We were looking for the best way to end animal suffering, but also be realistic about meat eating habits...

>We were looking for the best way to end animal suffering, but also be realistic about meat eating habits. Together with Prof. Yaakov Nahmias, an award winning biomedical engineer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, we've been developing a system for producing cultured meat. That means growing REAL meat, non GMO and without antibiotics in machines in supermarkets and communities all over the world.

Thoughts on SuperMeat?

What if we give the animals an anaesthetic and surgically remove a few limbs for our consumption but keep the animal alive?



>award winning biomedical engineer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
pure coincidence

also, I'm not trusting food made by an idiot that believes GMOs and antibiotics are bad.

almost like having ghosts in your toilet breh, not advisable
just flop the river yahtzee and get all dah limbs, penis and tits at once b

implying antimicrobial resistance isnt a FUCKING MASSIVE problem that's clearly being exacerbated by antibiotic usage in industrial farming

also implying I want to eat apple grapes

GMOs don't make apple graps you fucking retard, dafuq are you on about?

So theyre growing meat? like we do plants? Can they grow me a new weiner?

>non gmo
I want to fucking smack these morons.

>non GMO
fuck off

surprised by the amount of retards in this thread who trust corporations to genetically modify their produce

>antimicrobial resistance is a problem
americas doing pretty fucking well desu. if you want to see antibiotic horror try russian prisons and TB

we've been using GMOs since the dawn of man. Corn literally wouldn't exist if not for tampering with its genes.

Yeah you're right let's just keep abusing antibiotics until they don't work anymore so we can really have it bad

If I can get it for 1.49 a pound like usual then I don't give a crap if it grew in a tank.

>non GMO
lol, why the fuck would this be a concern? Let me guess, the meat is gluten free too

Any fucker claiming meat grown in a lab isn't genetically modified is fucking retarded.

selective breeding is not the same as inserting a gene from one organism into another organisms DNA

yeah supermeat sounds fuckin gross and all but so do GMOs desu

you've been watching too much Jurassic park.

take the red pill pussy or stay a slave to the jews

I hate the jews just as much as you, but GMOs aren't hurting anyone or anything. Saying that they're bad just reinforces their narrative that anyone that hates them is crazy.