What are some good foods you're allowed to eat after wisdom teeth removal?

What are some good foods you're allowed to eat after wisdom teeth removal?

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Popeye's mashed potatoes and gravy

Muh melanin-enriched kin.

peanut brittle

I lived off yoghurt and skyr for a couple days when I had one removed a while ago.

sugar daddies

mac n cheese

>he needs his wisdom tooth removed because he was born with shit tier teeth

actually asking for a friend who's getting gum grafting done and i figured they had similar dietary restrictions

For me, it is the Mcchicken, the best fast food sandwich.

Soft foods are fine but it's best to drink them through a straw. If you open your mouth too wide you run the risk of busting your stitches through your gums.


>I'm the sort of asshole who mocks others for things beyond their control

no homo.

I found scrambled eggs worked well by "chewing" them by mashing them against the roof of my mouth with my tongue

Hot cereals, especially cheese grits.

God damn do I love cheese grits. The only bad thing about them is that they gum up the pot like a motherfucker.

Hra hra, you life in a flyover state! I don't have to have any actual achievements because i was born on the coast XD

skyr? is that food?

oatmeal, smoothies, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese.

stop leveling alts

>Being this dumb

I ate literally nothing but scrambled eggs and cheese for a week when I got mine removed

I've had both done and it is a bit similar. Grafting is less painful and restrictive than having your wisdom teeth out but they should stick to soft food for a couple days. Strained yogurt, protein shakes, ice cream, mashed potatoes. For a few days he should try to avoid anything that has small pieces in it like macaroni salad and oatmeal unless he's really good at cleaning his mouth.

Straws are actually considered a big no after getting wisdom teeth taken out.

Hey OP.

When I got my wisdom teeth out the dentist ran into some trouble, hacked away at my teeth for like four hours, then put me in an ambulance to transfer me to an oral surgeon nearly an hour away.

I spent months of my recovery wanting to eat only one thing: a shotgun. I downed enough opiates over the course of months that I went into acute withdrawal when I finally got off them.

They told me it would be totally routine when they first xray'd me. It can happen to you.

dumb? how? you posted a 4 letter word made up entirely of consonants that i've never heard of.

The reverse can happen too.

Xrays showed that I had six wisdom teeth (two extra ones in my upper jaw), all of which were impacted. My dentist noped out and sent me to an oral surgeon, who, in turn, sent me to a more experienced oral surgeon in a hospital. Guy was able to get all six out in under an hour while I was awake with just local anaesthesia.

He gave me a cortisone shot to prevent swelling, asked me if I had some Ibuprofen at home and sent me on my way. My face never did swell up and Ibuprofen was enough to deal with the pain.

TL;DR not much

>be me
>be 17
>go to dentist, you have 8 wisdom teeth user
>o-o-okay doc, is it cuz I'm so smart?
> funny, user, go see this oral surgeon
>go see oral surgeon
>user we have to put you under 6 of 8 teeth are impacted and I'll practically be standing on your head with a crowbar
>ok doc, see ya next week
> show up, make more autistic jokes while I'm high on sedatives before I go down like Freddy Mercury on a parking pylon
> wake up, get dragged to car, finally get home remembering very little
>try to stagger to my room, mom drags me to kitchen
>bowl of instant mashed potatoes on the bar
>you need to eat something user
> first bite burns my new wounds despite being about 90°
>pass out on bar
>wake up to eat a few bites, stagger up stairs
>lay down elevated with towels under my head and lots of ice packs
>drool blood in my sleep, waking up every few hours to stitch sides and ask for new ice packs
>next day start eating room temperature broths, watered down electrolyte drinks, and mushy food like grits for the next week
> despite being in shape my entire life, I looked like an abused chipmunk

you can eat anything you like -- it just might hurt a bit!

For me, it was cream of mushroom or tomato soup. Loved mashed potatoes as well.

>he has no wisdom
Thanks for letting us know :^)

Eat soft room temperature foods OP. Make sure to squirt your sockets when the dentists gives you your syringe or you'll be in a worse hell than you already are. Good luck.

A friend of mine has no wisdom teeth at all. I didnt know it was possible, i think its the next evolutionary level.

It's time to sample as much ice cream and/or gelato as you can stand.


And this is why kids, if you have impacted wisdom teeth, you tell your dentist to fuck off and go to an oral surgeon

Pudding is king. If your ballsy amd stupid, like I was, you could try pizza by chewing with your tongue.

Don't bother with solids. Go -> intravenous

Idk i just ate a good meal before and skipped food after. When i woke up the next day i ate normaly. Just no chewy food at first.
But first time i had teeth removed doc gave me too much anaesthesia with adrenalin that made me sick for days. I had to be accompanied even in taxi home.
Second time (i got 2 by 2, first left than right side removed) he gave no adrenalin anaesthesia and it was like hairdresser appointment. But second time one of my wisdom teeth had hook like roots. I though he was gonna break my jaw. Nearly fainted.

Get one side out then other one and eat normaly (if ur left side gets removed chew on right etc)

My to upper ones sits fine, the 2 lower ones ever present themselfs, and im old

How old?

78, give or take

Not bad

You crinkled anus.

Makes me happy that my dentist was also an oral surgeon. He blocked off two days a week to do nothing but wisdom teeth removals.

Yes, it's kinda like yoghurt.
