that pic look like a bomb to anyone else? why would goodwill want a bomb associated with them?

>When I worked at Trader Joe's I was told to open all packaged waste and pour bleach onto it to make it inedible.
>Another smaller store I worked at made me throw petrol on it.

where are you? why would a store waste that much money on making food inedible. i worked in three different groceries when i was younger, from a small mom and pop owned place to a large chain here in oklahoma/texas. none of them made us ruin the food that was thrown out. they didn't give a shit if people took it. they weren't about to waste money getting bleach out of stock or really waste money by using gasoline. hell, i can't imagine the shit that would stir up with the company that owns the dumpster.

So the petrol thing was expressely said to be against wild animals. Expensive but hey I am not the owner. It wasn't much petrol either. A tin can full.

The bleach is common for many stores. It is against the smell but also against diving because the store owners did not want to deal with dumpster divers making a mess. Which they do. They leave a huge mess and then I get to clean it again next day.

I live in Pennsylvania.

>The only thing you mentioned that could cause harm is toxins, but I don't know how common that is.
If those fruit laid directly on top of rotten eggs or chicken in the dumpster, and laid there for 5-7 days before user picked them up, they could easily have been contaminated with stuff like salmonella and botulism, and no washing the surface with a bit of anti-bacterial isn't going to fix that.

Uh-oh! Someone works in retail.

Why are you mocking the very workers you leech off of? You should be glad retail workers put up with Human raccoons that cover the street in trash in their hunt for a salmonella covered banana.

5-7 days? Noone picks stuff that old. You go to the store after it closed, pick up what has been thrown out that day, repeat the next day.