I've been reading Nietzsche and just realized that Social Justice is nothing but the secular metamorphosis of Christian...

I've been reading Nietzsche and just realized that Social Justice is nothing but the secular metamorphosis of Christian slave morality.
How the FUCK do we stop it!?

you can stop being easily impressionable, for a start

You can't.

no brakes on this train
ride the tiger

u tried but u failed

would he vote for trump?

took you a while
protip: egalitarianism comes from Christianity too

>stop it

Read more Nitch:

>"the leveling process of European man is the great process which should not be checked: one should even accelerate it..."

stop trying to be christian by stopping it, OP, you're not helping anybody just lying to yourself

Why do right wing nuts keep trying to appropriate Nietzsche to their xenophobic beliefs? Have you heard what Nietzsche said about Islam? You're seriously fucking deluded if you think Nietzsche is some kind of stormfag.

It's not about xenophobia, m8. It's about ressentiment and mediocrity.

I've seen many stormfags here quote excerpts from Nietzsche's sister as if her confused "let's found a colony in South America and embezzle the money" proto-Nazism was actually the work of Freddy Nietzsche himself (i.e., The Will To Power)

Why contain it?
It's cool.

this pic reminds me of tomb raider

you can't

You realise 'right wing nuts' and Muslims are natural allies, right? They're both reactionary traditionalists who hate Jews.

Islam is right wing though

seriously though who would he have voted for? def not clinton i think. or zodiac killer. bernie or trump?

I don't think you've even read the Qur'an so you're not really fit to judge an entire fucking religion.

The Koran is relatively irrelevant. It's about the actual praxis of Muslims rather than some hypothetical scholarly Islam that academics argue about. This whole "REAL Islam isn't like that guys!!" is just no true Scotchman damage control.

Why don't you go whine about the scary immigrants on /pol/, then, hmm?

Killing yourself ;)

Because I'm too busy correcting plebs who think that speaking positively about some aspects of Islam somehow precludes having right wing sentiments.

Right wingers tend to have a problem with foreign cultures taking over their own countries, not with Arabs doing their Arab thing in their Arab lands.

None, you retards. And certainly not Trump

>not with Arabs doing their Arab thing in their Arab lands
This is so completely untrue I don't know where to begin

Fucking destroyed

I actually winced

Seriously, too many of you plebs are posting about N without having read enough of him.
> Start with the Greeks
> Kill yourself

When have you ever heard of a nationalist complaining about the stuff that happens in countries that don't concern them (i.e.those that aren't actively sending waves of migrants at them).

>protip: you don't.

>lol you just didnt read enough :^)
Is this the ebin new meme?

But Christianity imposes a power structure which allows for some letting of ressentiment and diverts the rest back into the individual. Secular slave morality is basically a vengeful mob.

I don't think Nietzsche was very big on voting

no its not

You are dumber than a rock.
Start with the greeks.

Contemporary postmodern social justice isn't just slave morality, it's the combination of slave morality with precisely the sort of genealogical critique that actually has its origins in Nietzsche. Nietzsche and SJWs agree that Enlightenment morality is just a reformulation of Judeo-Christian morality and has its origins in power relations. The difference is that SJWs cling to Enlightenment ideals anyway, and therefore reject master morality while simultaneously undermining the foundations of slave morality. Nietzsche, on the other hand, recognizes that if power relations are foundational, the will the power must be the central principle of life, and since this means morality has to go out the window, we have to self-consciously reformulate our values along aesthetic, rather than moral, lines. SJWs are doing this anyway, but they aren't self-conscious of it, and so the individuality they think they're celebrating is really just mediocrity.

actual kek

The idea that a SJW has the same basic philosophy as a religeon which promotes mercy and the idea that all human life has value is rediculous

Same way you stop christianity, with capitalism.

A 19th century man got caught up in the Orientalism common in his time? What a surprise! I'm sure he would totally feel the same if he were alive today.

Are you actually saying /pol/tards are just "caught up" in the anti-muslim movement "common in their time"?

What a fine way of saying nothing

Yeah, but both attitudes are perfectly valid. It's just wrong to assert that someone would feel the same way when confronted with the political realities of a different time.

Do libertarian broadcasters and websites use the word social justice, or is it only an Internet thing?

Isn't that what the neocons did?

You have no idea what you're talking about, and if you actually read some literature and philosophy you'd know that most "right-wing" ideas were held for a reason and that they were true and correct. You have no idea what you're talking about.
You are so fucking blind to being invaded and blown to pieces by one race that you instead go after its victims, i.e. European countries. You are a deluded, selfish coward who has not one shred of sympathy left for your own people, and this is the reason why we are going down.

Fuck off Ebola
Read Hegel. History is a spiral not a circle, u loser.

Idk what your idea of nationalism looks like, but quite unanimously statesmen tend to be concerned with the affairs of other states. It's kinda just part of the job, like a big part.

We revive God from the dead.
Kierkegaard was right.

neocons/libs enforcing their universalist borderless ideology is not nationalism and you're being disingenuous pretending otherwise
New Right parties don't give a shit, even Trump has hinted at disbanding NATO

Nietzsche is empirically wrong on the emergence and role of morality in humans.
His anti-Darwinian metaphysical world-view can't help stop social evolution from occurring.

I never said they were, and you are too naive if you believe everything else you typed there. I don't think you know what nationalism is, infowarrior.

No, Necrons try to eradicate all life. At least they did, now a days they spend their time being dicks and hunting c'tans

In the three or four civilised countries of Europe it is possible; by several centuries of education, to make out of women anything that we like,- even men, not in a sexual sense, of course, but certainly in every other sense. At some point, under such an influence, they will have taken on all male virtues and strengths, and of course they will also have to take male weaknesses and vices into the bargain. This much, as I said, one can bring about by force. But how will we endure the intermediate stage it brings with it, which itself can last a few centuries, during which female follies and injustices, their ancient birthright, still claim predominance over everything they will have learned or achieved? This will be the time when anger will constitute the real male emotion, anger over the fact that all the arts and sciences will be overrun and clogged up by shocking dilettantism; bewildering chatter will talk philosophy to death; politics will be more fantastic and partisan than ever; society will be in complete dissolution because women, the preservers of the old custom, will have become ludicrous in their own eyes, and will be intent on standing outside custom in every way. For if women had their greatest power in custom, where will they not have to reach to achieve a similar abundance of power again, after they have given up custom?

no point getting hung up on the differing definitions of words
the point is the right is transitioning from "we need to combat terrorism worldwide and stabilise the middle east" to "just keep them away from us"

whoever wants to lower taxes on fruit

Why assume that he is right? Also it's not slave morality, you actually end up with more Ubermensch people when you ensure they have their needs meet, good education, sound infrastructure and the like, and less poverty.

Why do you think we make more and more progress as society develops, with an exponential growth in brilliant people and the intellectual contributions.

With more people actualizing, we all benefit and are also thereby raised up by the ascension of others.

The only true slave morality is thinking that life has to be hard and unfair for brilliant people to arise. That's the lie to which many are beholden and you only end up being deprived of the potential of others which might have enable your own potential.

And sadly, right wingers will simply label an entire real of thought as SJW or social justice and dismiss it all which is the epitome of anti intellectualism.

Cuck detected

>Also it's not slave morality, you actually end up with more Ubermensch people when you ensure they have their needs meet, good education, sound infrastructure and the like, and less poverty.
>Why do you think we make more and more progress as society develops, with an exponential growth in brilliant people and the intellectual contributions.

enjoy your prole soup of a "civilization"

Thank you for proving my last point. Anti intellectualism is rampant, even here.

No argument, no attempt to understand.

Sad really.

Here is the cure

That's wrong and here is why.
Secular culture in as much as it is secular revolves around a mimetic mechanism.
To equate mimesis with Christianity only shows how intellectually mediocre you are considering that it is actually the antithesis of mimetic systems such as pegan mythology.
So secular culture is essentially a pagan myth culture, same mechanism, only now we deify things like science.
If Social Justice as you call it is just a secular metamorphosis of a religious concept (that in itself is retarded btw), then what were the last 2000 years of western civilization?
Also, there's no such thing as "Christian slave morality," it's a shit idea made up by butthurt atheists who don't know what they're talking about.

i thought you were dead girard

>says "you have no idea what you're talking about"
>doesn't add any idea to clarify his own statement

Have you been in a university within the past decade or so? It has become common parlance among the left to such an extent that even some on the left are self aware of the SJW criticism.

I just listened to a guy screaming at a Christian preacher in Red Square (University of Washington) about how I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SAY HOMOSEXUALITY IS EVIL, ITS FUCKING 2016!"

Yeah, he literally said that. Funnily enough Nietzsche fundamentally agrees with the CURRENT YEAR argument, you can only judge a man and his views based on the values of his time.

It's anti-pseudointellectualism, not anti-intellectualism. Lurk more, faggot.

I actually just re-read that in HATH, I have to take breaks from reading that shit sometimes, the redpill is just too hard to swallow. And he was writing over 100 years ago. It's the same with Aristotle and Plato, Nietzsche just has a stronger impact because he's closer to our time.

>more ubermensch people

you do not understand what that word means or what Nietzsche's take on virtue ethics looks like at all.

kek'd. Thread saved.

youre a dorable

Not an argument, merely assertion. Try again.

Not an argument either, more anti intellectualism.

Proving my point more and more.

Can you address the actual argument I set forth or not?

Come on you pleb.

how could you write so much while saying so little

Still not an argument, Q.E.D.

The right's anti intellectualism essentially makes discourse impossible.

Nietzsche is pleb trash.

Nietzsche's philosophy is stupid. Even in his time man was becoming more subordinate to the concepts of progress, not less. The real future of mankind is to become more of a slave to technological progress and the society that perpetuates it. You can either:

1. Try to destroy the whole edifice of progressive society and live like primitivist feudalists or

2. Anaesthetize the effects of progress and slavery, and hope that our slip into extinction is as painless as possible.


Honestly, everything Ayn Rand bitched about parasites can be applied to SJW.

I've been saying it for years, and I will say it again: any modern ubermensch worth his weight in salt must exhaust his time and mental energies on obscure political clashes on the internet.

by going on /pol/ everyday and nursing an obsession with finding proof of your own victimisation everywhere you look.

Oh how I would have loved to infiltrate her willing cave. I would open the door to her dusky bedroom and find her sprawled languishly over her naked bed. Her eyes would accompany me to her side and when our lips met love would shatter in the ambient air.
I'd fuck her in all the positions, and invent some more.

If you don't think he would have voted for bernie you need to reread some of his texts.


He really was a trend-hopping cuck, wasn't he?

Nietzsche would have voted for Trump, as Trump embodies the very Ideal of the Ubermensch. He is a 'free spirit' who rejects the politically correct slave dogma of his time, to create his own superior values. Trump is a modern day Aristocrat, an Artist-Tyrant who bends reality to his will. Trump embraces the material world, with all its wealth and its power. This obviously, infuriates the last man, embodied by numales, leftists and SJWs who hate strenght and power and love weakness, disease and perversion


Neitzsche wasn't an American, and he probably wouldn't want to step foot in today's America. He couldn't have voted for Trump even if he wanted to.

Pretty good analysis user. Underrated post.

you have to go back

are you sure you aren't just acting with slave morality toward social justice itself?

D'ya think Nietszche would've liked the Alt-Right?

hello, u

>we have to self-consciously reformulate our values along aesthetic, rather than moral, lines.

You had it right up until here. It is a common mistake but Nietzsche never advocated the idea of evaluating the life through an aesthetic prism. He saw life as a chase of power through the creation and trial of new values, not a hedonistic experience. It would be more correct to say
>we have to self-consciously reformulate our values along greatness, rather than morals.

Current "social justice" isn't completely in line with Darwinism, it is dripping ideology. It's important to recognize which parts of Nietzschean thought are refuted by Darwinism (as you said correctly: his metaphysics), but when you settle the approaches with each other you still get an ideal world very different from that imagined by SJW'S.
Also, I think saying his world-view was anti-Darwinian is an exaggeration - since his authentic, free ideal of a person can still exist within a Darwinian world.

Islam is right-wing



Definitely Trump.

You are nihilistic scum

>If Social Justice as you call it is just a secular metamorphosis of a religious concept (that in itself is retarded btw), then what were the last 2000 years of western civilization?
A tremendous contention between the knight and the priest, where the knight was finally corrupted into pleasure and the priest came out on top.

See: Hagen tossing the priest into the Danube river in the Nibelungenlied, failing, and the priest getting away, leaving Hagen to march into his fated death.

>Thinking Nietzsche would have voted for BERNIE

"at least that is the conlcusion a doctor may arrive at who has treated Negroes (taken as representatives of prehistoric man--) for severe internal inflammations that would drive even the best constituted European to distraction
(Genealogy of Morals, II 7)

Threadly reminder that out of 95 posts, no one has made a good argument as to why Nietzsche would ever support Leftism and would not embrace some form of alternate right wing ideas. And if there is 200 more posts, it still won't be proven, because you can't prove something right that is wrong, no matter how hard you try.

I'll take "teenagers who don't understand Nietzsche" for 1000, Alex

Fedora 2.0: The Tippening

i agree but would the big N buy a dakimakura