

>you know it's done when it sticks to the wall

'sketti isn't 'touille

No this is puke.
Pic related ratatouille.

Ratatouille is supposed to have color

first time 'touille, pls no bully

>Ratatouille? More like Ratapooie
Needs more color, user. Was it good?

Tastes good, it's for tomorrow's lunch so I'll know properly tomorrow (pizza tonight)
Next time I'll brown the veggies better & use tomato paste

How actually are you supposed to make your food have color?


tomatoes, red peppers, don't over steam/saute or however you're doing it

At least post a better version next time, that looks utter shit quality.

My nigger. I literally made this yesterday. OP's looks like sewage waste. I don't even understand how he managed to do that to it.

>first time 'touille

It's like the easiest dish in the history of mankind to make. Chop up veg, add oil and herbs, bake. Or slice if you want to be a fanciful faggot like All the work is done by the vegetables. As long as the veg are good quality the dish will be delicious.

you're all wrong
This is ratatouille

>Fresh Produce
>Shock all Veggies
>Good Clean Cuts
>Proper cooking techniques

how bout don't boil it for starters

fuck man didn't you watch the fucking movie

You're wrong.
This is ratatouille.

>Proper cooking techniques
Explain please?

That's a confit byaldi tho, bro

nigger it's a ratatouille confit byaldi

muh chefsteps

chefsteps didn't invent it you plonker

they straught up jacked it from pixar who jacked it from Thomas Keller
When people think of ratatouille they don't think of chefsteps unless they're an autist with a vengeance on Veeky Forums

OP, no offense, but this might be the ugliest ratatolha I ever saw.

1. Use a Dutch oven.
2. Keep the lid closed.
3. Low heat.
6. Enjoy.

Also, I refuse to use the Francimand/Paristois name, I don't suck German cock to use guttural R's.

Not him, but THAT version of ratatolha was indeed invented by a chef.

The original is just peasant food, though.

>confit byaldi
who himself jacked it from Michel Guérard who probably jacked it from someone else sometime in the early 70s....

*ratatouille, you frenchy fuck

Are we using French? No, English.
Is the original recipe name French? No, Provencal.

So either get an English name or use the original, unless you suck German cocks like French dialect/Paristois speakers do.

chefsteps is a website that had the recipe for this up a few weeks back.

anyway the specific recipe for the movie was created by thomas keller, but the whole spiral layered slices thing has been done for years. there's no single origin of the idea.

>i have no maturity when it comes to linguistics

>I add aleatoriae llenguas to what I write for no guten reason
Kurwa neger.

>i appeal to ridicule when someone calls me out on being an autist

shut up retard

i'm having a hard time finding any reason why you would say that.

>I use Zulu names for Chinese food and Javanese names for Finnish food

More like ratapoopy

>i repeat the same fallacy when called out on it

>I call "fallacy" any analogy I'm too dumb to understand

>i think simply saying foreign words in order to make a point that saying foreign words is dumb counts as an 'analogy'
>i think you need to be remotely intelligent to understand that this is an appeal to ridicule, meant to show that mixing languages looks ridiculous, but it actually only shows that the precise formulation of words i myself have made looks ridiculous, and says nothing about anything else

Even if you take the resources of the many countries that produce livestock. What makes you think that the people producing grains are willing to sell it at minimal price. The issue that I see is the lack of profits. People are rarely going to invest a substantial into something with no return. Unfortunately no matter how selfless you are, people have their own way of thinking.

I attempted something of the sort a while ago
Was pretty tasty, but not as pretty as I wanted it