Thinkin bout selling my vechain and going all in on this

thinkin bout selling my vechain and going all in on this.

do it, but after that erase post

Just buy Bitcoins you hipster.

good time to get in. they're on CNY still, but when the come back new white paper will be realeased, and testnet coming very soon. wise play

Bad idea.

Why is the world's reserve currency a bad investment.

This is like buying NEO at 3$

Frigg off grandpa

Winner's pick fucks.

I got VEN HPB and OMG aswell, i felt for the LINK meme tho and got myself a big stack of that aswell, nice picks.

Super overvalued

HPB is borderline shit coin. Its too far behind in the smart contract platform of the future race. Just pure transaction speed is not enough, and even if it was, proving its secure and scalable takes years.

HPB will be 100% useless when plasma comes in to the game.

So all in Ethereum?

Yup, most safest bet you can do in cryptos.

>when plasma comes into the game
building shit on top of shit doesn't make it good.

hey... retard, CPC & MAN if you're a real man..


Ethereum cash

at least hpb has a fucking whitepaper...

This is a great project, but it does not need a token.

hpb didn't moon yet, vechain did.
so maybe OP is right.

>it does not need a token

maybe EOS, ETH and neo do not need a token too?
tired of this fud

"They should have issued colored coins on BTC", muttered the boomer


If you do follow through with this decision, you will be very wealthy if you hold on.