What are some foods that are pronounced all fucked up? You got some coo-min or some cue-min, you got shrimp and skrimp...

What are some foods that are pronounced all fucked up? You got some coo-min or some cue-min, you got shrimp and skrimp, you got chipoltay and chipote-lay. What do you got?

i used to think slim jim was called slime jime

Eminem's M&Ms

Gyros... I've heard people pronounce them all kinds of ways. Someone even said "yittos".

Who the fuck says shrimp as "skrimp"?

Only Africans say coomin and skrimp. They also say skreet instead of street and shtirsty instead of thirsty.

Nah the bongs say coomin. I like prosciutto though because some people say prushoot-oh then some people say prushoot and then one time my waitress said pro-skew-toe

Capicola... Gabagool

Literally every single word that originates in a language other than American English, as pronounced by Americans.

Worcestershire Sauce. Every fucking person says that shit differently.

not fucking hard

no they dont

Fuck off no one says it like that

its fucking proh-ski-ew-toh
dumb fuck
yes it looks like this the thread
fuck me sideways

I think you're forgetting Americans.


However in NYC even the fucking GREEKS call them "juheye-rows". Just given up on it at this point.



literally never heard anyone black or otherwise say this


I think "yitto" is user's dumb way of spelling it phonetically. The word is supposed to be pronounced either like "ghirro" with a throaty hard G sound that borders on the Y consonant and slightly rolling Rs (like a D or T sound) or like jye-row.

It's not hard my non passport owning friend.
t. Worcestershire resident.

my bf says hummus like humus, the soil

Wow kill him

>Wow kill him
That wasn't technically even a sentence.
Dumb faggot.