greatest wealth transfer in human history

> greatest wealth transfer in human history

> chinese newyear us over, the bears will fear the dogs

I hate when people who made it with crypto now shit on it.

I dont shit on it
Also i am still all in baby

>taking a picture of this plush pepe in public

I really enjoy this meme. It's so relaxing.

> not owning a plush pepe and taking him out

Enjoy the immense euphory of crypto trading


for tax reasons lol

Lmao I hope to get over there


I don't understand this meme.
Transfer from whom to whom?
As far as I can tell only penniless NEETs have invested in it. It's just moving money from late investors to early investors.
Boomers are never gonna get into it. Banks will, but they'll still make... well... bank.

>be me jogging in park
>see greasy kid in hoodie carrying stuffed frog around and taking pictures of it

>tech savy anons will let us pool in their node without fees

>mumbling something about buttcoins and deluded
>3 tabs of reddit open on phone when he takes it out
>avoids eye contact with everyone around him awkardly
>begins breathing heavily after walking away
>his mom's car pulls up after 30 feet of huffing and puffing

>12k soon

>> not owning a plush pepe and taking him out

I want to see him in a restaurant with his own order sitting in front of him.

He deserves it.


his eye is a little wonky


make this happen OP


Make that order be a chicken tendies from the kid's menu

Looks like Singapore or something. I saw that on