Fuck that manlet jew Rhett and his cronies, this was all a big pump and dump...

Fuck that manlet jew Rhett and his cronies, this was all a big pump and dump, no exchange wants to support this piece of shit nugget because they don't want to be associated with a p&d SCAM coin. The fork will be called off last second and Rhett will run away to Mozambique with his fat pockets. I hope they catch him and he gets aids in jail

Lost so much money on this FUCK i'm furious. If I see that manlet shit I will decapitate him

>FUD on biz
This shits going to go stratospheric


>Buy high, sell low
You're doing the Lord's work brother

so did i
but i blame myself
there was so much volatility to capitalize on and i failed to do anything but sit there hodling with my dick in my hand

lovin this FUD.. i honestly thought this wouldnt dip one last time but it keeps proving me wrong

He made whalecoin and has "im a scammer" aa his pinned tweet

DYR, he is a master p and d, so i always hop in on his p and ds, unironically became a millionare after zlc p and d, just wondering if this would be the time he gets killed since a lot of crazy normies r in crypto now

so was there news bittrex isnt supporting? or are we still just waiting to see

Still waiting

You only need it in for the snapshot tho right?

Its going to dump so hard on the 29th

Wtf is going on, why the big buy orders all of a sudden

Wow and what else did you expect? Why would you not invest money in real projects like digibyte or so? And you get all mad and what not :P

because whales have been shaking out weak hands this past week. this is your last chance to buy at this price before announcement

Because whales are buying the panic -_- This has been happening every time it gets near .01 reason enough to stay in honestly

bittrex will support it, its already shown in their wallet.
binance too, but announcement after fort.
both exchanges can't handle the dump and buy, both in terms of ZCl and bandwidth.
small exchanges like satoshitrade support the fork and their success actually depends on it.
screencap in case you don't believe me.

This guy knows whats up-- If you were an exchange, it would be stupid not too. you think theyd give up hundred if thousands if not millions in fees this would bring them? Besides, if one didnt the other would-- Bittrex and binance are competing businesses

>it would be stupid not too

Yeah, except nobody wants to be associated with the most transparent scam since Bitconnect.

yeah sure buddy,


Binance already listed Bitcoin Gold and Bitcoin Diamond.. Bittrex did NXT fork.. Einstenium... In their eyes, they are supporting the coins the people want. They cant stop whether something pumps and dumps!

Besides, they learned from the NXT airdrop that adding support early would call a massive dump... In my opinion this is establishing a better future for BTCP

I bought at 128. Did I fuck up? Should I hold or nah? Also will keeping my zcl on tradesatoshi get me the airdrop?


looking like it.
btc up 10%
ZCl down 10%

You should've known that it was a risky move, it could either double your investment or kill it completely.

Use the electrum wallet on the zcl offical website to get the btcp coins when it forks

ZCL above $100 is pretty much a gamble at this point.
personally id bet BTCP goes to $300-$500 like everyone and their grandma says, but it will take a while and youll have to stomach the initial dump and swings before getting there.

to be honest, everyone that held zcl despite my non stop warnings on every zcl/btcp post on biz deserves to loss every single penny their own.

Def learned my lesson. Never attaching myself to any shitcoin. Only buy news, rumors and hype pumps. That's all this market deserves