$2 to $1.40 in two days. I told you PRLfags not to buy the dead cat bounce

$2 to $1.40 in two days. I told you PRLfags not to buy the dead cat bounce.

This just in, everyone. Alts follow BTC. Who fucking knew? Now y'all know.
Tip me ETH here for the info: 0xOPiSaFa660Twh4TafUCK1nGpu55y



you must be retarded please go away

op is a faggot!

>hurr losing 30% of your value is good, HODL forever!
you faggots are going to lose money in this market, sorry to say

mods, ban this faggot for begging

thanks, bought 100k

lmfao didn't read the wallet address, huh?
Mods, ban this faggot for being a humorless sperg

dude, bitcoin is down and we've barely dipped in sats. you're not getting any of my bags for cheaper you filthy pajeet. you have no reason to care what we do with our holdings aside from wishing it'd dip more. you're pathetic

>OP is a faggot what a fucking pussy
Look at this killjoy. No wonder you’re alone, learn what jokes are, retard.

get rekt faggot, you'll be wishing you sold when btc hits 8k in a few days

PRL tends to hold pretty strong compared to other alts through the BTC dips. Again, why do you care? What could possibly make you want to lash out at anonymous strangers on an imageboard for their choice of holdings? Hmm, I wonder....


someone bought at $2

trying to teach you faggots how not to lose money, i'll trigger retards and smart ones will change their behavior

Well aren't you just a saint. Such a nice guy. Keep up the good work friend!

I want this to tank HARD over the next couple of weeks so I can buy up large before the airdrop.
Keep up the good work OP.

it's going to pump before the airdrop, but it'll be a pump from 60-70 cents to the high a couple days ago

being a cuck doesn't get you anywhere, bad habits and negative feedback loops must be broken forcefully

Break me forcefully daddy