New Japanese Onion Variety Promises No More Crying
>Onions are many things; they’re versatile, flavorful, relatively inexpensive, and full of nutrients. They are also no fun to chop.

>The reason behind the tears is a volatile gas that’s released by the onion cells when damaged by, for example, a chopping knife. This year, however, the days of tearful food preparation may be at an end, as Japanese researchers have, after more than 20 years of trial and error, produced onions which release nearly none of those eye-irritating gasses.

>This tearless onion, named the Smile Ball, was sold in trial runs at department stores and online shops within Tokyo, selling out of nearly five tons of the bulbous root. The onions will be sold at supermarkets nationwide this fall, though no specific start date has been specified. The onions will cost ¥450 (US$4.30) for a pack of two, which is approximately twice the price of traditional onions.

Shh, no tears, only dreams.

Just wear glasses

But I like crying when cutting onions

I like the tears, though. It reminds me that I can still feel something, that it's okay to cry sometimes...

>not owning Onion Goggles

>not rubbing sliced onions in your eyes twice a day to build up an immunity to crying.

Japan are you even trying?

Cool, but if your knife isn't shit you typically won't have an issue with this. The price is also ridiculously high, and a bit of crying is definitely worth saving 2 fucking dollars.

If you can't handle onions at their worst you don't deserve them at their best.

So chop faster. Jesus.
Or use a food processor if you're such a fucking pussy.

I mean thats impressive that they ended up producing an onion like that, but was chopping onions ever that bad

Next, they will come in cubes, tasteless


It was probably funded by onion produce companies to remove yet another obstacle that's keeping some people from the delicious layered veggie.

But to your point, no it was never that bad, some people are just really anal about everything.

Does it affect taste?

That kind of thought prevents the invention of curious oddities like seedless oranges.
Were orange seeds a big deal? No. Do people buy them? Yes.

Just the other day I was chopping an Onion and did so without problems, meh, 20 years that could have been used for something better, like a potato that cooks faster that would save up a lot of electricity.
Or 20 years to figure a way to fight the bacteria that might make the Cavendish bananas exctinct.

>The Smile Ball is said to not carry the characteristic smell of regular onions, and, when eaten raw, contains a sweetness similar to apples or nashi Asian pears.

sounds like there would be plenty of recipes where this 'smile ball' would fail as a substitute for regular onions.

put it in cold water for a few mins. greatly reduces tears

Crying when you cut onions is just a chemical reaction devoid of feeling. You're still an emotionless husk, user.

japs have less eyeball showing than westerners so they should be less sensitive to onion gas.

just breath through mouth when chopping

Thanks for reminding me. :|

>not one anti-GMO rant
You're losing your edge Veeky Forums.

I have never in my life cried while cutting an onion and I've been cooking for nigh on ten years now. I don't know if I'm just somehow not reactive to the onion chemicals or what.

so they "invented" sweet onions