Snacks youre addicted to

Snacks youre addicted to

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For me there's really no beating penis, it's my favorite snack.

yea those are good

yea those are good

It begins

yea those are good

yea those are good

I sat and ate an entire bag of Calbee's lentil variety(I forget which flavor.) It was fantastic.

Then a gaseous horror commenced. Farts violently exited my asshole, creating a brown haze in my living room. Children cried, lives were ruined.

Beware--you will blow your asshole off with these if you are not careful.


yea those are good


yea those are good

yea those are good


i avoid eating chips and crackers and what not but these are decent and go great as a side to sandwiches whatnot. pretty good amount of protons and low calorie per serving too

I can never stop myself and end up blowing through an entire bag before the end of the day.

please don't turn this into a meme

my nigger

but the wasabi are even better

yea those are good

Iktf. I had the exact same bag and had to throw it away after I went though half the bag and started farting like a madman

these things are better than hot cheeto fries. wish they weren't so fucking expensive though


stop spamming retard

yea those are good

cant stop wont stop

yea those are good

They're like $3 and just enough chips for a snack in the entire bag but the leftmost ones are amazing. Some kind of slightly spicy, sweet seasoning.


That's a fucking lime.


If you don't like these you have shit taste in chips.

The word for lemon and lime is the same in spanish.

Speaking of wasabi and peas...

I can't stop eating these

>natural and artificial


No, it's lima.

Read it as 'a blend of natural and artificial strawberry flavors'.

Every time I get my hands on these I eat the whole box in one go

>When you bite into that solid dust ball

S-stop spamming retard.


yea those are good

Any kind of beef jerky.

Once I start, that whole bag is gone pretty fast.

A very close second is sour patch kids.

My nigger. Those things are amazing.


yes. this

yea those are good

yea those are good

these are good



mexico had conquistadors play a subtle prank on them hundreds of years ago, they were convinced that Lima = Lemon, and Limon = Lime

probably the most cruel thing they did to those poor people

yea those are good

yea those are good


yea those are good

yea those are good

fuck my shit up senpai, these things are expensive. I have forsaken all others and eat only these

The best cracker. I dare you to find a better one.