Does anyone in the US care about antibiotic abuse in the meat industry, or is that just a European thing?

Does anyone in the US care about antibiotic abuse in the meat industry, or is that just a European thing?

I was reminded of this issue in the kobe beef thread when someone said they trust American meat more than Chinese meat.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck this fucking stupid pansy feel-good "no antibiotics" shit. They give antibiotics to aniamsl because the animals are SICK. It makes them HEAL and makes them BETTER. I'd rather eat meat from a healthy animal than a sick animal. Stick that up your ass, along with your fucking "gluten" bullshit.

>They give antibiotics to aniamsl because the animals are SICK
That's not what it means when people talk about the antibiotic issue, are you really this ignorant?

Nope, I'm just sick of food fads used to drive up food prices for imaginary reasons. Scare the customers into paying more for so-called "healthy" food.

You are really, really dumb
The whole problem is that they are giving these drugs to animals that are NOT sick

It's 100x worse than doctors giving out antibiotics for the common cold because there isn't even any illness present. It's literally just to make milk cheaper, and there are no new antibiotics under development because it isn't lucrative enough

I understand what you are getting at, but antibiotic abuse can be pretty fucking dangerous if not controlled.

What he's getting at is that because one person once bought gluten-free water, it means that health is a hippie delusion and we should just all just drink anthrax and polonium because organic just contains carbon and water is a chemical

It's ridiculous the kind of retarded shit people spout because of infotainment shows like penn&teller that youngsters mistook for actual education

You're a fucking retard. Its not about 'fad' foods at all. Its about the dangers of rampant antibiotic usage.

Im sure you're aware that bacteria are now becoming immune to even the strongest antibiotics now, right?
Im sure you're aware that antibiotic resistance is considered by most medical researchers as the most dangerous event in recent times, right?

Look foward to dying from a papercut infection, retard.

Yep, Food Babe and March Against Monsanto and PETA are *so* much better sources of information.

If you let science do it's job instead of opposing it all the time, you could be more like me and not worry

Im sure you're aware that bacteria are now becoming immune to even the strongest antibiotics now, right?
Im sure you're aware that antibiotic resistance is considered by most medical researchers as the most dangerous event in recent times, right?

Yeah, I'm just looking at the hospital ER admissions for all of those people poisoned by meat with antibiotics. Not.

Are you just pretending to be stupid, or are you actually this stupid?

Again, you have proved your retardation.

Antibiotics in meat doesnt just disappear once you kill the animal. Drug restitance can be passed on to humans who consume meat.

I know you will never admit that you're wrong, especially on Veeky Forums, but theres a wealth of very recent scientific info to read on this matter.

Ill provide you with a starting point.

PETA? Isn't that an animal rights organization? How about my right as a human to be able to use drugs developed to save humans, to protect my human health?

The only people who benefit from this kind of stuff are shitty farmers who are literally willing to kill people in order to make their animals grow faster.

"Agreeable starting point:" "A global target to reduce antibiotic use in food production to an agreed level in livestock and fish, along with restrictions on the use of antibiotics in these animals that are important for humans."

Meanwhile, I go to the supermarket and see these claims that the meat is being "raised without antibiotics" and "antibiotic free." That's not "reduce antibiotic use in food production to an agreed level in livestock and fish," That's marketing meant to scare people.

It's illegal here in Germany but less developed countries like Brasil and USA will allow anything in the name of short term profit

You can't just string together a bunch of quotes and insert "muh feelings" and call that an argument, user.

The quotes should be chosen to emphasize a point you are trying to make, and your own words should make it clear what those quotes were chosen to demonstrate.

you should word your facts better. It says theres a chance you can eat antibiotic resistant bacteria in the meat. But if you cook your food properly that should not matter. And Dr.s dont give antibiotics for food poisoning typically, you just shit and barf until your body passes the bacterial infection.

Official statement of the National Pork Producers Council:
>pork producers use antibiotics responsibly under veterinary supervision to keep their hogs healthy and to produce safe pork. They follow use and withdraw protocols set by FDA, which approves all animal health products after rigorously testing them to ensure their safety for animals, humans and the environment."

There we have it. Experts agree it's legal. What's the problem again?


You do know that the FDA approves tonnes of shit that is illegal in the rest of the civilised world, dont you?

Legal in China. China is one of the fastest growing economies in the history of the human race.

Why are vegans opposed to progress?

Who are you quoting?

Yeah it's a fairly big thing in America, like if you go do a decent grocery "anti-biotic free" is pretty important although more stuff is available that is not anti-biotic free than is not. But I would guess it's probably still like that in Europe.

Most people vaguely informed about environmental concerns is aware and concerned about the situation.

>the corporations would never lie to me, it's used to keep happy cows happy
this is what clappyfats ACTUALLY believe

>did you know out of all the awful civilizations destroying the habitability of our planet for future generations because the people in them refuse to stop believing it's their inalienable right to have as much children as they want, china is the fastest growing among them?
the bigger they are, the harder they'll fall.

America thought it was fucked with global warming, china decided to deny us the opportunity.

>Antibiotics in meat doesnt just disappear once you kill the animal. Drug restitance can be passed on to humans who consume meat.
That's not at all what you link is indicating. It is indicating that drug resistant bacteria is given to the environment and to farmers/workers, and that it COULD be consumed. But, know how you kill bacteria in your food through proper cooking?

Prophylactic antibiotics is more an issue with dairy cattle who routinely get irritations from, let's be serious, nipple abuse. A nursing cow is going to get irritated udder skin when their teats are washed with disinfectants and medications to keep the milk safe. Infected/irritated skin? Give them an antibiotic til it heals.

An adult cow is worth $$$ and is not a throwaway animal, no one is going to really eschew basic medical treatment to protect an investment. Animals need antibiotics same as humans do, on occasion, especially if you stand in shit, and have flies that land in your scrapes and sores. It would be nothing less than cruelty to not give them to animals entrusted in our care.

The antibiotic resistance scare is coming from immuno-compromised individuals far more than drug abuse resistance. Once there exists strains that got to do whatever they wanted to do in a compromised system, they're out there. MRSA virus from the slimy gym weight lifting bench and the TB you caught from the HIV sufferer who coughed on you or your unwashed doorknob, is going to hurt, and you'll be lucky if drugs kick it down. Go into the ocean and watch your mosquito bite contract vibro vulnificus.
Guess what kills? Compromised immune system. Take care of your immune health before you worry about things that don't affect you.

Also, you could play it safest by eating well done. Organic food is deadlier

Nature don't give a damn about science. Life finds a way.

>The antibiotic resistance scare is coming from immuno-compromised individuals far more than drug abuse resistance.

What do you people gain from making these absurd bullshit claims? Do you get off on being contrary regarding subjects you don't understand? Does your Dad run a shitty dairy farm full of cows who live knee deep in shit and have to be pumped full of antibiotics to keep profit margins up?

Come on, son.

>Resistance to antibiotics poses a "major global threat" to public health, says a new report by the World Health Organization.
>It analysed data from 114 countries and said resistance was happening now "in every region of the world".
>It described a "post-antibiotic era", where people die from simple infections that have been treatable for decades.
>There were likely to be "devastating" implications unless "significant" action was taken urgently, it added.

It's well known that this resistance is almost entirely the result of overuse of antibiotics on livestock. We've been at the point for a while now that we can trace the origin of outbreaks of antibiotic resistant bacteria among humans. They nearly always start among livestock.

It is not exaggerating to say that we are fast approaching the point where we have no viable antibiotics. There are no new drugs being developed and our last resort drugs are losing their effectiveness very quickly. If we don't start making changes soon - and medical authorities across the globe agree on this point - we will see within our lifetimes a return to the age before the invention of antibiotics. And if you have even the slightest understanding of modern medicine, you should realize that this will have massive, massive detrimental effects on nearly every field of medicine.

Literally the only thing you have to do to stop this is to stop forcing your livestock to live in such horrible conditions that they have to be pumped full of drugs to not die from infection.

Why not get off your one-sided simple minded high horse and realize it's natural progression, survival of the fittest. The infections exist now, and drug research hasn't kept up. But, what can be done about morbidity is nothing more than much faster diagnosis and early interventions, ie better medical care before its widespread. What you think is simple resistance to drugs can be alleviated by a higher dose if known upfront, for instance with Pneumonia strains.

You suffer from getting your news from poorly educated media outlets, versus scholarly articles. Try considering the WHO the equivalent of the Climate Change folks. They're a political organization first and foremost, much like the UN. Source doctors who are peer reviewed and working on the matter. It's been an issue for 30 years that the end of the line has been reached for antibiotic research. If you want to create change on this subject you'd address worldwide sanitation and rapid globalization issues, not the food supply.

Oh right, just take more of the old antibiotics that don't work anymore. Shit, why haven't we told hospitals about this? They've been doing it all wrong, wasting their time treating HA-MRSA with vancomycin when all they needed to do was give people a double dose of penicillin.

And hey, if we all die to antibiotic resistant bacteria, well, we just lost the old battle of survival of the fittest. Tough luck for humans!

It's a fact that 80% of the antibiotics used are used on livestock. But that's just a natural process, right? We shouldn't interfere, we should just keep giving cocktails of dozens of antibiotics to dairy cows because that's just how mother nature works.

>he's a climate change denier too

Can't say I'm really surprised. It's all a big conspiracy, right? Bunch of hippies getting in the way of progress? I'm gonna stop responding to you now since you're obviously beyond help.

Like anywhere, some of us care, some don't. I buy only hormone free meats, preferably grass fed and free range. So do most of the people I know.