Bitcoin Segwit is Dead

So looks like the guy who controls all the major communicatioin channels for Bitcoin Segwit is advocating for switching Bitcoin off POW and making Bitcoin Cash the only SHA-256 coin. (

What's worse is that reddit loves the idea. Looks like the Bitcoin Cash people were right all along. Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin.

Other urls found in this thread:])

Lets hope they fork off into a alt coin and call it segwit coin or core coin I vote for.

who the fuck wastes their time to make these shill charts... Is it supposed to be a joke or something. If you made this yourself, OP, seek help.

I think its hilarious how the guy censoring people and then changing the rules of the game to ruin billions of dollars of other people's investment in ASIC miners and to force people off the network he doesn't like yet he thinks BCH is centralized. Lol

I like how you ignore the fact that Bitcoin is going to move off POW and literally make itself an altcoin. Why not talk about the real issue here? Oh yeah, because it makes you look retarded for following communists advice for investment related matters.

Obligatory Veeky Forums reading material:


bcash > bcore

damn that is some legit psychobabble.





Press S to sell your Bcore to buy Bitcoin Cash


this thread needs more women

>damn that is some legit psychobabble.
Damn that isn't even an attempt at an argument.

Just a reminder that Bitcoin Cash is also working on Blockchain Sharding, something rarely talked about but massive. It will allow you to download partial blockchains and thus still be able to be a node on your raspberry pi regardless of network size. Check BUIP024 []) So there is literally no reason to use Bitcoin Segwit, literally not one. Unless you like communism and having all of your hard earned money taken from you by soyboys.

Mining is an energy arbitrage and it will always centralized where energy is subsidized. The future of crypto currency is smart contracts. Everything else is bullshit.

As for the Chinese government... they need foreign currency, and an pervasive asset class that isn't USD. BTC's continued success is probably consistent with their interest.


you fucking cashies just want to suck roger vers dick


>Mining is an energy arbitrage and it will always centralized
Centralization means controlled by an authority. You are describing the desire of the market for efficiency. They are not the same thing. Mining tends toward efficiency. Its only if the mining is centralized that it will tend toward inefficiency. So what Cobra is advocating for is centralization of the mining process. Please educate yourself.

BCASH is dead - join the flappening LTC > BCH within two months

In 3 years time Bitcoin Cash will overtake Bitcoin Segwit. I guarantee it.
The Bitcoin developers are all getting in line behind the POW switch. Segwit coin has no future. If they change off ASIC's it will be easy for a state actor to gain total control of the mining power through hackers and taking control of bot farms. Remember that Windows has backdoors for all their computer products as detailed by Wikileaks and proven by the ransomware attacks.

here we go again with this btc hardfork shit.

what a fucking mess this was last time.

BCH will be king. It doesn't even have many trading pairs yet, and is maintaining 5% of the market share.

The King is dead

Long Live The King!

Bedtime Roger

>Bedtime Roger
Is that all you've got? We have a thread here were we are discussing the fact that Bitcoin developers are working hand in hand with the owner of all major Bitcoin communication platforms to centralize control over the mining algorithm used in Bitcoin so that they can censor whatever users they want off the network and steal their hard-earned profits. And you're response is that? My god, you newfags are such communist bitches.

Oldfag here who never paid attention to this (so newfag). Why do we need a designated p2p currency? Wouldn’t a sufficiently liquid DEX imply currency-agnostic future?

If you want fast transactions and smart contracts, use ETH. If you want decentralization, use BTC. BCH is literally obsolete as there are no categories in which it outperforms the others.

The fact that BCH can continually hard fork without any resistance shows that development is centralized. BTC and ETH are the only coins that have persevered through real governance conflicts, and BTC is the only one which has done so without a dictator.

p.s. LOL at the idea of 0-conf txes meaning anything at all. The whole point of blockchain is that it solves double-spend, and this is reversed by relying on 0-conf. As soon as it is worthwhile for someone to exploit this, BCH's business model will die.

this will completely ruin crypto.

the larger forces at work pushing bcash and roger ver have hurt the entire future of crypto more than any other one incident.

i am not shocked that paid shills on plebbit are forcing this down everyones throats, as we all know bcash is supported by (((them)))

>The fact that BCH can continually hard fork without any resistance shows that development is centralized.
You realize that hard forks are consensual while soft forks are coercive right? With a hard fork you get to choose which chain you follow. With soft forks, there is no choice.
> LOL at the idea of 0-conf txes meaning anything at all. The whole point of blockchain is that it solves double-spend, and this is reversed by relying on 0-conf
You realize Bitcoin Cash has a first seen rule so you can't double spend 0-confirmation transactions. I can tell by your post you only read reddit for your information but there are technical papers on this. I suggest you DYOR.
>If you want decentralization, use BTC.
This is hilarious, you think that a coin with one development team that won't allow conflicting ideas to form is decentralized. And you think that having central authority figures dictate that the mining algorithm needs changed in order to screw honest miners out of hard earned profits is decentralized. Do you know what decentralized means? If one group controls everything about Bitcoin Segwit then its not decentralized.

>i am not shocked that paid shills on plebbit are forcing this down everyones throats, as we all know bcash is supported by (((them)))
So Cobra/Theymos and Luke Dash jr are Bitcoin Cash trolls? What?

This guy is literally a paid shill, just ignore or at least sage.

It hurt the btc price for maybe a month in august but had no effect in the long term. you sound like a child

>anyone who questions BCH is a paid shill
That isn't an argument.

>Wouldn’t a sufficiently liquid DEX imply currency-agnostic future?
You need a unit of account. How can you exchange things without prices? How do you get a "liquid" DEX without currency?

No, I meant the bcash shill here is a shill, I was replying to those guys because its pointless to argue with a shill. Just sage or ignore shills. This is a shill thread.

Bitcoin Segwit supporters unable to comprehend the arguments of others and then promoting censorship. What a surprise! A bunch of retarded communists.

>A bunch of retarded communists.
Not an argument.

I've been thinking about this for the last few days and I actually think this is the way it will pan out. There's going to be several dozens currency coins

>Not an argument.
If all you do is post non-arguments in response to the non-arguments of people on your own side then what can I say to you to argue. Pick one of these posts and argue with any point in any of them. I'll wait.

> And you think that having central authority figures dictate that the mining algorithm needs changed in order to screw honest miners out of hard earned profits is decentralized.
No one with any authority in BTC is in support of switching the mining algo or moving away from POS. Cobra is basically the new Mike Hearn; he doesn't understand what makes BTC valuable, and thinks the current problems require immediate patches or Bitcoin will die.

If you think rules coded into BCH software will protect against double-spends, I'm sorry but you don't understand distributed systems. Anyone can change the code their miner/node runs; there is nothing built into the consensus rules that enforces honoring first-seen transactions, and there can never be since there is no concept of first-seen in a distributed system. This is exactly the problem with Ver running the show, he treats it as a business where fundamentals don't matter and everything is perception. This could pump BCH's price work in the short term (and has been) but will fall apart soon enough.

>bitcoin segwit
Its called Bitcoin fucking degenerate. When will you retards accept no one cares about your bags?
>B-but w-we are the real bitcoin!
Yes imbecile, we have a scaling problem, lets just make the blocks bigger ad infinitum! Sometimes i think you fags are really posting from an asylum!

>No one with any authority in BTC is in support of switching the mining algo or moving away from POS.
You meant to say moving away from POW to POS, that's fine, but the lead developers for Bitcoin Core are in favor of Cobra's proposal. You got hoodwinked, its ok, it happens. But you're on the losing side.
>there is nothing built into the consensus rules that enforces honoring first-seen transactions, and there can never be since there is no concept of first-seen in a distributed system.
Two things, Ripple's only method for stopping double spending is the first seen rule so what meth do you smoke to think its impossible? Secondly the only method to reverse a 0-confirmation transaction is a Finney attack. To do this reliably requires you to be a large miner and it risks you losing out on the block reward in the block you mined. So who would honestly risk 12.5BTC on the potential of double spending to get their groceries from the grocery store? It doesn't make sense from a profit standpoint. Sure its possible, but you will lose a shit ton of money if you try.

>we have a scaling problem

no we don't
it's a non-issue
raise the blocksize and allow moore's law to play its part

>Its called Bitcoin fucking degenerate. When will you retards accept no one cares about your bags?
You call Bitcoin Cash BCash as an insult and get mad when I call your coin Bitcoin Segwit even though it describes specifically the coin I am talking about. Bitcoin Segwit would be akin to calling Bitcoin Cash "Big Block Bitcoin". It is a descriptive name, not an insult (even though Segwit is an insult to crypto).>Yes imbecile, we have a scaling problem, lets just make the blocks bigger ad infinitum! Sometimes i think you fags are really posting from an asylum!
You can run a full node on Bitcoin Cash with a $1000 computer that is capable of receiving 3,000tx/s which is 50% more than VISA. That's with today's technology. So it can grow 3 orders of magnitude today and even poorfags can still run a full node no problem and you will have a network running faster than VISA.

BCRASH will never be Bitcoin
it will forever be BTRASH

bcash will never have LIGHTNING NETWORK

> first seen rule so what meth do you smoke to think its impossible
First seen by who? In a decentralized system, everything is seen at different times by each participant. The transaction first seen by the merchant accepting your 0-conf tx may be different from the one first seen by the miner which mines the block. There is nothing preventing this from being explored, and increasing the block size will increase propagation times making it easier to exploit. The only way this doesn't happen is it the network itself is centralized.

That unit of account is Satoshi right now because BTC has first mover advantage and time-tested network security. Is that all it takes to sustain its #1 position? PoW is environmentally unsustainable right? Thank you

Also you don't need to be a miner to double spend, you just need to broadcast different transactions to different nodes at the same time.

if you buy bcash you will lose all your money

roger ver is a very mentally sick human

roger is a psychopath

The absolute state of Coretards

another day, another thread fylk of paid shilling that gets bumped hour after hour after hour. cashies are getting desperate

>First seen by who? In a decentralized system, everything is seen at different times by each participant. The transaction first seen by the merchant accepting your 0-conf tx may be different from the one first seen by the miner which mines the block.
That's why if you read the manual for Bitcoin Cash you are suggested not to accept 0-confirmation unless you are connected to a network of nodes around the world. Good news is that any company can create such a network and sell this service to retailers around the world for a fraction of a cent payment (only possible through the low fees due to Bitcoin Cash's block size). This "problem" is already solved, the thing is that adoption hasn't increased to the point that the solution is adopted widespread yet.

>bcash will never have LIGHTNING NETWORK
You can have lightning without a malleability fix, or if you want a malleability fix you can use flexible transactions. Read this from the Lightning developers which details how to do Lightning without a malleability fix. (

But you said you wanted a DEX without a currency? You don't have a Satoshi unless you use Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash as a currency? What are you actually trying to say?

so centralization, got it. bcash is a fucking joke

>so centralization, got it.
Centralization means you have a central authority in control of something. That word has no relation to what I said. I'm not even sure how to respond to someone as stupid as you.

You literally described delegating trust in transaction finality to a third party. Please try to explain how that system is not centralized. Compared to LN it's a fucking joke.

bitmain shills in damage control
nobody can do anything with bitcoin without majority consensus or it will just end up another shitty fork like bcash

>Please try to explain how that system is not centralized.
Because you can choose any third party you want or set up your own nodes and do it yourself. Or you can just wait for confirmations and this won't even be an issue. Compare that to Lightning hubs in which only a couple of hubs will be able to route your transaction and if they decide not to route your transaction it can't go through. So which is more decentralized? A system which allows you to choose from any third party nodes and/or your own nodes - or a system in which you are forced to use specific Lightning hubs that can choose whether or not to route your transaction. Again see pic related.

Bitcoin Cash has majority consensus of mining nodes which is how the consensus was created to be found. UASF are something new and only implemented because the Core team couldn't get (and still can't) get majority consensus from miners.

I’m going to read up more. I just feel like right now BTC is only used as trading pairs on exchanges. I don’t buy anything with nor store value in it

i dont know anything about bcash but it sounds like shit lol.

just use real bitcoin. and call bcash something else and stop obfuscating it.

>i dont know anything about bcash but it sounds like shit lol.
This is why I'm so certain Bitcoin Cash will succeed. Only people who don't understand it don't believe in it. Just like Bitcoin from day 1.

> Because you can choose any third party you want or set up your own nodes and do it yourself
Same is true if banks today. There are a ton of banks to choose from, so why do we even need crypto?

Also, setting up your own nodes doesn't work if everyone needs to do it. You need to actually have a significant number of well-distributed (topologically) nodes relative to the wise of the overall network. This is also expensive as fuck, and all in an attempt to re-solve the problem that had already been solved by POW.

On mobile with no time to proof read, please forgive typos.

>23 posts by this ID

how much do you enjoy rogers nuts in your mouth?

Lolwat, plenty of people understand Bcash as it is currently just bitcoin with higher block size limit and a screwy difficulty adjustment algorithm.

Blockstream shills are trying real hard in here. BCash will only become more decentralized as more nodes pop up. That can't be said for BTC and the Lightning network.

>Same is true if banks today. There are a ton of banks to choose from, so why do we even need crypto?
You realize crypto is money, not a bank right? There is competition amongst banks but the money supply is under monopoly control. Hence the introduction of Bitcoin (BCH) as a "Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" not a peer-to-peer electronic banking system. Please deucate yourself.
>Also, setting up your own nodes doesn't work if everyone needs to do it.
That's why most people will use a third party for this like I described. And its only retailers who need this so its a small fraction of all users. Are you even reading what I write?

>Lolwat, plenty of people understand Bcash as it is currently just bitcoin with higher block size limit and a screwy difficulty adjustment algorithm.
That's my point. Bitcoin Cash was created as a hardfork to avoid Segwit, yet you don't even mention that as a reason for its existence. You don't understand the intricacies of blockchains and that's the only reason you are opposed to Bitcoin Cash.

Actually its 26 posts.

If the bankers have turned bitcorn into their golem to fuck with us I'm more than happy to switch to bitcorn crash.
Anybody can recommend me an exchange where trades are paired in BCH that offers most of the top 50 alts as trading pairs tho?
Because realistically Bitcoin cash is going fucking nowhere fast until it has a dedicated exchange that we all use.

>You realize crypto is money, not a bank right? There is competition amongst banks but the money supply is under monopoly control.
We're talking about transaction finality, but money supply. Fiat transaction finality is at the discretion of banks and credit cards providers. Money supply is not interesting in this discussion since both BTC and BCH have fixed distribution methods with no chance of that ever changing.

>That's why most people will use a third party for this like I described. And its only retailers who need this so its a small fraction of all users
So you think it's ok to require merchants to rely on a third party in order to use your "decentralized"network reliable? Gtfo of crypto then.

You guys are idiots. Talking too much about technical stuff you don’t even understand. The only thing that matters is if the product works as they say it does and if the moral values of the product are maintained while making the product to work. Technical stuff is only relevant for a very few people who actually know what they are talking about. Everyone else is sold by marketing and product efficiency. As right now, BTC is way more fun to trade than BCH, ETH is shit along with every single ERC20, LTC is very liked. And the rest of the alts are fine they exist but nobody cares if they die. So, their is no point in not having 90% of your money in BTC, or 50/50 if you bought after the fork and you didn’t sold BCH. The only reason to spend BTC right now is to trade and try get more BTC and that’s it, everyone is playing the long game, even short term trades, because we all know the value of this shit we are buying. This will be huge, when people realice the only way out of inflation is internet coins. #1 BTC #2 BCH #3 LTC

>So you think it's ok to require merchants to rely on a third party in order to use your "decentralized"network reliable?
Its not required you dumbfuck. I explain that in my post. I said its an option. OPTION. Do you know what that word means. It means you can use that method or you can use a method that relies on yourself. You can make shit up all you want, but it just makes you look stupid. Also there is no option for 0 confirmation in Bitcoin Segwit. So Bitcoin Segwit doesn't even compete on this front. So you have BCH which offers many options for 0 confirmation transactions and Bitcoin Segwit which offers none. Then you have BCH which offers many options for routing your transactions and an insurance against censorship and you have Bitcoin Segwit which only has a couple of lightning hubs that can route your transaction and no insurance against censorship.

>We're talking about transaction finality
You realize that in crypto the rules for all aspects of the coin are contained in the money right? So we are talking about money. You brought up banks that have nothing to do with the argument and now you are redirecting again and claiming that I was talking about money supply when I clearly was not. You can make shit up and pretend I said it all you want, that's not how you argue.

The rules for transaction finality in crypto are dictated by the consensus rules of the crypto itself. In BCH you can have finality with 0 confirmations. In Bitcoin Segwit this isn't even an option. Yet another reason why Bitcoin Segwit is inferior.

>The rules for transaction finality in crypto are dictated by the consensus rules of the crypto itself. In BCH you can have finality with 0 confirmations.
This is blatantly false. The fact that you would even suggest this indicates you have no idea wtf you're talking about.

>This is blatantly false. The fact that you would even suggest this indicates you have no idea wtf you're talking about.
What are you talking about? Bitcoin has RBF so you can't trust zero confirmation. Bitcoin Cash has the first seen rule so the only way to reverse transactions are A) spamming multiple transactions at once or B) the Finney attack. Transaction finality isn't blatantly spelled out by the consensus rules, but it is implied.

Okay guys, I've been a supporter of Bitcoin for a long tim, and I've legit hated on bcash.
But if someone can tell me how to open this old wallet, the .dat file isn't in the files, so I figure I encrypted it at some point.., but if someone can tell me what to do, or where I can find out, and I actually get into this, I'll sell all the btc for bch, and same for if a bitcoin guy can tell me, I'll sell the bch for btc. Pic related


if you know the 12 words then you don't need to worry about recovering that file.

What 12 words?


...or, if you have the private key somewhere...

I mean, I've looked for it, but do you know where everything you messed around with from 7 years ago might be? I haven't found it, at any rate


If you think you can double spend go ahead! Some guy put up a challenge:
Get the wallet.dat file and load it on another device. Just start bitcoin on another device and replace the wallet.dat file there with the one on your currently on your device. Also you will have to wait for it to synch before your funds show up. Also if you don't want to sync the blockchain you can load the wallet.dat onto another device then open up the debug window and use the command dumpprivkey
Just follow the guides.

lol it's so funny how many crap charts and images bcash threads post one after another trying so hard to matter to anyone.

Truth is no one cares about bcash. Either people are sticking with the current BTC or they are looking at alt coins if they don't believe in the current BTC. No one wants some trash forked coin that isn't doing anything better than alt coins can do.

There isn't a wallet.dat file. I'm assuming I encrypted the wallet so it was saved differently

Would love to see core change POW. That will absolutely end BTC and put BCH on top where it belongs. Then we can all finally move on with building Bitcoin again. There will still be the most brainwashed and retarded in BTC for sure, but I think most of us will be able to progress forward.

Also, there's so much awesome development and merchant adoption happening with BCH that has me so excited about Bitcoin again.

>No one wants some trash forked coin that isn't doing anything better than alt coins can do.
Its the only coin that uses a world graph network that has near instant transactions with near zero fees. Its the only coin capable of adding all privacy features to the coin. Its the only coin capable of adding smart contracts and tokenization for near zero fees. It's the only coin with Bitcoin in its name that isn't succeptible to the Segwit selfish mining attack. Its the only coin that uses consensual means for contentious upgrades (hardforks) rather than relying on UASF which don't give users the option to pick which chain they use. It will soon be the only coin to use SHA-256 which is the most decentralized form of mining as it is impossible for botnets and hackers to gain a large control over the mining and instead forces miners to be honest businessmen.

I don't know why you guys arguing here about these bitcoins when we have nano now

>There isn't a wallet.dat file. I'm assuming I encrypted the wallet so it was saved differently
You would have had to encrypt the wallet with outside programs like PGP to lock yourself out of the wallet.dat directory. Even if you did that you should still have the encrypted wallet.dat file. If you used PGP the wallet.dat file just has PGP as a prefix or suffix to it, I can't remember exactly how it works.

Okay, I'll look for a file like that. Thank you user for the advice

Bcash is a centralized shitcoin.

Just because one person wants Bitcoin to change it's PoW doesn't mean it will. There's a thing called consensus - your shitcoin only got 20% consensus for the fork; and there will be close to zil for a change to the PoW, unless it's another scam for free money.