Is pic related an accurate representation of Atlas Shrugged?

Is pic related an accurate representation of Atlas Shrugged?

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Then I most definitely need to read it. Is it as great as Veeky Forums says it is?

It's like cumming while going Super Saiyan XXV and then Freiza's back with a dick punch somehow strong enough to burst your dragon balls.

please elaborate

It doesn't properly convey it. That image just comes off as 'lolrandom' whereas AS is basically Gods dressed up like humans in a shit world being avatars of a larger god. There's a part near the end of the book where one objectivist pushes another while the woman tries to stop it and it's framed like the entire fucking world tipped.
It's like bad fanfiction but somehow worse. I wish I could remember the page because it was just completely ridiculous.

This is.

I sometimes don't understand if people are too stupid to understand a shit book or if the book is so shit that they don't understand it.

I sometimes wonder of Veeky Forumsizens are capable of making a statement that is clear enough to respond to.
Having read AS more than once, including for a review, I think BtAF's little rant captures on of the most critical of Rand's failures.

lol so random xD

what happens when they do get the robots though

>rich people don't know how to cook
>government is what keeps farms running
yeah that angry flower sure showed them

thats not a very good video

explain why

its a p good video as far as pacing / quality for youtube, cgp is a solid content creator

but i assume u mean his message, so i echo why?

>I am actually clinically retarded
The point of Bob was
1) The characters in AS are so flat and two dimensional they are made of tissue.
2) Rand, who didn't know a thing about anything like manufacturing or transportation, was bluntly, obviously ignorant of the huge amount of people and infrastructure required to maintain anything approaching civilization. her Galt's Gulch of Top Men mining gold and making cigarettes skipped over the fact that in such a society a majority of epople and labor would be on basic agriculture, not classical music (that no one there could play because duh - no orchestra or spare time!).
Rand was a ranter, not a thinker or planner, and the holes in Atlas Shrugged are so many and so large a locomotive could drive through most of them
>see what I did there?

Someone has to build, maintain, and repair them

so a small amount of highly skilled middle class workers?
the point is that the traditional working class is rapidly becoming obsolete

Our duty is clear

>middle class workers
Skilled workers are not middle class.

Modern farmers have million times as much productivity as those in the middle age. Yet, faggots like you would argue that the latter was the better time.
Fuck off.

I'm not arguing in favour of Ludditism
I'm eagerly awaiting the techno-singularity

>implying we think the past was better

you missed the point of the video, you subhuman mongoloid

>Atlas Shrugged is a poorly-written, poorly-plotted, overly-long potboiler full of thin characters, plot holes, and author rants
>ITT: People argue about who would maintain a hypothetical army of labor bots
This is where Objectivists come from, kids

yeeea cgp is most defs not making a golden age claim,

in fact you're agreeing w his points

productivity per person is UP, meaning that need for labour is DOWN

basic income when

probably never
rich people are just going to live in their automatic enclaves while the rest of us fester in the Islamic swamp

i see the possibility of a ruling class finding it cost-effective to provide a basic income to us below.
not claiming it would solve our problems by any means, it honestly benefits the rich more to keep the masses appeased and believing that they are cared for.
at least in canada (where i'm at) i can see it happening.

if the rich can secure their property and reproduce wealth without the rest of the world they'll do it in a heartbeat
I certainly would

Is that why they're all complaining about burgerbitches almost making the same as them?

desu i don't think "the rich" are homogeneous enough of a group to do that. that's sort of a fantasy scenario. my understanding of wealth is that it changes hands often, and most people who are wealthy fight tooth and nail with other wealthy people to increase/maintain their wealth. there isn't this cigar-toting belly laugh kinship among everyone earning 7+ figures or possessing equivalent assets, they are often each others' enemies.

vaguely hot 2bh

No it doesn't. That rich playboy in the utopia city is ready to plow the field for his own work and future. That comic is literally a parasite bitching that he has to work. An objectivist would paid whomever can cook and work on their own shit.

And Marx was bad at finances.



What I would give for a night of passion with Ayn Rand. I don't even like her ideas. In fact it makes me horny to fuck a female author who I disagree with. I imagine her hurriedly making amends to her notes so I will consider for another bout of "find my peacock".