Will automation and increased economic inequality eventually lead to the downfall of capitalism?

Will automation and increased economic inequality eventually lead to the downfall of capitalism?


It will lead to the down fall of the bottom 99%, when the rich won't need you

wait until police are automated and you get robocopped you poor bastard

Quite the opposite

Its inevitable. Capitalists will try to stop the revolution with either the ubi or they will try to stop automation. Well see

no but it will lead to some modest proposals

Will a post scarcity society breed communist policies?
Are we far off from a post scarcity society?
How can one work?

if anything it will boost capitalism as people use gains to buy property, start businesses, buy luxury items, travel etc
what commies seem to have a problem with is anyone other than them getting rich
it doesnt matter that a large portion of people with gains are working class anons, now that they have elevated themselves via the correct choice, they are "the enemy"
total delusion

Kek fucking brainwashed burgers and their idiotic understanding of communism.

Want to know what really is going to happen? The displacement of jobs by automated technology is going to further the divide between proletariat and bourgeoise, except this time the proletariat isn't going to be merely consisted of laboring workers, it's going to include white collar workers. This will be the final evolution of capitalism where the bourgeois will own the technological gear necessary for production, and the rest of the proletariats will be left with no means of contribution to society. They've been replaced by robots. They don't even figure into the class struggle between bourgeoise vs proletariat. The bourgeoise have literally figured out a way to spread capitalism without the help of the proletariat. What does this mean? The final revolution will be a large one. One where the proletariats will literally try to destroy all the machines. The internet essentially. They will use the internet to rally against it and destroy it, thus destroying the bourgeoise in the process and ultimately destroying humanity.

Sorry I dont discuss on the Internet because doing that is retarded. But what the fuck, thanks for that read, fucking hilarious.

humanity is not going to die because a bunch of commies chimp out
the world today is a futuristic automated wonderland in comparison to the past
yet there has been no massive revolution
its because mind control is total and complete
and the general populace is content to live out their lives as status quo
if anything
automation and advancing technology will make any insurgency just another easily defeated justification to expand the surveillance state

No. Quit fucking meming.


The government may pay people a universal income, but capitalism will always exist. Also living off only the universal income will basically mean you're poor.


>capitalism will always exist

top fucking kek

what exactly is brapping, retard?

Automation will create more jobs that have a higher demand of skill. Its not gonna be the mexicans taking our jobs. Its gonna be the chinese who are programming A.I software

The only revolution that is going to happen will be a return to more traditional forms of divinely inspired government and economies functioning to help the state and by extension the citizens of that state. The unquestioned belief in democracy and equality are the biggest source of modern day problems. It's not Capitalism vs Communism.

>The unquestioned belief in democracy and equality are the biggest source of modern day problems.

100000 humans, millions of niggers.
No real automation, yet the humans can feed themselves and the niggers without issue.
Until the niggers become so numerous that humans are killed, then niggers starve.

This is going to happen everywhere at the same time.
With extensive automation, one human could probably not only feed but clothes and houses and any others needs and wants millions of niggers may have.
Subhumanisation is the Great Filter, as the technology required to spread through space is just a tad more difficult than the technology required to let the inferiors live and prosper.

We are about to hit the Great Filter, and i am not optimistic at all.



50% of the human population is women, the natural ancestral dimwitted easily manipulable treacherous parasites they are. You know how they vote.
A good 80% of men are traitor too, or dimwitted, or both. "Soybois" as they say.
Nigger represent 50% of the humanoid population, and in a mere 40 years it will be 75%.

I also believe in the salvation of autocracy.
But you need to understand that technology is so advanced, a small number of people can fulfill the needs of the masses.
There will be no revolution, no small fall.
Just a general decay until some critical human/subhuman ratio is reached, and then a population collapse will happens.

My only hope is that places like China and Japan will survive, and be able to recolonise.
The perfect scenario is europeans finishes their self-genocide as soon as possible, upon which the chinese and/or the japanese get back an emperor and embrace feudalism again.

I am not optimistic this will end in anything but the extinction of Humanity, though.
Only individuals that drank from the Well of Eternity will endure this millenium.

Whatdya think those Georgia guidestones are for? You think you'll get UBI? Hahah nope, you'll be a tool to attack your fellow man and then be rewarded by the "communist" elite with a boot to your neck. Won't be a need for many people if most every job is automated

>you'll be a tool to attack your fellow man and then be rewarded by the "communist" elite with a boot to your neck.
Thats capitalism :')

That's communism too, sweet child.

I can see it. The AI emperor probably isn't that far away.

In a FREE MARKET with a naturally deflationary currency it will lead to living standards constantly increasing with a massive service sector industry growing.
Most people would be retired anyway.

Automation is good in a free market, it's bad in a central bank run economy.

Fuck central banking and fuck socialism

>the revolution

Communism is a death cult.
They will believe in their religion no matter what.
They want to be enslaved

I like the theory.
There will always be capitalism because it is essentially human nature. If and probably when full communism takes over the US and most everywhere, capitalism will thrive on the black market. Like it does in Mexico, prisons and everywhere else that it’s not allowed too. All that communism really is, is organized crime where the powerful take by force or throw you in jail and then redistribute amongst themselves.

>Capitalism is a death cult.
>They will believe in their religion no matter what.
>They want to be enslaved
Its so hilarious that you brainwashed burgers always perfectly describe neoliberalism when trying to bash communism. 10/10

Day one newfag detected

>All that communism really is, is organized crime where the powerful take by force or throw you in jail and then redistribute amongst themselves.
hold fucking kek. You just described capitalism

you're a dumbass
consider that you read it wrong because you're a brainlet
I am asking what it is that is brapping on her considering its not even an ass pic
its obvious the faggot is just a nancy that is triggered by pictures of hot girls
get rekt faggot
t. not a newfag

Of all the silly and ludicrous ideas to come out of 19th century antiquity, why dig up marxism instead of bringing back a stately tradition like kangaroo boxing?

In capitalism, those who are intelligent enough can still rise above the rest. Communists want to abolish the entire idea of currency, which would make it impossible for talented people to rise above anyone else.

No we are just entering central bank pseudo-hypercapitalism

Features include
>exponentially increasing asset prices(stocks, real estate)
>ultra low interest rates, permanent central bank stimulus
>stagnating and/or falling wages
>declining energy per capita
>social collapse
>national elites becoming global elites via sexual selection

Basically if you aren't already rich now(asset owner) you better hurry the FUCK up because soon you will be priced out FOREVER

Ok nitwit, if I don’t buy from amazon, I won’t get thrown in jail, but if I don’t pay my taxes I will. You are either 12 or a retard, go back to /pol/ and shill for Soros.

Agreed, better buy and hold something.

rising above the rest is not desirable. thats just the basic capitalist perversion caused by alienation. you developed that need and desire, it isnt human nature to want that.

It's not falling ever
>Inequality is on the rise as the rich acquire more and more assets
>Birth rates among the middle classes are dwindling as the time and resource requirements for being and raising competitive adults increase exponentially
>Elites keep poor people breeding and uneducated like cattle to buy their products and do menial jobs
>Bioenhancements come and the poor forever lose the possibility of being born smarter or more talented than the rich
>The classes are forever separated and in
the year 2100 an immortal 500 iq lab-bred ascended homo sapiens leader in a fully automated society decides to humanely euthanize the poor to conserve resources on earth while humanity readies itself to take on the galaxy.
It's a grim future ahead. Work hard while you can, there's probably some 30 years left before class mobility is extinguished forever

the probelms is that you think interms of capitalism vs communism as if these things actually exist as absolute states. There is no absolute capitalism or communism that works, its like saying only there are only carnivors and herbivores, this is a primitive classification and gross simplification of a complex and dynamic system with many states and many regimes, the more weighting we put on any one regime/ideology the lower the integrity of the system. It is well known from ecology and biology population studies that systems with high levels of diversity have higher levels of structural integrity. That means, when things go bad the system can recover, while low diversity system tend to collapse.

But yeah capitalism doesnt work when you have robots, if you keep it then they will become the elite and wreck the economy outcompepe every human. That does not mean we wil becomme communist or socialist but differnt maybe we don't know yet how. I would like to think about the how, but the dicotome meme of captialism vs communism is so intrenched in modern society thanks to propaganda it will likely carry one for some time the way things are now. not fucken editn go back t poll

>the probelms is that you think interms of capitalism vs communism as if these things actually exist as absolute states.
OP didn't use the word communism even once. lmao